
Showing posts from April, 2010

Message from Vickie Fremont

Come to Celebrate Mother’s Day, Spring and…my Birthday and get Vickie’s latest creations Saturday 1st and Sunday2nd May 2010 from 2pm 9pm @ 1851 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Suite 4 ( 2 or 3 train @ 110) 212 222 8631 917 557 6717


TUNISIA:EXHIBIT OF PHOTOS Marie Hickman Ivan Wolff Honey Bernstein Jerry Caccappolo May 1- May 28, 2010 LARCHMONT LIBRARY 121 Larchmont Avenue Larchmont, NY 10538 RECEPTION:SATURDAY MAY 8, 2010 1-4:45 PM

NO LONGER EMPTY proud to present " Remember the Upstairs Lounge" ..Save the dates...

Press Preview April 27th 10am- 12pm VIP Opening April 27th 6-8pm General Opening April 28th 6-9pm 447 West 16th Street General Hours April 28th - May 30th 12pm-7pm For more info contact Alison Preece Purchase VIP fundraising tax-dedictoble tickets $50 for you and your gues. Support NLE's exhibitions!



New York Chocolate Tours

How about a chocolate tour? New York City is filled with some of the finest chocolatiers and these tours offer your insights into how the chocolates are made. And yep, you get to taste along the way. Eyewitness News reporter Lauren Glassberg is now with more on a new tour that will be close to many New Yorkers hearts and mouths. Are you guys ready? check the website

MAIL relation with Collobrieres...previous post..

Mail ART * En préparation du 6ème Festival Nature à Collobrières du 30 avril au 2 mai où les messages et objets acheminés par la poste seront exposés Lire à Hyères propose une nouvelle fois au Moulin des contes un atelier d'art Postal animé par Claude Boesch de l'association "L'Arbre à Papillons" Samedi 17 avril de 10 h à 12h et de 14h à 17h Sur le thème : Cabanes à Lettres / Cabanes à être Abri léger, hutte de papier, maison fragile, protège nos rêves… Possibilité de pique nique sur place - Participation et matériel gratuits pour les adhérents inscription 04 94 35 79 28 * Le Mail Art ou Art Postal consiste en un élan créatif sous forme d’envoi de lettres, paquets ou tout autre support confié à la poste Date limite des envois décorés : 30 avril 2010 Merci de les adresser au choix à : Jean-Claude Babois » l’Espaventau » Place de l’enfer 83790 Pignans, Ghislaine Ariey "la Clef des mots " 14 res. les vieux salins i...

des nouvelles du Var...

if you HAVE to stay in France,...something is going on April 30/ May 1st ,,in COLLOBRIERES Le Festival de la Nature a été conçu dans une vision d’éco-citoyenneté et de développement durable. Sensibiliser la population régionale et nationale à la fragilité de l’écosystème méditerranéen et à la richesse de son patrimoine, par une approche ludique, et citoyenne

Opening @ MURIEL GUEPIN Gallery April 23rd..

Hello It would be a pleasure to see you at the opening. Pauline Pauline Galiana - Hovey Brock - Robert Szot April 23rd, show opening 6-9 PM, at Muriel Guépin Gallery, 47 Bergen street, Brooklyn 11201, tel 718 858 4535, -- on view from April 23rd until May 30th, 2010 New Group Show "Looking In" Opening Reception Friday, April 23rd from 6-9 pm New Group Show Featuring the Artwork of: Pauline Galiana, Hovey Brock, and Robert Szot On view from April 23rd, 2010 until May 31st, 2010 Please join Muriel Guepin Gallery on Friday, April 23rd from 6-9 pm to celebrate the opening of a new group show "Looking In," featuring paintings and mixed media works by Pauline Galiana, Hovey Brock, and Robert Szot. The artists in "Looking in" create work that implores you to look closer by relinquishing your habits and preconceived ideas. Layering stickers, fruit tags, and the remnants of her own art-maki...

Lecture en francais....

"grands et petits secrets du monde de l'art" Danièle Granet et Catherine Lamour ed Fayard fev. 2010

Press Release and Opening @ PAVEL ZOUBOK Gallery (CHELSEA)

Girl Talk COLETTE INDIA EVANS April 22 – May 22, 2010 PAVEL ZOUBOK GALLERY is pleased to announce GIRL TALK, a conversation exhibition of mixed-media collages and sculptures by COLETTE and INDIA EVANS that explore gender through historical and poetic evocations of femininity. Please join us for the opening reception on Thursday, April 22 from 6-8pm or during the run of the exhibition, which continues through May 22. The gallery is located at: 533 West 23rd Street (between 10th & 11th Avenues) Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 10am-6pm GIRL TALK brings together two artists, COLETTE and INDIA EVANS, who explore the iconography of traditional femininity to explore issues of gender and identity. Since the 1970s COLETTE’s pioneering performances and mixed media installations have established a unique brand of “hyper-feminine feminism” that is carried forward in the work of emerging artist INDIA EVANS. Coming from distinctly different sides of the Feminist movement, these two women ...


rdv LARCHMONT 25 Summit Avenue Friday April 30 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday May 1 from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm   More infos

Just in case ..SOON...Biennale of SYDNEY..

17th Biennale of Sydney 12 May – 1 August 2010

Read about Ursula Von Rydingsvard in "Brooklyn Rail"

Portrait of the artist. Pencil on paper by Phong Bui. Just a few days before the artist’s opening reception of her recent exhibit Errätus at Galerie Lelong (March 18 – May 1, 2010), Ursula von Rydingsvard welcomed Consulting Editor Irving Sandler and Art Editor John Yau to her Brooklyn Studio to view the works and then discuss her life and work. Source :

You saw it ...and were wondering about it?

ANSWER RICHARD WOODS is the artist check his website:

See it before it closes ....this week end

March 24 - April 4, 2010 Queens College Department of Art MFA Exhibition check the infos and then you can head to PS1 ...just in time to see the exhibit "1969" before it closes too... PS1

Message from Claire Birckel

Hello everyone! Just to let you know that one of my last paintings will be exhibited at the Rye Art Center, 51 Milton Road in Rye,April 8 to April 21, 9:30am - 5:00pm.Hope to see you there! Claire Birckel