
if you live in Westchester or close from Katonah,...

source This week ARRIVALS, an exhibition curated by Heather Ewing , opened at the #KatonahMuseumofArt. It's on view through January 23, 2022. Come visit! The show is organized around a series of "arrival moments" -- Columbus, the Middle Passage, the Mayflower, Ellis Island / Angel Island, WW2, 1965, and Today -- in order to explore some of the myths and origin stories that have shaped American identity. ARRIVALS asks how artists over several centuries have helped to construct these stories, disrupt or challenge them, how they have navigated their own arrival stories, and how they are imagining new kinds of stories to tell in future. Some of the 50+ artists represented include Hannelore Baron, Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, Enrique Chagoya, Willie Cole, vanessa german, Mohamad Hafez, Dorothea Lange, Titus Kaphar, Cannupa Hanska Luger, Faith Ringgold, Ben Shahn, Roger Shimomura, Jaune Quick-to-See Sm...

the New Museum

The 2021 New Museum Triennial Photography Aubrey Mayer The 2021 New Museum Triennial, “Soft Water Hard Stone,” includes 40 artists and collectives from around the world. Six of the participating artists in the exhibition answered TheGuide’s questionnaire: Gabriel Chaile Tomás Díaz Cedeño Kang Seung Lee Kahlil Robert Irving Iris Touliatou Ambera Wellmann The artists reveal their feelings on gossip, their favorite art joke, most treasured possession, what qualities make for a good work of art, their most flattering compliment, if they feel the earth is safe, and more. Published: November 12, 2021 The fifth New Museum Triennial, “Soft Water Hard Stone,” is on view at the New Museum, 235 Bowery, through January 23, 2022. The exhibition is curated by Margot Norton, Allen and Lola Goldring Curator at the New Museum, and Jamillah James, Senior Curator, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (ICA LA), with Jeanette Bisschops, Curatorial Fellow, and Bernardo Mosqueira, ISLAA Curatori...


RED HOOK ? NEW YORK ? read this email sent by KENTLER INTERNATIONAL DRAWING SPACE Robert Aitchison STATE OF EMERGENCY: PORTRAITS FROM THE PANDEMIC November 6 - December 12, 2021 Join us for the Opening Reception: Saturday, November 6, 4-6pm Artist's Talk: December 5, 4pm (Proof of Vaccine & Masks Required, observing pandemic precautions) Kentler International Drawing Space is pleased to present State of Emergency: Portraits from the Pandemic, a solo exhibition of new work on paper by Brooklyn-based artist Robert Aitchison. This body of work explores complex notions of presence, engagement and isolation in the era of Covid. Beginning in March 2020, Aitchison utilized video chat platforms to make hundreds of sketches of close friends. The resulting portrait series is at once vibrant and introspective. His subjects are jarringly foregrounded and many present with duplicate or askew facial features. These distortions mirror the glitchy, interrupted and delayed experienc...
 ENJOY the COOPER HEWITT MUSEUM as the entrance is free until the end of this month Visit for Free Plan your visit Make the most of Cooper Hewitt’s final month of free admission by visiting our landmark exhibitions. Combat the shortening days with a dose of Key West sunshine from  Suzie Zuzek for Lilly Pulitzer: The Prints That Made the Fashion Brand . Or feel the power of pioneering graphic design in  U nderground Modernist: E. McKnight Kauffer . Reserve your free tickets today

exhibits IN NYC closing Soon as of October 27 2021

 to have an idea about Shows coming soon check out :

about the "Payne Whitney Mansion" in New York

  Propriété de la France depuis 1952, la Payne Whitney Mansion, sise au 972 Fifth Avenue, chef-d’œuvre architectural du Gilded Age new-yorkais, abrite désormais le siège de la Villa Albertine, tête de pont d’un réseau de 10 antennes à travers les États-Unis. Dans le cadre d’une rénovation d’ampleur, les espaces de réception ont été restaurés et redécorés par l’Atelier de Ricou, en écho au travail mené par le décorateur Jacques Garcia pour la Librairie Albertine en 2014. Cette rénovation complète la restauration de la Venetian Room en 2018 et antérieurement la redécouverte du Cupidon de Michel-Ange, seule statue de l’artiste présente sur le sol nord-américain. La création contemporaine fait également à cette occasion son entrée dans ce bâtiment historique. À l’été dernier, une carte blanche a été offerte à Flora Moscovici (née en 1985) pour la réalisation d’une œuvre monumentale, intitulée Helen’s Stairway, prenant la forme d’un all-over éthéré et coloré dans l’escalier desservant l...

Americas Society on display from September 22 to December 18, 2021.

This Must Be the Place: Latin American Artists in New York, 1965–1975 On view:  September 22, 2021  through  May 14, 2022 Americas Society presents  This Must Be the Place: Latin American Artists in New York, 1965–1975 , a two-part group exhibition exploring the work of a generation of migrants who created and exhibited in New York City between 1965 and 1975. Featuring installation, photography, video art, painting, and archival material, the exhibition brings together a generation that actively participated in experimental artistic movements while pushing forward their own visual languages and ideas, with works exploring topics of migration, identity, politics, exile, and nostalgia. Additionally, the exhibition highlights the important contributions and solidarity initiatives of groups and collectives, testimony of these artists effort to create community and to forge a space for themselves. Part I is currently on display from September 22 to December 18, 2021. Part...