
Showing posts from March, 2008

ABOUT Ann Ladd Ferencz showing in Rye ....

Ann Ladd Ferencz Eclectic Interpretations Rye Free Reading Room 1061 Boston Post Road Rye, N. Y. Exhibit April 2-May 9 Reception April 13 1:00- 3:00 914-967-0480

After the Art Fairs ,,,, let's go the Auction Houses,,,

PREVIEW at SOTHEBY"S Mon, 31 Mar 08, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tue, 1 Apr 08, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM DATE & TIME Session 1: Wed, 2 Apr 08, 10:00 AM, Lots 1 - 240 Session 2: Wed, 2 Apr 08, 2:00 PM, Lots 468 - 472 OVERVIEW The spring mid-season sale of Contemporary Art, held during Armory Show week, will feature a wide range of periods and styles, from Abstract Expressionism to Contemporary Chinese Art. Among the Conceptual works on offer is a group by Richard Tuttle and featured in the Pop section are works spanning from Warhol to Pettibone. The sale presents exciting opportunities to acquire works by rising stars of the buoyant young art world, including fine works by Hernan Bas and a sampling of work by graffiti artists Banksy, Crash and Faille. In addition to Pop art celebrities like Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Tom Wesselman, the sale features their appropriationists Richard Pettibone, Mike Bidlo and Louise Lawler. There is an impressive section of photorealist works by Ron Kleem...

Opening Reception /Hastings on Hudson

Street Life on display with other paintings in the exhibition... By Laurentz THURN , SECRETS FINE ARTS GALLERY 32 main Street, Hastings on Hudson

Invitation pour le vernissage...A LYON...

La biennale internationale de dessin de Pilsen Au cas ou vous seriez a Lyon vous etes invites au vernissage soit ce mercredi 2 Avril % MAPRA ou le jeudi 3 Avril % Echanges Culturels BULLOKIAN en vous recommendant de notre ami DAMIEN TRONEL , qui est le president de l'association Slavitchek "En avril 2008, Slavitchek prépare en partenariat avec la Fondation Bullukian, la MAPRA et le Goethe Institut la venue de «La biennale internationale de dessin de Pilsen» et met en place des événements musicaux, littéraires, artistiques annexes. Le but de cette manifestation est de présenter au public lyonnais la richesse et la qualité du dessin contemporain en République Tchèque et à travers le monde puisqu’il s’agit d’œuvres d’artistes de différents pays. Programme L’exposition sera présentée au public lyonnais en avril 2008 dans différents lieux de Lyon : 3 – 26 avril 2008 La Fondation Bullukian 26 place Bellecour 69002 Lyon 2 - 14 avril 2008 La Maison des arts plastiques Rhône Alpes 9 ...

Une pensee pour Monika

Dear All, I am grateful to all of you and thank you so much for your donations! My dream has nearly been fulfilled : "offering" a well to Ethiopia. Now, the toughest part is starting... I am leaving New York tomorrow, March 25th, and you can follow my daily progress on the website: - - Monika's journey - My Diary You can write me email (between March 29th and April 4th) by going to the official MDS website (no pictures or attachment are accepted) : - - "ecrire aux concurrents" My bib number is : 14 For contributions: - - go to “Monika’s journey” - then to “Support me” - and click on “make a donation and support my dream”. You should see my photo on the donation page. (the “make a donation” at the very bottom of the page is for general donations). THANKS AGAIN TO ALL OF YOU !! Sincerely Monika Nicolle

A propos du Chelsea Hotel

Merci Marie Pascale pour cet article du MONDE 2 ...qui est encore disponible sur le web,,clickez sur le titre.. L'article commence par ces mots: Depuis cinquante ans, le cœur de la bohème artistique new-yorkaise battait à l'hôtel Chelsea. Des peintres, écrivains, Cinéastes, musiciens, certains mythiques, d'autres inconnus, y sont restés quelques jours ou des années. par amour de l'art, Stanley Bard, maître des lieux, menait au Chelsea une expérience féconde. Il a été déposé en juin par son conseil d'administration : l'heure est à la normalisation.......... Le Chelsea, c'est fini LE MONDE 2 | 01.02.08 ©

take some of your time to watch...this video

Thank you Lisa to forward this info A REGARDER ABSOLUMENT !!!!!!!!! This was well done. I think this is an impactful & entertaining delivery of information (conveyed in a very easy format) concerning our consumption, resources and waste … Please watch this video. It explains it all so well.

"Scoping Out Scope"....on ARTINFO website ...

Scoping Out Scope NEW YORK—This is the seventh time around for Scope New York, and the outfit has come a long way. Since its inception in 2002, the event has spawned sister fairs in Miami, L.A., the Hamptons, London, and Basel and, as this latest manifestation at Lincoln Center makes obvious, has firmly established its own identity: Scope art tends to be representational but also witty, quirky as well as irreverent; the artists tend to be young, the gallerists up-and-coming. In short, instead of blue-chip, think blue suede shoes. Scope’s chutzpah — read more on the title ........

DUMBO's First Thursdays Gallery Walk

Art, Live Music, Beer Tasting, and FUN! Thursday, April 3, 5:30 - 8:30 pm Free Admission In conjuction with DUMBO's First Thursdays Gallery Walk, Smack Mellon is pleased to present local art band Taigaa! and three delicious brews from Kelso of Brooklyn. Come down to DUMBO and enjoy a beautiful sunset view and listen to one of Brooklyn's hottest new art bands, Taigaa!. Choose from three different types of finely brewed beers, compliments of Kelso of Brooklyn. Click here for more info.

BACK ....March 27th 2008....MAYBE


Volunteer Informational the RYE ARTS CENTER

THURSDAY APRIL 17th ..if you're not already busy going out with LMNY....... SAVE the date .....for the RYE ARTS CENTER........ ..+ an informal discussion on the various volunteer opportunities available....... Come learn about the Arts Center and discover how you can be involved.......... ..and don't forget to have a look on the blog

On view @ Sotheby's

I couldn't help it....It was supposed to be One Thursday without going out to NY and see Art! ..Well guess what? I HAD to GO tot the French Lycee of New York ...and Lycee is 3 blocks way from Sotheby's...and today was the first day of viewing the ASIAN ART SALE !!!!!!!!...Impossible to miss...AND ..I was not disappointed...And if you are as lucky as I have been, try this: go up to the 7th floor by the elevator, it takes a bit longer than by the elevator,,but as you walked towards the elevator, on the table,..for you to pick up .... A COMPLEMENTARY catalogue about the ESTELLA COLLECTION ..A real gift as when you reach the 10th floor, some of the works will be on view........IMPRESSIVE....... ...And I even post this infos as I should be packing as my plane for EGYPT is leaving tomorrow..........SO NEXT TIME....if you see pyramids and will know why.....

Gallery Talk /Madelyn Jordon -Scarsdale

HUANG YAN “Chinese Shan-Shui Tattoo” 1999 C-print 32 1/2 x 44” MADELYN JORDON FINE ART Gallery Talk I Wednesday, March 19th, 7:00 pm Join us for a fascinating lecture by Taliesin Thomas, Director of AW Asia. The talk will focus on Chinese contemporary art and the artists in our current exhibition. Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. RSVPs: 914-723-8738 or Madelyn Jordon Fine Art l 14 Chase Rd, Scarsdale NY l 914-723-8738

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 from 6 – 9p.m.

Dear All, Please save the date for the official opening of on Tuesday, March 11, 2008 from 6 – 9p.m. Access Art New York is Sharon Goldberg and my new exhibition space on 365 West 36th Street (just off 9th Avenue, between 9th and 8th). Access Art features our own work as well as artists from around the world. Next to the exhibitions and receptions we will also have ongoing events such as wine tastings, ‘art, food & fashion’ events, concerts, as well as trunk shows featuring various objects of desire from around the world. We will inaugurate Access Art with an exhibition featuring Sharon’s and my work under the title ‘increased visibility’ on Tuesday, March 11 from 6 – 9p.m. The exhibition will be on display until Tuesday, March 25. We are also going to have a ‘cheese, fruit & wine’ tasting event, featuring eclectic little delicacies, on Friday, March 14 from 7 – 9p.m. Please keep your calendars open for this occasion as well if possible. Have a great start into the new week, ...

Auction in LONDON

Contemporary Art / Photographs / Design / Jewelry featuring Japanese Character Toys Auction Saturday 15 March 2008 10am & 2pm 9 Howick Place SW1 London Viewing 8 - 15 March 2008 Saturday 8 - Wednesday 12, 10am - 6pm Thursday 13, 10am - 8pm Friday 14, 10am - 6pm Saturday 15, opens 9am

Infos on Monika’s journey

© Monika Nicolle Dear All, You have been a large number to respond positively to my email! Thank you so much for beeing sensitive to my project. Your generosity is a wonderful support for me but, above all, it is a real help for the population in Ethiopia. As an example : a 50$ donation provides clean drinking water to 1,000 children for 80 days. For those who wish to contribute (but don’t remember where the previous email is!), the link to go to is : - - go to “Monika’s journey” - then to “Support me” - and click on “make a donation and support my dream”. You should see my photo on the donation page. (the “make a donation” at the very bottom of the page is for general donations). ........ The date is approaching! I am leaving to Morocco in just 3 weeks! You could follow my race on “live”on the website :, and you could even write me email by going to the official site : in the section “ecrire aux concurrents” (effective from...

On view at the National Academy

Cesar Pelli, Energy Diagram of Transbay, Transit Center, San Francisco, CA, computer generated rendering, courtesy of Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects For those interested in Architecture and drawings,..CHECK Contemporary Architectural Drawings At tne National Academy February 7 - April 20, 2008


LONDON CONFIDENTIAL Lindsey Adelman, JP Albinet, Laure Bertin, Nicholas Bodde, Able Brown, Carol K. Brown, Luisa Caldwell, Cedric Christie, Lili Fantozzi, Tom Fecht, Sacha Goerg, Caroline Halley des Fontaines, Jacob El Hanani, Linda Karshan, Shay Kun, Vlada Krassilnikova, Holly Miller, Eric Michel, Renato Orara, Hervé Saint-Hélier , Paul Raguenes, Sophie Smallhorn, Jeanne Susplugas, Emmanuelle Villard and Lamia Ziadé 8 February 2008 – 16 March 2008 Private View: Thursday February 7th, 6 to 9 pm Mews42/Vanessa Suchar, 42 Princes Gate Mews, London, SW7 2PR (tube: South Kensington) Opening times: noon to 6.30pm Tuesdays and Wednesdays and by appointment +44 (0) 7887 991 932 on the title and NEXT EVENT

Opening Reception

The Loft Artist Association Gallery Presents a New Group Show “GREAT DAMES part IV” OPENING RECEPTION FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 6-9PM At the NEW LAA Gallery :: 845 Canal Street, Stamford CT 06906 (2nd Floor) Gallery Hours: Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays - (12PM – 5PM) Or By Appointment Located on the second floor, the LAA GALLERY showcases the electrifying and eclectic paintings, sculptures, photography, and mixed media artwork created by our member artists. Come see what's inside … ..more infos on their website

Message from Gregoire GANTER

Dear friends: I am again participating in the Bubble trade show this coming week and would be thrilled to see you there. Bubble brings a new philosophy to the kid's trade show, with each event carefully conceived in a wonderful space, where retailers can meet exhibitors from all facets of a kid's world: clothing to toys, shoes, accessories and more. The exhibitor's list features a global mix of brands, either young/upcoming or already established as icons of a new generation of children's products. I will be featuring images from my alphabet collection under the name "Lea's Alphabets". Here are the details: Sunday March 9th from 9am until 6pm Monday March 10th from 9am until 6pm Tuesday March 11th from 9am until 4:30pm Bubble at Terminal Stores: 269 11th Avenue (between 27th & 28th Street) - New York NY If you are planning on attending and want to save some time, you can pre-register by clicking here: Please ...

Nothing to do this coming week end?

SONYA BLESOFSKY Just in case you don't know what to do thie week end!! Hi Friends, I will be at Smack Mellon all weekend long for Open Studios. Come on out to DUMBO --I've got some new work and I promise to entertain! Plus the view from Brooklyn Bridge Park is great. Here are the details Smack Mellon Open Studios Saturday, March 8, 12-8pm & Sunday March 9th, 12-6pm Artists' Reception Sat. March 8, 5-8pm. (this is also for the exhibition that opens in the gallery) 92 Plymouth St. in DUMBO Brooklyn. A/C to High St. or F to York St. Hope you can make it, Sonya

et dans le meme registre,....FOOD

BUT FROZEN...... In NJ or delivery ,..and in some stores nearby ....(Balducci's not to mention it ) ......

As Art is not enough to live,........

Beverley is the Web Designer of LMNY.US Thank you Beverley for giving us this address in Bedfords Hills..... Welcome to The Perennial Chef, where we specialize in Fine Prepared Foods and Catering! We’re excited to serve you and your busy family delicious foods made from only the freshest ingredients. Our creative and sumptuous assortment of foods are prepared with emphasis on organic and all natural ingredients ......(more click on the title.........

Whitney Biennal opens this thursday.......March 6th

Photo: MK Guth at the 2008 Whitney Biennal at Park Avenue Armory To keep updated, check the website by clicking on the title, register and receive the newsletter mentionning all the events.............. ENJOY......

Take a minute to read....and support..Yves Neron-Bancel

Paraplégique, je pars sans assistance et en handbike. 4650 kilomètres en 90 jours, je pédale à la force de mes bras, au-delà du cercle polaire vers le symbolique Nordkapp. (Plus...) Yves Neron-Bancel, Franck's nephew, is starting a great new experience. Read his blog and register for his newsletter, this is already a great way to support him...If you want to do can!