
Showing posts from September, 2007

Short Term Rental IN Chelsea

On behalf of my friend Reyna: Sept 28,07 Hi, Just a note to let you know there is a furnished apartment available in my building for short term rental that I am offering to friends, family artists and clients who want to stay in the Chelsea area while visiting NYC. Address: W 22nd St. Bet 6th and 7th Avenues Huge space: 2250 sq feet: High ceilings, 1 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, TV room, Dinning and living room, laundry, full kitchen. Daily rent $275 Weekly rent: $1750 For reservations: 914 329 6667

RAPPEL ARMONK ce week end Sept 29-30

EDGARD REIMS is another artist we love to see again and again @ Armonk Check his website by clicking on the title of the post ... which starts with.."Claude Monet once said, "I don't paint a tree; I paint the air between the tree and my eye." This I think captures the challenge and appreciation of pure impressionistic painting. Although my oils are done from nature, I wouldn't describe them as purely impressionistic. Proper color is paramount, creating atmospheric effect, but I try to bring more of a feeling of place to my work. It is gratifying to know that "plein-air" painting has maintained its niche among the varied styles and concepts of late twentieth century art. These paintings should be appreciated for what they are - little slices of fleeting daylight, moments in nature that are ever changing.

Infos de la MAISON des ARTISTES

VILLE DE DINAN MAISON D'ARTISTE de LA GRANDE VIGNE PEINDRE A DINAN ? Bénéficier gracieusement d'un atelier (comprenant un logement) pour travailler en Bretagne un mois, entre janvier et décembre... A Dinan, en bordure de rance, La Grande Vigne est une maison d'artiste qui se visite : celle où Yvonne Jean-Haffen vécut (1895-1993), qu'elle a décoré ; la maison où elle a reçu Mathurin Méheut et de nombreux amis, où est conservé le fonds de son atelier. La Ville de Dinan et la société "Les Amis de la Grande Vigne" y ont créé un Atelier d'artiste, dans une dépendance dite "La Vignette", sur le quai de la Rance. Elles se proposent d'y accueillir peintres, dessinateurs et graveurs. Afin de perpétuer la tradition artistique de Dinan et celle de cette Maison d'artiste, un gîte leur est offert (préciser la durée du séjour et la période souhaitée). Pour l'année à venir FAIRE ACTE DE CANDIDATURE EN ADRESSANT : un exposé des motivations, un curric...

Another Blog

once you've started.........the daughter of a very good friend of mine went to China and realized a project about..the SILK ROAD.. Look at her blog...wonderful stories and pictures...........

Infos on Philadelphia

A lot of public art..and a website with lots of information Philadelphia Public Art Titles Artists Years People Landmarks Architecture Size Content Tours Exhibits All

Save the date October 10th @the Neuberger

Performances and Screenings Season Four Preview of Art21 | 7 pm ART21: ECOLOGY In late October, PBS will air Season Four of its award-winning series Art21: Art in the Twenty-First Century, television’s only series dedicated exclusively to contemporary art. Visually captivating and intriguing, contemporary art is admired and appreciated by many, yet few are given access to the creative processes behind the work – the inspiration and ideas that translate into compelling finished objects. The Neuberger Museum of Art will present a screening and discussion of one of the series’ episodes, Ecology. The post-screening discussion will be led by Kelly Shindler, Art21 Manager of Public Programs and Outreach. Ecology introduces viewers to Ursula von Rydingsvard, Inigo Manglano-Ovalle, Robert Adams, and Mark Dion, four contemporary artists whose work poses questions about the relationships between nature and culture. Admission is free, but reservations are required as seating is limited: 914.2...

Opening In NYC Consulate of Argentina

Apres avoir habite New York pendant tres longtemps et plus particulierement 78ieme et York, Beatriz Vidal a retrouve l'Argentine en Janvier 07, non sans avoir prevu une exposition au COnsulat d'Argentine qui a lieu en Octobre. Vous etes invite a la decouvrir dans les superbes locaux du consulat Argentin a l'occasion de l'inauguration le 4 Octobre entre 6 et 8 pm .. Beatriz Vidal revient d'un voyage d'etudes en Mongolie et sa specialite est l'illustration de livres d'enfant ayant recu de nombreux prix.

Anyone interested in a studio Visit?

A friend of mine told me about David Loeb, painter living not too far and willing to welcome us and share his work. David speaks french very well not only because his wife is french but he also lived in France. This is an opportunity I always encourage to be able to meet the artist and discuss We can easily set up one day or Saturday to go and visit him.In the meantime, this is his "statement": DAVID LOEB I am essentially a portraitist; and for me, portraiture is human still life; likewise, still life suggests the figure and humanity. In both cases, structure mirrors a particular personality or set of psychological inter-relationships. My goal is to create order and beauty… to pose and provoke the big questions… and to evoke a world of paradox and transformation. check his work at ,also at or

Open Studios DUMBO

My studio at 25 Washington St. #630 in DUMBO, Brooklyn will be open this weekend, Saturday and Sunday Sept 29 and 30. I will be exhibiting watercolors, prints and fine art notecards, with a lot of new works in the cityscape series. Plus, there are many other studios and exhibits going on at the same time. It would be lovely to see you. Diana Milia, LCAT ATR-BC

Westchester Accueil Expedition

Greenwood Cemetery of Brooklyn - Jeudi 11 octobre à partir de 9h "It is the ambition of the New-Yorker to live upon the Fith Avenue, to take his airing in the Park, and to sleep with his fathers in Green-Wood." Henry J. Raimond, founder of the New-York Times. Fondé en 1838, Green Wood Cemetery est l'un des premiers cimetières jardins des-Etats unis. Il devient à la fin des années 1850, l'un des plus élégants cimetières, où les plus grands artistes et architectes de leur temps ont édifié mausolées, sculptures et monuments pour les plus grandes icônes new- yorkaises. En Octobre 2006, Green Wood fut declaré officiellement monument historique. C'est le 4ème cimetière aux Etats-Unis a avoir reçu une telle distinction. Ce tour guidé sera mené par Big Onion Tours. Leur guides specialisés dans l'histoire et l'architecture de NYC vous donneront un exposé fascinant sur ce trésor architectural de l'histoire New-Yorkaise avec des arrêts sur les tombes de De...

At the MOMA

Focus: Ellsworth Kelly Through January 7, 2008 Over the past five decades, the American artist Ellsworth Kelly has redefined abstraction. MoMA presents a riveting installation of his paintings and drawings, including recent acquisitions—Relief with Blue (1950), Dominican (1952), and Two Whites (1959)—and a major work from the 1980s, Three Panels: Orange, Dark Gray, Green (1986).

Opening of the New Gallery MMK Artist's GUILD


This week end........busy, busy, very busy....

If you look for the specific label "agenda" you won't get a calendar but all postings related to somthing happening around here or else...and for this week end you have the choice, it might even be overwhelming! POOL ART FAIR in New York City ARMONK Outdoor Fair in....ARMONK DUMBO Open Studios in Brooklyn NY ......No time for staying in bed,...the weather is on their side...(their= arts lovers)

Suite Bruce plus particulierement


Elle court, elle court Maripa , Le MARATHON

Chers amis, Le 4 novembre, c'est le marathon de NY...Certains d'entre vous en ont deja plein les oreilles tellement j'en parle.... Jean-Medhi Grangeon a repondu immediatement "present" a l'action de fundraising que j'ai engagee pour l'equipe Team for Kids, avec laquelle je cours ce marathon. Il met en vente un des ses tableaux dont le produit ira integralement a l'association. le tableau a deja ete vendu et si vous voulez soutenir MariePA vous pouvez toujours la sponsoriser check "Contactez moi au 917 348 6070 ou 914 713 8724 merci d'avance pour votre interet dans cette demarche. Marie-Pascale Martorell"

At the Bruce museum

Thank you Cathy Our preferred docent at the Bruce for pointing all the events going on at the Bruce museum, exit 3 on 95 North ! Check their website for details on Artists talk related to this exhibi opening soon And Save the date for the outdoor Art Fair week end October 5th and 6th... Contemporary and Cutting Edge: Pleasures of Collecting, Part III Opening September 29, 2007, and continuing through January 6, 2008 The Bruce Museum’s major fall/winter exhibition is the third in a series of exhibitions honoring local art collectors. This exhibition gathers together some of the finest examples of modern and contemporary art residing locally. Works by modern masters include Louise Bourgeois, Roy Lichtenstein, and Andy Warhol as well as the newly minted stars of the contemporary scene such as Vanessa Beecroft, Marc Quinn, and E.V. Day are on the working checklist.The exhibition and its catalogue are generously underwritten by Lehman Brothers. The exhibition is also supported by the Charl...

UBS Collection

Le lundi generalement , les musees sont ferme Cela donne le temps de consulter des collections online comme par exemple celle de UBS qui an + , notamment a un espace Galerie sur la 6ieme Avenue entre la 51 et 52 Street. Actuellement un show intitule "25 years after"...

Sponsor Marie Pascale by your donation

Please read the following letter sent by my friend Marie Pascale Dear Friends, You may know that I’ve entered the NYC Marathon on November 4th. I’m training hard, but it’s not just for a medal (although I’ll wear it proudly). I’m a member of Team for Kids, a group of more than 1,000 runners who raise funds to support the youth services arm of New York Road Runners. The funds pay for running-based fitness, goal-setting, and nutrition programs in 150 schools in New York, around the country, and in South Africa. Right now, 25,000 kids a week take part. By learning about and practicing good habits, these kids can lower their risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes and lead healthier, more productive lives. My goal is to raise $ 5 000, so every dollar counts...Thank you in advance for helping achieve my goal. It is now faster and easier than ever before to make a donation. You can donate by going online to

Opening in,.....CHATOU

MYRIAM DELAHOUX "Les fantômes de l'atelier" MYRIAM DELAHOUX serait heureuse de vous recevoir pour l'inauguration de son nouvel atelier, au 20bis rue des Beaunes à Chatou. Au coeur de l'ancienne friche Pathé-Marconi, "Les fantômes de l'atelier" rappellent au quartier son passé industriel. Ces ombres de nos pères, présences humaines aux formes aériennes, Myriam les a façonnés dans le fer, laissé par son prédécesseur, le chaudronnier Foucat. L'exposition rétrospective donnera une vue d'ensemble des oeuvres de la sculpteur (qui est aussi peintre, graveur et professeur d'art plastique), oeuvres de terre, bronze, papier, tissu, sable ou métal. Jeudi 27 et Dimanche 30 septembre 2007 de 15h à 22h Vernissage de l'exposition, Jeudi 27 septembre à 18h RER A Chatou-Croissy Bus 2A, 4B, arr. République-Leclerc ; 4A, 4C, arr. Pathé DEUX JOURS D'EXPOSITION AU NOUVEL ATELIER 20bis rue des Beaunes 78400 Chatou 06 86 16 19 76 Avant de venir, vous po...


au profit des Associations Abraham House et ATD Quart Monde - Samedi 20 Octobre de 9h à 15h Dans la cafétaria de la FASNY à Mamaroneck ■ Si vous avez des objets à donner (jouets, articles de sport, vaisselle, objets de décoration, vêtements pour enfants et adultes...en bon état !), merci de les déposer devant le garage de Miléna Léonard, 1 Highwood Avenue à Larchmont, AVANT LE 15 OCTOBRE. Attention : à partir du 15 octobre, et jusqu'au printemps 2008, MILENA NE POURRA PLUS PRENDRE LES DONS (les conditions de stockage ne sont plus optimales). ■ Nous avons toujours besoin de votre aide pour les tris ! 4 SEANCES DE TRIS SONT PLANIFIEES : Mercredi 3 et jeudi 4 octobre Mardi 9 et Mercredi 10 octobre de 8h30 à 12h30 chez Milena Attention : il n'y a plus de séance de tri le mardi de 13h à 15h... Nous comptons sur vous. D'avance un grand merci à toutes, L'Equipe TAG SALE

Sunday, September 30th at 4 p.m.

We have been very well welcomed @ NurtureArt Gallery by Benjamin, so I pass the information and add their gallery in the labels Gallery *** QUOTE, UNQUOTE, curated by Yaelle Amir, opens at NURTUREart Gallery at 910 Grand Street in Williamsburg on September 7th. A reception for the exhibition will be held on September 14th from 6-9 p.m. A curator talk will be presented on Sunday, September 30th at 4 p.m.

Infos/les demoiselles d'Avignon

Le site internet du MOMA reprend en details la restoration de ce tableau et donne beaucoup d'infos........ Check Moma 's website.

Change of closing dates

You thought you had missed it and were so sorry .... Well , among the subjects discussed with Diane D during our train trip , this one came up and won the prize of being published the blog! Exhibit extended Richard Serra Recent monumental works on view through September 24 I once again open the pages of this blog if you would like to write. It can be anonymous or no , in english, french or spanish...Spread the word.

Westchester Accueil

Excursion: Union Church of Pocantico Hills Jeudi 27 septembre 2007 - 10h Cette charmante Eglise protestante de campagne possède l'une des plus exceptionnelles collections de vitraux d'art moderne de la région. Résultat du patronage de la famille Rockefeller pour sa contruction , Union Church est surtout l'illustration d'une relation étroite et fascinante entretenue par différents membres de cette prestigieuse famille New Yorkaise, avec deux grands artistes du XX eme siècle: Chagall et Matisse. RDV et car pool: sur le campus de la FASNY à Larchmont à 10h / Prix: 5$ Inscriptions avant le 22 septembre auprès de Isabelle Chammaa ( )

Stuart Yankell

Yankell's painting are celebratory images of contemporary urban night life as well as musical and dance themes. Conjoining progressive abstraction with classical lighting and form, his work is recognized internationally for its unique and progressive style. Enjoy!! Stuart YankellYankell Fine Arts105 Birch AvenueBala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Phone: 888-373-0843

No Pets Please but Children Welcome

Armonk is really close on the 684. Very much depending on the weather because outside, it can be a really exciting place to go in family. Another option for Sat and Sun 28/29 And if you wonder where I buy my artworks, Armonk is definitevely one of the place and we keep buying artworks every year from 2 artists. Today I will present you STUART YANKELL "Yankell's painting are celebratory images of contemporary urban night life as well as musical and dance themes. Conjoining progressive abstraction with classical lighting and form, his work is recognized internationally for its unique and progressive style. " Enjoy!! Check Yankell lives and works in Bala Cynwyd, very close of the Barnes and is welcoming us when LMNY goes to Philadelphia October 12th. Another very good reason for this trip.

@ the neuberger this Sunday sept 23rd

Lectures, Panels, and DialoguesPoetry and Painting: New York in the 1950s and 60s 3 pm Join us for an engaging dialogue with Professor Lee Schlesinger and Dean Jonathan Levin, both from the Purchase College School of Humanities, as they discuss visual and literary cultural production in New York during the 1950s and 60s. Professor Schlesinger and Dean Levin will frame their conversation around iconic works of modern art in Reframing American Art: Selections from the Roy R. Neuberger Collection, on permanent view in the Stairway Gallery. This event is co-sponsored by the Friends of Humanities and the Neuberger Museum of Art. $6; Free for NMA members, Friends of Humanities and Purchase College faculty, staff and students

What's going on @Storefront for Art and Architecture

A SPECIAL EVENT TO CELEBRATE STOREFRONT'S 25TH ANNIVERSARYINAUGURAL EVENING FRIDAY 21 SEPTEMBER, 6.30 PMTwenty-five years ago, in September 1982, Storefront's first public event got underway in its original Prince Street location. Performance A-Z, organized by the gallery's founders Kyong Park and R L Seltman, and artist Arlene Schloss, was a 26-day sequence of performances by New York-based artists. Each of the 26 performers was allocated one evening slot. The event became a manifesto for the gallery's future programming: as Kyong Park wrote in his introduction, "Storefront supports the idea that art and design have the potential and responsibility to affect public policies which influence the quality of life and the future of all cities."Starting this Friday, Storefront will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a new edition of its first event. Entitled Performance Z-A, this 26-day celebration will be hosted in Petrosino Park, adjacent to Storefront, in a spe...

Exposition a Paris ARCIMBOLDO

Arcimboldo [ Arts - Peinture & Arts graphiques ] Lieu : Musée du Luxembourg - Paris Dates : du 15 Septembre 2007 au 13 Janvier 2008 Cette information provient d'un site internet francais , qui fourmille d'informations sur ce qui se passe en France , notamment dans le domaine de l'edition..Avis pour la book Fair de FASNY,,,(on en reparlera)

Open Studios- DUMBO art Festival

Greetings, I hope things are going well with you! Just wanted to let you know that it’s that time of year again. DUMBO art festival will be held on the weekend of Sept 29th & 30th. Open studios will be from 1-6pm and of course you are welcome to stay for live music and beer on Saturday evening beginning at 8pm. It should be fun time for all so I hope to see ya! Ben Marxen

Frenchy, artsy, funny and from Andy

An english(ndlr) thief in Paris planned to steal some paintings from the Louvre. After careful planning, he got past security, stole the paintings and made it safely to his van. However, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas.When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied, "Monsieur, that is the reason I stole the paintings. I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh."(And you thought I didn't have De Gaulle to send this on to someone else.) I figure I had nothing Toulouse.

Musee des Beaux-Arts de LYON

Q:Pourquoi cette info a propos d'une exposition qui a eu lieu en 2006 a LYON? R: Gericault a ete un des sujets de notre premier entretien de la serie avec Michel Gerard, alors histoire de completer ce que nous avons appris ou revise ! EXPO Du 21 Avril au 31 Juillet 2006 Géricault, la folie d'un monde Le musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon consacre une nouvelle exposition à l’un des artistes majeurs du romantisme français, Théodore Géricault (1791-1824), quinze ans après l’importante rétrospective présentée à Paris, aux Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, en 1991.Articulée autour de quatorze séquences, l’exposition du musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon réunit plus de 140 œuvres provenant de collections publiques et privées européennes et américaines. Certains dessins et tableaux sont présentés pour la première fois au public, d’autres n’ont plus été montrés depuis 1924, lors de l’exposition centenaire de Géricault, organisée à Paris cette année-là par la Galerie Charpentier. Parmi ces œu...

Quoi de neuf a l'Alliance Francaise de New York

For those who would like to improve their french, or take part in activities related to FRANCE, consult the program of the FIAF. Click on the title and you will be directed to the VISUAL ARTS Program section of course !

French President To Architects: Audacity Please!

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said France would benefit from more "audacious" designs at the opening of a new $111-million museum dedicated to French architecture, located in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower in the suite by clicking above on the title.. Ou allez voir le site avec une super intro...

au MET before Oct 14

Neo Rauch at the Met: para Through October 14 Part of a new series dedicated to young artists, the exhibition features recent paintings by the German-born contemporary artist Neo Rauch. Made in Germany Through October 21 This installation of drawings and watercolors spans the years after World War I to the early 1980s, and focuses on the human figure and face in widely different interpretations.

Gallery Michael Rosenfeld/57

Il existe des galeries ou il n'est (presque !) pas besoin de verifier leur exposition avant d'y aller faire un tour tellement vous pouvez etre garanti d'une exposition avec une qualite digne d'un musee. C'est le cas de la galerie MICHAEL ROSENFELD situe sur la 57 Je vais vous presenter regulierement ces galeries dont le site internet sera accessible en cliquant sur le titre du post et elles seront regroupees sous le labels Gallery *** avec une indication du quartier a la suite du nom. L'exposition actuellement en cours a commence le 8 Septembre et se termine le 27 Octobre donc ne pourra etre incluse dans notre LMNY Tour des Galeries 57 StStreet ayant lieu le 13 Decembre. Voici un avant gout visuel choisi compte tenu de mes preferences pour le mixed-media...

retrouvrez nos amis artiste du Westchester a Pool Art Fair

Enfin un evenement qui a lieu pres de chez nous et auquel nous allons pouvoir nous rendre, et rencontrer au moins 2 artistes qui habitent pres de chez nous et que certaines d'entre nous non seulement connaissent bien mais aussi qui ont "craque" pour leurs oeuvres. Bravo Le site internet de Monika a ete indique sur ce blog depuis quelques mois car nous partageons le meme web-designer...Beverley Delay J'en reparlerai..

et encore a LYON: DOCKS ART FAIR

DOCKS ART FAIR: Emerging Art during the opening of the LYON Biennal Sept 17-23 2007 The website is in french or english, great for such a bilingual blog! Wait a few month, I'm learning Spanish .....and soon I will post infos" sobre Madrid y Buenos Aires!"

que se passe t il a LYON?

Que rever de mieux pour une amoureuse de Lyon passionnee d'Art Contemporain? Habiter a Lyon et non pas New York, tout au moins pendant la Biennale d'Art Contemporain...qui ouvre ses portes demain aux qui se tiendra jusqu'au 6 Janvier 2008 Vous pouvez consulter les infos sur le site officiel (cliquer sur le titre "Que se passe t il a Lyon ") ou egalement je vous recommende les details presentes par un blog en francais :

A propos de Louise Bourgeois

Il se passe des choses a Chelsea le dimanche apres midi. Notamment Louise Bourgeois, artiste nee en France mais habitant aux USA depuis ...fort longtemps qui tient ce ,toujours a pres de 95 ans.. Pour plus de details a ce sujet, cliquez sur le lien du titre qui vous dirigera sur l'article racontant cette histoire de salon chez Louise Bourgeois.(en anglais)

Asian Art 2007 @ Sotheby's

If you want to have a quick survey on Asian Art, Sotheby's preview is a perfect opportunity. The building is in itself , worth a visit. 1o FLoors and a great coffee with a terrace! Check their website to learn and remember the names of great artists..... Save the date......the sale of contemporary art is September 20th. @10:00am and 2:00 pm

DWR Then and Now

Not only DWR is a great store, but also their newsletters are full of interesting news and stories Check this one: About Richard Schulman taking pictures of Willem de Kooning


The Dahesh Museum is really a special place in Manhattan, with a really relaxing cafe Opaline. We went there several times; the tour about Napoleon was so special, we came back with some students (Zoe and Clemence), just for them to hear how history is not always a boring subject ! Free Museum Admission until September This is a copy of an email received today. Dear Friends: You have a special interest in the Dahesh Museum – so we are writing to you in advance of the public announcement to be published in the New York Times on Friday, September 14. The Board of Trustees of the Dahesh Museum of Art has decided to close our current location at 580 Madison Avenue; the galleries will close this Sunday and the Museum Shop’s last day will be September 25. With the assistance of our director, Dr. Flora E.S. Kaplan, advisor to the Dahesh Museum of Art for nearly 20 years, we have decided that it is time to resume our quest for a permanent and fitting site for an enduring Dahesh Museum of Art....


Suite a une demande incessante et growing,,voici des infos sur mon programme d'ici Decembre Jeudi 20 Sept Guided Tour @The New York Historical Society Jeudi 27 Septembre Downtown and guided tour@ New York Unearthed Jeudi 4 OCTOBRE , Galleries Tour around Chelsea Jeudi 11 Octobre Wave Hill Guided tour of the Garden 1h1/2 VENDREDI 12 OCTOBRE The Barnes foundation @Merion +artist Studio Octobre 18 Guided Tour Studio Museum@ Harlem November 8th Guided TourNational Academy of Art November 15th Guided TourQueens Museumof Art November29th Galleries Tour around Soho December 6th Guided tour @ the Japan Society December 13th Galleries Tour around 57th I welcome all ideas, places , events If you feel like posting infos and writing , let me know. For more information, please consult

LMNY @ the Cooper-Hewitt Museum

Guess what: No pictures, at least of us ...about that wonderful and relaxing outing @the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. Tomorrow is the official opening of 2 major exhibits. Such a good reason for going back and enjoying a great garden for the lunch! Infos: DWR Design within Reach website: Parking not too far, not too expensive: 230 E 92nd Street

Visite de la BARNES FOUNDATION avant demenagement

A NE PAS RATER avant le deplacement a Philadelphie Centre. ONLY 6 spaces LEFT VISITE LMNY le 12 OCTOBRE Apres avoir fait la une des journaux pour savoir si la Barnes Foundation allait oui ou non quitter son site decision a ete prise........ Derniers mois ,..derniere annee avant la fermeture? en tout cas une visite a planifier sans tarder. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 10, 2007, Lower Merion, PA - The Barnes Foundation announced today the selection of Tod Williams and Billie Tsien of New York to design its new facility on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Center City, Philadelphia. The firm was selected following a unanimous decision by the Foundation's Board of Trustees. ART COLLECTION The Barnes Foundation houses one of the finest collections of French Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, and early Modern paintings in the world, including an extraordinary number of masterpieces by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (181), Paul Cézanne (69), and Henri Matisse (59). The colle...

Reponses a la ? le point commun entre 2 tableaux

Matisse expose en 1906 "La Joie de vivre". Picasso aurait peint "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" en 1907 pour rivaliser avec Matisse, sa hardiesse ( la simplification des formes, l'intensite de la couleur...). Picasso et Matisse s'etaient recontres chez Gertrude Stein et etabli une amicale rivalite qui durera jusqu'a la fin de leurs vies. Extrait email Michel Gerard

What's going on in Larchmont?


Reponse Quiz

Quiz Answer: B) In 1903 the Lumières invented a dazzling new imaging process they called the autochrome, an innovation that would transform a monochromatic world into one suddenly gleaming with color.

This friday ...Let's go to.....

Jack the Pelican is located at 487 Driggs Ave., between N.9 and N.10 Streets in Williamsburg. MAP Contact Tiffany at 816-471-5989 or , or , 718-782-0183. Try to make it out to W'burg this Friday night if you can. All the galleries are open AFTER HOURS. We're featuring 2 unbelievable one-night only events in addition to our regular shows . I have to admit I'm a little scared myself. These are total spectacles, absolutely crazy in their ambition. David Ford alone is flying in over 20 performers and some of these are industry professionals (not music industry). It's all a bit NC-17. So I'll probably be hanging upstairs with the furries—maybe I'm naive, but they're telling me it's all very innocent, and I want to believe! Hope to see you here. All the best, Don ONE NIGHT ONLYFRIDAY, SEPT 14 6:30–11pm THIS EVENING'S EVENTS ARE PART OF WILLIAMSBURG EVERY SECOND THE FIRST IN OUR MONTHLY F...

cafe de Portes Ouvertes

J'ai pense un moment que vous en auriez toutes marre des cafes de puis une remarque par ci,une question par vois que certaines, voire toutes et meme plus... viendraient volontiers a la maison,....alors...L'annonce de ce cafe est transmis aux membres LMNY "actives" mais egalement aux "anciennes"; et aussi aux nouvelles surtout grace a vous qui peuvent leur passer l'info.. Je vous attends ce mardi 11 Septembre avec la formule suivante:A partir de 07h15am la maison PORTES OUVERTES et ce jusqu'a 17 heures . Je sers boissons-the-cafe-jus d'orange et petits gateaux ;formule brown bag ou potluck buffet pour le dejeunerA 11 heures: presentation generale de LMNY pour les nouvelles inscrites et celles qui ne connaissent pas LMNYNous parlerons aussi de la serie d'entretiens que nous propose Michel Gerard,entretiens detailles dans le document ci joint. La premiere reunion sur les 8 de la serie est prevue ce vendredi 14 Septembre ...

Quiz Yourself:

In what year did Auguste and Louis Lumière invent the autochrome imaging process? A)1876 B)1903 C)1911 D)1956 * The answer is in another post,,...
Quel est les rapport entre ces 2 peintures? Reponses ce vendredi grace a Michel Gerard

Les frogs a Pepsico et au Neuberger

This was a perfect day to stroll in the Pepsico Garden....have lunch in the cafeteria on the Suny CAMPUS, and have a quick look at the Collection of Roy NEUBERGER....... Here are a few pictures Where is the frog? Yes we looked at art very seriously....

Invitation Opening in White Plains

the Krasdale group show featuring 3 of Tamar’s Cities paintings have moved to White Plains, and there will be a reception for the show on September 20th from 5:30-7:30pm, at Krasdale Headquarters, 65 Red Oak Lane in White Plains. The show is called Shtetl, Shoah, Land of Israel


Apres les enfants, a nous de faire notre rentree...........ENFIN!!!!!!!!!! Jeudi 6 Septembre cafe de rentree du Westchester Accueil de 9h30 a 11h30 a Shore Acre,la salle pres de la piscine au bout du parkway........... A partir de 11h30, direction Neuberger Museum of Art ou les jardins de Pepsico, afin de se promener et de decouvrir les richesses locales tout en parlant de nos vacances,.................... Pour le reste du programme LMNY , les sorties continuent le jeudi 13 Septembre et desormais les membres peuvent desormais consulter le programme sur internet Le site est en cours d'elaboration donc n'hesitez pas a nous faire part de vos remarques........ A demain

A propos de Michel Gerard :

BIOGRAPHY Michel Gérard was born in Paris. He has lived and worked in Paris and New York. His work has been exhibited internationally and his work is held in thecollections of the Musée National d’Art Moderne,Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris: Musée Municipal d’ArtModerne, Paris; Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris; Museed’art ancien et contemporain, Epinal, France; IxellesMuseum, Brussels, Belgium; Ludwig Museum, Koblenz;Stadtische Kunsthalle Mannheim; Bremen Kunsthalle;Wilhelm Lehmbruch Museum, Duisburg, Germany; GaleriaDegli Uffizi, Florence; Fattoria di Celle, Pistoia,Italy; Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, New York;Arkansas Center for the Arts, Little Rock, Arkansas;Harvard University Art Museum, Cambridge,Massachusetts; Yale University Art Museum,Connecticut; Berkeley Art Museum; Pasadena School of Design Sculpture Park, California, among others. Hislarge-scale outdoor sculptures are installed on publicplaces in France, Unites States, Germany, Korea,Italy, Israel and Greece.Michel Gerar...

Details des rencontres

Dates des rencontres : sous reserve 14 et 21 septembre - 26 octobre - 9, 16 et 30 novembre 7 et 14 decembre. Soit 8 rencontres jusqu'a la fin de l'annee. Heures: 10h30 a 12h30 Le prix : $35 par personne pour chaque rencontre; soit un forfait de $280 pour le semestre payable lors de la premiere seance le 14 Septembre par cash ou cheque. La presence avec la continuite est indispensable pour ce projet. Minimum de sept personnes. Le lieu: chez Laurence Neron-Bancel a Mamaroneck

Serie d'entretiens avec Michel Gerard

Mes cent chefs-d’oeuvre 1907 – 2007 Choix et présentation par Michel Gerard d’une oeuvre pour chaque année qui a marqué l’histoire de l’art etla mémoire collective. Cette présentation est suiviede discussions. Nous commençons par “Les demoisellesd’Avignon” de Picasso, 1907. Une oeuvre pour chaqueannée permet une discussion autour du pourquoi de cechoix (son influence, sa relation à l’Histoire engénéral, à d’autres formes de création de la mêmeépoque). Le choix d’une autre oeuvre de l’année enquestion peut être proposée et ainsi faire rebondir ladiscussion. L’idée centrale est que l’histoire de l’art depuis ledébut de la modernité est traversée par des effets derupture suivi de continuité avant d’autres ruptures.Ce que les historiens de l’art ont nommé des“révolutions” qui ont ouvert des possibilités encoreinsoupçonnées à la peinture comme à d’autres formesd’art (architecture, sculpture, musique, littérature).Par exemple la dernière phase importante de rupture aeue lieu en 1990. On peut...

Kara Walker a PARIS

Kara Walker[ Arts - Mixte ] Lieu : Musée d'Art moderne - Paris Dates : du 20 Juin 2007 au 09 Septembre 2007 Plasticienne afro-américaineJamais présentée en Europe, l’artiste Kara Walker est enfin exposée au musée d’Art moderne de Paris pour présenter son exceptionnel trava! il de mé moire sur l’esclavage. Un témoignage bouleversant et nécessaire, pour ne jamais oublier et reproduire des pratiques encore trop actuelles. Biographie de Kara Walker Plasticienne afro-américaine[ Arts plastiques ]Née à Stockton, Californie le 26 novembre 1969 Diplômée en 1991 et 1994 de l'université d'art d' Atlanta et de l'école de design de Rhode Island , Kara Walker travaille depuis sur l'esclavage et son héritage dans la société contemporaine. Créatrice d'installations ou d'aquarelles, elle est surtout réputée pour ses grandes silhouettes noires rappelant des ombres chinoises ou un théâtre de marionnettes. N'épargnant pas son public, cette observatrice tant admirée...

Opening Friday sept 14th

The Price of Nothing at EFA Gallery Opens Friday, September 14, 2007 6-8pm September 14 – October 27, 2007

Little Italy -NEW YORK



THE 33rd ANNUAL ATLANTIC ANTIC STREET FESTIVALSunday, September 30th 2007 from 10am to 6pm, rain or shineAtlantic Avenue from Hicks Street to Fourth Avenue10 Blocks of Food, Festivities, and Fun Through the Heart of Brownstone Brooklyn The Atlantic Antic is a Brooklyn institution The 33rd Annual Atlantic Antic Street Festival will take place on Sunday, September 30th from 10am to 6pm, rain or shine.Spanning 10 blocks of Atlantic avenue, from 4th Avenue in Boerum Hill all the way to Hicks Street in Brooklyn Heights, the Atlantic Antic is New York's number one street festival, offering something for everyone:

Another Opening :Sept 6

EN PLEIN VIEW: FRENCH ARTIST IN NEW YORKSeptember 6 6-8 pmNEW ART CENTER / CONTEMPORARY ART NETWORK - 580 8th Ave. @ 38th St., New York, NY 10018 - 212.354.2999 Frederic Amblard, Xavier Barthe, Mo Bantman, Klara Beer, Herve Bourdin, Jean-Francois Callo, Arnaud Cohen, Jane Dreyer, Isabelle Gomond, Laurent Dorchin, Jean-Luc Guin'amant, HabdaphaiI, Alexandra Kawiak, Pierre Le Cacheux, Martine Porry, Remi Trotereau, Philippe Parrot La Garenne, Isabelle Repiquet, Jordan Samper, Catherine Sirot, Marcus McAllister, Vida Verba,Vinca, Valero-Kim. Discover the artists' creations on the website

Opening: Sept 9, 6-9 pm

Thrust Daniel Domig & Audry Liseron-Monfils Sept 9-Nov 4, 07 Thrust Projects New York, NY Projects is pleased to present a two person exhibition of new paintings by Daniel Domig and video by Audry Liseron-Monfils that uses the human figure to explore such dichotomies as anonymity and individual identity and aloneness and the potential for interaction with others.

French Culture .org nous informe....

Marisol: a comprehensive survey exhibition of the artist’s work Sept. 20-Oct. 27, 07 Neuhoff Edelman Gallery41 East 57th Street, 4th Floor New York TEL 1 212 838 1122 E-mail: Gallery Hours: Tues-Sat, 10am - 6pm