
Showing posts from August, 2009

Save the date September 22nd and after.......for

SEPT 22 | The Museum of Chinese in America After being cramped in a 2,000-square-foot space in New York's Chinatown for the past 30 years, MoCA is moving into a spacious new 14,000-square-foot property designed by Maya Lin, the mastermind behind Washington D.C.'s Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Supported by the likes of director Ang Lee, playwright David Henry Hwang and architect I.M. Pei, the $8.1 million project hopes to establish itself as a cultural center that documents the history of Chinese immigrants in the United States.

Save the date: Crossing the Line 2009 @ the FIAF

OPENS september 11th Special Invitation: Workshops with French Choreographers Sept 11 Opening Celebration! Le Bal NYC Sept 12 Omnivore New York Sept 13 Marie Maillard: Wall 0909 Thru Sept 26 Check the program on internet: What is Crossing the Line? Crossing the Line is FIAF’s annual fall festival, conceived as a platform to present vibrant new works by a diverse range of transdisciplinary artists working in France and New York City. Initiated, conceived, and produced by FIAF (the French Institute Alliance Française) in partnership with leading New York cultural institutions, the third annual edition of this inter-disciplinary contemporary arts festival further develops its focus on artists who are transforming cultural practices on both sides of the Atlantic. Over three intensive weeks this fall—whether by performing shopping, watching sounds, composing films, or reading movements—audiences will join in exploring and tast...

What's going on with september 24th ?

PLEASE JOIN THE FASNY COMMUNITY AS WE COME TOGETHER FOR AN ART, WINE, AND EXTRAORDINARY MUSICAL EVENT... Thursday, SEPTEMBER 24 The Art Show and Sale is open at no charge to the public 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Woman’s Club of White Plains 305 Ridgeway, White Plains Ticket holders are invited to the Art Show & Sale following the Concert The Concert features FASNY alumna, international violinist, and music prodigy, Harriet Langley. Harriet Langley has appeared with Yo-Yo Ma, and was the only youth invited to perform at the commemoration of the first anniversary of September 11. Don’t miss this exclusive performance! Concert tickets: Adult $55, Youth $35 (age 10-18), 7:30 p.m. *** The Wine Tasting, sponsored by AOC Fine Wines, follows the Concert at 9:00 p.m. ***With each ticket purchased you are automatically eligible for the raffle drawing for a two-night stay at the exclusive Zoetry Paraiso De La Bonita, listed in “The Leading Small Hotels of the World” and situated on Cancun’s...

Save the date: Opening September 24, 6-8 pm

TAI/Exhibits presents Pauline Galiana, September through November 2009. Opening September 24, 6-8 pm at the TAI Group, 150 w 30th st, 14th floor Viewing by appointment only, contact: Mark Mistretta, 212 924 8888 ext 160 and at

SAVE the DATE for "BACK to LMNY"

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 17th 2009 8:00am to 10:00 am for a WELCOME BACK coffee Morning Let's get together @ my home and then for those who are ready to start the visits,.. let's go SOMEWHERE in WESTCHESTER........Surprise Surprise,...

save the date: Touched by Design Show Sept 18-20

this is my first year showing in Ossining 3 days...Meet me there..........or See you there Fri, Sept. 18 5pm - 9pm Sat, Sept. 19 12 noon – 8 pm Sun, Sept. 20 12 noon – 6 pm Friday night benefit: Opening night will be held in support of the Northern Westchester Shelter, a save haven for victims of domestic violence. A $10 donation to the shelter is suggested per guest. 55 Van Cortlandt Ave Ossining NY 914 945 0706

Corinne THomas's Show: Appearances Save the date September 5th for the Opening ...

Mamaroneck Artists' Guild 126 Larchmont Avenue Larchmont, NY 10538 914 834 1117 Corinne Thomas « Appearances » Sept.1 – sept.19, 2009 Join us for the opening reception Saturday, Sept.5th, 5.00-7.00 pm Gallery hours : Tuesday - saturday 12.00-5.00 pm and by appointment

Published on French Morning News : Harlem in Montmartre on Channel 13

Harlem in Montmartre 12 août 2009 Auteur(e) : Morgane Guirriec Diffusé sur la chaîne Thirteen le 26 août prochain, le documentaire « Harlem in Montmartre » raconte comment le Jazz s’est emparé de la capitale française. James Reese Europe, Josephine Baker, Sidney Bechet, Bricktop, Eugene Bullard, Django Reinhardt… tous ces grands noms du Jazz se retrouvés dans le Paris de l’entre deux guerres. Tout a commencé avec l’arrivée de soldats noirs américains en France. Venus soutenir leurs alliés européens dans l’effort de guerre, nombreux sont ceux qui décident de rester en France. En proie à l’injustice de la ségrégation dans pays leur d’origine, ils échappent ainsi à la brutalité des lois racistes américaines. Ils s’installent à Montmartre. « Les Français ont été les premiers à respecter le jazz », explique Charles Hobson, producteur de Vanguard Documentaries. En effet, le charme opère dès que les premières notes de Jazz se font entendre dans le quartier …Cette nouvelle musique envoûte p...

Speaking of art and words.........

Written by Ivan Stromer Saturday, 15 August 2009 03:18 LONDON.- Beaux Arts presents an exhibition of artist David Spiller’s new work. A product of London’s 1960s’ art school scene, Spiller’s colourful re-invention of the American Pop aesthetic is grounded in an instinctual use of colour and a keen eye and ear for the lyrical phrases and comic book ephemera of popular culture. Soulful, honest, emotive and bold, David Spiller’s paintings demonstrate a powerful sense of the connection between art, music, text, colour and memory. His canvases use fragments of lyrics to appeal to each viewer’s personal history and spell out a new poetry of Pop. Never sentimental but full of sentiment, his work is both uplifting and profoundly engaging through its quotation of love songs and plain avowal of fun. Sometimes a single work will contain lyrics from disparate groups and musicians such as U2, Jerry Lee Lewis, The Beatles and Bob Dylan. Occasionally he simply quotes a song his mother sang. Sp...

14 Month membership @the Whitney Museum of American Art.

Offer available through October 11 Enjoy a year of membership plus 2 additionnal months of access and benfits,............. Upcoming Exhibits Georgia O'Keeffe: Abstraction Opens September 17, 2009 Steve Wolfe on Paper September 30-November 29, 2009 Roni Horn aka Roni Horn November 6, 2009-January 24, 2010 Alice Guy Blaché : Cinema Pioneer November 6, 2009-January 24, 2010

********CULINARTISTS*******...SPECIAL FLASH**********

de la part de MICHEL GERARD Les mots sur les œuvres, les mots dans les œuvres On ne « voit » pas sans les mots. Les mots accompagnent toujours les images des œuvres dans l’histoire de l’art. On peut dire qu’il n’y a pas d’art sans les mots. Ils commentent chaque œuvre dans les musées : on peut se procurer un audio-guide. Au premier contact, on lit le nom de l’auteur, le titre et la date, ainsi l’œuvre s’inscrit dans une histoire (celle de l’art et l’Histoire). De quelques mots surgit un long texte de mémoire. Un titre peut faire l’histoire. Ainsi le tableau de Monet « Impression, soleil levant » fera le mot impressionnisme avec la dimension symbolique « soleil levant ». Conscients du sens que produisent les mots des artistes ont écrit le titre de l’œuvre sur celle-ci : au-dessus ou au-dessous de la peinture ( par exemple Paul Klee). Plus radicalement des textes, qui ne sont pas des titres, écrits par les artistes dans leurs œuvres donnent un second sens a ces œuvres en les replacant m...


WHAT would you think of going to Chelsea on Monday evening? Artists on Artists Lecture Series Moyra Davey on Louise Bourgeois Monday, September 14, 2009, 6:30 pm T.J. Wilcox on Dan Flavin and the Hudson River School Monday, November 16, 2009, 6:30 pm Charline von Heyl on Bruce Nauman Monday, December 7, 2009, 6:30 pm Liz Deschenes on Robert Irwin Monday, December 14, 2009, 6:30 pm Walid Raad on Bernd and Hilla Becher Monday, January 11, 2010, 6:30 pm $6 general, $3 members, students, and seniors Tickets are available at the lecture. Reservations are recommended. This series is made possible by support from Art for Art's Sake, New York, the SEA Foundation, and by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. Dia Art Foundation 535 West 22nd Street 5th Floor New York 212 989 5566 rsvp or 212 293 5583

What's Neu @ the NEUBERGER Museum of Art

OPENING September 13th BRITISH SUBJECTS: IDENTITY AND SELF-FASHIONING 1967-2009 September 13, 2009 - December 13, 2009 The past 40 years have seen changes both in what it means to be British and in conceptions of selfhood and self-portraiture. These changes are addressed in British Subjects which will present nearly 60 works by artists who draw on and depart from the conventions of self-portraiture, delineate new possibilities of self-fashioning and self-representation and visualize new notions of Britishness identity and subjectivity. Works include video, painting and sculpture. WHAT'S NEU? RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE NEUBERGER COLLECTION What's Neu? includes a selection of contemporary painting, drawing, photography, and sculpture that have entered the Neuberger Museum of Art's permanent collection over the past five years. Highlights include Oliver Herring's ethereal sculptures knitted from brightly-colored plastic bags to create a sweater and a cushion; Beverly Semmes...


Felicitations et merci a Clotilde et Alain pour cette escale tres agreable a Lauris Sans oublier Alice et Athur et Eazy et Mme Mère ! Voila un collage histoire de quoi s'en souvenir..........

save the date for Elizabeth Goldman's Show @ Pelham Art Center

September 11 - October 31, 2009 Opening Reception on Friday September 11th from 6:30 to 8pm Two exhibitions of abstract painting. A group show of three artists - Brad Fesmire, Lauren Portada and Josh Willis - are inspired by landscape. In the solo exhibition, Elizabeth Goldman's abstract artworks are a hybrid of drawing and painting. SQUARED OFF: WORKS ON PAPER BY ELIZABETH GOLDMAN is a solo exhibition of abstract artworks that are a hybrid of painting and drawing. It is also the first exhibit to take place in the Art Center's renovated gallery. Paintings/drawings of geometric shapes and lines, composed of layers of charcoal, graphite, acrylic and oil, allude to the gestural surface marks and materials of Abstract Expressionism and the analytical strategies of Minimalism and Process Art. By working in layers, Ms. Goldman allows the work to evolve, creating an almost invisible history with marks and...

Save the date: Opening Oct 2nd @ ICP

NEW YORK, NY. - The International Center of Photography will present Dress Codes: The Third ICP Triennial of Photography and Video, a global survey of today’s most exciting and innovative photography and video art. As ICP’s signature exhibition—and the only one of its kind in America—this year’s Triennial promises to be the most dynamic yet, featuring over 100 recent works by 34 artists from 18 countries. The newly released roster of artists includes such rising stars as Mickalene Thomas, Yto Barrada, Kimsooja, and Thorsten Brinkmann, as well as established artists such as Cindy Sherman, Stan Douglas, and Lorna Simpson. Dress Codes opens to the public on October 2, 2009, at the International Center of Photography (1133 Avenue of the Americas at 43rd Street), and remains on view through January 17, 2010.

save the date October 22 2009 @ Sotheby's

NEW YORK, NY.- On October 22, 2009, Sotheby’s will offer for sale Leopold Carl Müller’s rediscovered depiction of A Street Scene, Cairo. The picture will be included in Sotheby’s sale of 19th Century European Art Including Orientalist Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures and is estimated at $600/800,000. The work boasts a spectacular provenance – it was purchased the year it was executed by William Henry Vanderbilt and descended in his family until its sale at Sotheby’s predecessor Parke-Bernet in 1945. Recently discovered in a private collection, its sale this fall represents an opportunity for collectors to compete for a superb work of Orientalist art with an illustrious provenance.

Mexican Authorities Analyze Buying House in Acapulco Where Diego Rivera Painted 5 Murals

Written by Anthony Stephen Beal Saturday, 29 August 2009 01:59 ACAPULCO.- Mexican authorities are analyzing the purchase of a house with a view to the sea in Acapulco, which is owned by the heirs of collector Dolores Olmedo. The house has walls where Diego Rivera painted five murals. "It is a house located in an extraordinary place in Acapulco, with marvelous murals, by Diego Rivera, which have been restored by experts from the Restoration Center at the Museum of Fine Arts", Fernando Serrano Migallón from CONACULTA said to news agency EFE. Serrano Migallón considers that the house has a “notable artistic value” due to the murals and the artistic activity that developed there before Diego Rivera died. Serrano considers that it is viable to buy the house and convert it into a cultural center, with didactic activities, entertainment, and concerts. "To start talking seriously with the owners of the house, three factors have to coincide: the city of Acapulco, the State ...