
Showing posts from January, 2008

On View @ the Met

In adition to the "classic" which everyone expect to admire at the Met, are my recommendations "Be sure to see" African Section El Anatsui - Biography El Anatsui was born 1944 in Anyako, Ghana. El earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Sculpture and a Postgraduate Diploma in Art Education from the University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. He is Professor of Sculpture at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, where he has lectured since 1975. He exhibited at the 1990 Venice Biennale, where he received an honorable mention and was included in the Johannesburg Biennale in 1995 as well as the Gwanju Bienniale, Gwanju, South Korea, 2004. His most recent solo exhibition Gawu has toured Europe, Asia and North America. He is included in the anthology exhibition Africa Remix, which has toured Dusseldorf, London and Paris and will travel to Tokyo and other cities in 2006/7. His work is in numerous public and private collections including: Asele Institute, The British Mus...

Edouard Manet au MET et "Wisteria Dining Room"

Édouard Manet (French, 1832–1883) The Spanish Singer, 1860 Oil on canvas; 58 x 45 in. (147.3 x 114.3 cm) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Gift of William Church Osborn, 1949 (49.58.2) "The New Galleries for 19th- and Early 20th-Century European Paintings and Sculpture are reopening with renovated rooms and 8,000 square feet of additional gallery space—the Henry J. Heinz II Galleries—to showcase works from 1800 through the early twentieth century. The renovated galleries feature all of the Museum's most loved nineteenth-century paintings, which have been on permanent display in the past, as well as works by Bonnard, Vuillard, Soutine, Matisse, Picasso, and other early modern artists. Among the many additions are a full-room assembly of "The Wisteria Dining Room," a French art nouveau interior designed by Lucien Lévy Dhurmer shortly before World War I that is the only complete example of its kind in the United States; ............"

How do Art, music and meditation affect the brain/

CHECK Brainwave: Sacred Science Entertainment, Education, and Enlightenment from January through May 2008 details : click on the title

Vickie Fremont is showing at...Pelham Art Center

Faculty SHOWCASE ..January 18 February 23 , 2008 This is a very good opportunity to see what kind of artists are the teachers of the Pelham Art Center.....It might help you to choose a course rather than another one... Hours Tuesday-Friday 10-5 pm Saturdays 10-4pm Located 5 blocks from Hutchinson Parkway exit 12 Another reason to go : Vickie Fremont is showing Vickie participe au marche de Noel et a la promenade des artistes organises par le Westchester Accueil.....


Pluriels méconnus ! > > > >> Un rat ? des goûts >> Un cas ? des colles >> Un pont ? des râbles >> Un flagrant ? des lits >> Une voiture ? des mares >> Un évier ? des bouchers >> Un scout ? des brouillards >> Un bond ? des buts >> Une dent ? des chaussées >> Un air ? des confits >> Un beau ? des cors >> Un mur ? des crépis >> Un vrai ? des dalles >> Un valet ? des curies >> Une passagère ? des faïences >> Un drogué ? des foncés >> Une jolie ? des gaines >> Un crâne ? des garnis >> Un frigo ? des givrés >> Une moue ? des goûters >> Un brusque ? des luges >> Un ministre ? des missionnaires >> Une grosse ? des panses >> Un propos ? des placés >> Une cinglante ? des routes >> Un fâcheux ? des agréments >> Un patron ? des spots >> Un délicieux ? des cerfs >> Une bande ? des cinés >> Un sirop ? des râbles ...

Soon at the Museum of the city of New York

""Under New York Skies: Nocturnes by Yvonne Jacquette Feb 1 through May 4 For 30 years, Yvonne Jacquette (b. 1934) has made night paintings from aerial vantage points of such cities as San Francisco, Chicago, Washington, Hong Kong, and Tokyo—along with bird’s-eye views of Maine and Midwestern farmland—but her images of New York City are without question the most celebrated. Under New York Skies: Nocturnes by Yvonne Jacquette" clicking on the title.......

Daniel Buren on self destruction

Daniel Buren, one of France’s best-known contemporary artists, has threatened to destroy one of France’s best-known contemporary artworks—and it’s his more: click on the title


the date for the Neuberger HOUSE TOUR should be June 2nd........ More INFOS ...soon,............

"Il se passe toujours quelque chose au MET..."

Henri Matisse (French, 1869–1954) Nasturtiums with the Painting "Dance", (1912) Oil on canvas; H. 75-1/2, W. 45-3/8 in. (191.8 x 115.3 cm) Bequest of Scofield Thayer, 1982 (1984.433.16) ©1999 Succession H. Matisse, Paris/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York New - Masterpieces of European Painting, 1800–1920, in The Metropolitan Museum of Art The New Galleries for 19th- and Early 20th-Century European Paintings and Sculpture are reopening with renovated rooms and 8,000 square feet of additional gallery space—the Henry J. Heinz II Galleries—to showcase works from 1800 through the early twentieth century. The renovated galleries feature all of the Museum's most loved nineteenth-century paintings, which have been on permanent display in the past, as well as works by Bonnard, Vuillard, Soutine, Matisse, Picasso, and other early modern artists. Among the many additions are a full-room assembly of "The Wisteria Dining Room," a French art nouveau interior designed by...

Fresh from the Jewish Museum

Yes Pissaro in on view at the Jewish Museum and it ends on feb 3rd..AND there a funny and for Children Show with WILLIAM STEIG who illustrate lots of books for Children...Great show Kind of Similar to Saul Steinberg....but still very different.. """Hailed as the "King of Cartoons," William Steig had a long and acclaimed career as both a brilliant cartoonist and an award-winning, beloved author of children’s literature, including his 1990 picture book Shrek! ("fear" in Yiddish )...... read more by clicking on the title...

Guided visit with LMNY : WACK!

WACK!: Art and the Feminist Revolution... Highlight on "French Culture.Org !!!!!!!! "The first comprehensive, historical exhibition to examine the international foundations and legacy of feminist art, WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution focuses on the crucial period 1965–80, during which the majority of feminist activism and artmaking occurred internationally." more =Click on the title

save the date: Lecture on La diplomatie culturelle

Thursday, January 31 - 7:00 p.m. Lecture KAREEN RISPAL Cultural Counselor of the French Embassy La Maison Française, New York University , 16 Washington Mews, New York Click on the title to read more................


NYC Winter Restaurant Week 2008 Jan 21–25 / Jan 28–Feb 1 C'est l'occasion unique de déjeuner et de diner dans les meilleurs restaurants lde NY pour un prix modique. Compter pour une entrée/ plat /dessert: Prix fixe Déjeuner: $ $24.07 et diner: $35.00 (boissons/ taxes et pourboires non compris). Trouver la liste des restaurants qui participent à cette expérience ou

Pace Wildenstein Chelsea shows:

Art Review in "the New York SUN" Robert Rauschenberg's Runts Get Big Attention ........Click on the title to read more........... Laurence's Comments: I was less impressed this time than by his previous works, same gallery.....Having said that, being quite a fan,...I wasn't disappointed....

SHOW: Another Last Year

received on nonsense nyc ...Another Last Year Group art on time. Another Last Year is a unique look at how artists working in various disciplines address the cyclical nature of cultural progression, as well as the inseparability of anxiety and the passage of time. Offering a glimpse into the minds of 12 artists, Ad Nauseam Lyceum presents a group exhibition investigating the relationship among time, progress, and process. The exhibition will include painting, photography, media, and sculpture by Amy Beecher, Brent Birnbaum, Matt Broach, Janna Coker, Cathleen Cueto, Danielle Durchslag, Scott Goodman, Sayaka Nagata, Anna Ogier-Bloomer, Carolyn Salas, Jake Scharbach, and Eli Stertz. Capturing the nostalgia of both the distant and recent past, each piece offers a glimpse into how these individual artists experience the passing of time with the coming of each new year. Another Last Year is both an examination and literal manifestation of an artistic process. As part of their Friday Perform...

Special Event @ NurtureArt Williamsburg..NY

NURTUREart is pleased to announce an exhibition tour led by the artists on Sunday, January 27th at 3pm . Join curators Lauren Schell Dickens and Julie McKim, and the artists of At Arms Length for a conversation about their recent work. Mulled wine will be served! more= click on the title...

" Fresh News from Stuart Yankell"

Please visit our newly constructed site at which includes additional works and viewing formats. Available works can be viewed at: JOYOUS NEW YEAR!!! Stuart Yankell Yankell Fine Arts 105 Birch Avenue Bala Cynwyd,PA 19004 888-373-0843

Mitchell-Innes & Nash Shows ALBERTO BURRI

CLOSES TOMORROW OCTOBER 26, 2007: NEW YORK – Mitchell-Innes & Nash is pleased to present the first New York exhibition in over 20 years of works by the late Italian artist, Alberto Burri. Featuring some 20 multi-media paintings and select works on paper, the exhibition celebrates Mitchell-Innes & Nash's exclusive representation of the estate of Minsa Burri, the artist’s widow, and will shed fresh light on the scholarship and appreciation of this important Italian Post-War artist........... check on the title to read more...........


Save the date ! The 4th annual edition of Focus on French Cinema will take place on 28-29-30 March 2008 at the Performing Arts Center, Purchase College NY

Autres infos en francais sur Internet

France-Amerique est une autre source d'information en francais........que vous pouvez consulter sur Internet

Info / espace "galerie ecole" french Morning News

Lisez la suite .......CAN : une galerie-école CAN, un concepte original. CANnabis, une exposition cosmopolite au contenu hétérogène et "colorful". CANnot miss it.


Miriam Schapiro Collaboration: Mary Cassatt and Me, 1976 Fabric, acrylic, paper on paper 30 x 22 Pattern and Decoration: An Ideal Vision in American Art, 1975-1985 October 27, 2007 – January 20, 2008

FILM on ART @ Jacob Burns FILM Center

Opening Night, Wed. Jan. 16 at 7:15 Film, Food, Jazz & Live Art HELVETICA Gary Hustwit. 2007. 80 min. NR. UK. "One of the most slyly intelligent and quietly captivating documentaries of the year." (Time Out London) Perhaps the most influential expression of sleek, bold modernism is hidden in plain sight: the 50-year-old typeface called Helvetica. Found everywhere everyday - in ads and logos, on street and subway signs - it’s the ultimate in cool. Not just for font geeks, Hustwit’s thoroughly engaging film interweaves the history of Helvetica with passionate debate from graphic designers on the typeface’s political implications: Do its clean letters, proportions, and spacing inspire confidence, fairness, even perfection - or feed the impulse toward conformity and the corporate mindset? Q&A: Michael Bierut, who is featured in the film, has won hundreds of awards including graphic design’s highest honor, the AIGA Medal. He’s a partner at the renowned firm Pentagram, as w...

Opening Thursday Jan 31st in STAMFORD

The Loft Artist Association presents Art Moved :: The Grand Gallery Opening of LAA’s new lofts @ 845 Canal St. January 31 - March 2, 2008

Opening this wednesday White Plains Library

"Patterns" @ White Plains Public Library OPENING WEDNESDAY January 16th 6-8pm

Last Days for Martin Puryear @ MOMA

Martin Puryear November 4, 2007–January 14, 2008

Best Show Strolling Chelsea this last tuesday

Results of our walking around Chelsea with Fabienne this last Tuesday: Click on the title and you will be taken in another world.lots of differents worlds , depending which mask you choose.Bravo to James Cohan Gallery Definitely voted best Show for that day .... What else: we saw Morris Louis ( Paull KASMIN) and Donald Judd (Mary Ryan Gallery) 2 almost "classic" artists, And a Young artist we both liked NICK RAD ( RareArt 521 W 26th St) And we saw also affordable art being auctionned at Noho Gallery (530 W 25th)..

News from Leah Oates

I'm sending info on two shows I have work in this winter. Below is an invite for Skipping the Page at the Center for Book Arts opening January 18th ( ) and also The Hun Gallery International at 12 West 32nd St, 3rd Floor opening February 1st. In late February I'm in Ghost Town Planet at Gallery Nava in the Boston area and in The Topography of Nature at The Arcade Gallery in Chelsea opening in early March..dates and address will follow for Topography... I send my best and hope that you are enjoying your winter. Happy 2008! Leah

Sharon Hayes at the New Museum

"I march in the parade of liberty, but as long as I love you I'm not free" FROM Generously supported by The Greenwall Foundation New York-based artist Sharon Hayes works in performance, video, and installation, creating situations that expose dramatic frictions between collective activities and personal actions. With interventions that are inspired by the language of politics and the dramaturgy of theater, Hayes has staged protests, delivered speeches, and organized demonstrations in which crowds and individuals are invited to rethink their roles in the construction of public opinion. Hayes will create a site-specific performance piece for the New Museum, which will have both a live component and a recorded element that will be broadcast in an unusual interstitial space located between galleries. Continuing the artist’s interrogation of the infinitesimal distance that separates the public from the private, this new work will be a reflection on ...


ALAN SHIELDS Curated by Susan Gosin January 11–February 9, 2008 Reception: Friday, Jan. 11, 6–8 PM