
Showing posts from June, 2011

Ai WEIWEI @ Asia Society and Museum

Ai WeiWei: New York Photographs 1983-1993 Asia Society and Museum Starts Wed, June 29 Chinese artist, dissident and political activist Ai WeiWei was released from prison in China last Wednesday, June 22, 2011, after two-and-a-half months of detention. This timely exhibition, featuring  227 photographs he took while living in NYC  from 1983–1993, captures the history, culture and atmosphere of New York from his unique perspective .


Press Review....amazing...

Your Paintings: The secret artworks ordinary people own By Megan Lane BBC News Magazine


On view ..@ HARLEM STUDIO MUSEUM..among others,... ADRIAN PIPER to know more:

Rebecca Allan...' NEWS LANDSCAPES

Stillaguamish River Valley , 2005, acrylic on canvas, 36 x 24 inches, Private collection on view from July 6th through August 5th SAM (Seattle Art Museum) Gallery 1220 Third (at University Street SEATTLE fundraising for

September is not that 4 Thursday's with Art Walk New York and practice your French or/and Spanish

Series of Art Walk around New York..Speak Spanish or French.. 4 Tuesdays in Spanish sept 20/27 October 4/11 4 Thursday's in french sept 22/29.. October 6/13 more details on

About La Biennale de LYON..rdv jeudi 30 Juin

PRÉSENTATION DE LA 11 e BIENNALE EN AVANT-PREMIÈRE / JEUDI 30 JUIN, À 18H À LA BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE LA PART DIEU Entrée libre 30 boulevard Vivier Merle - 69003 Lyon Durée : 1h Un rendez-vous privilégié pour découvrir la programmation artistique de cette 11e édition, Une terrible beauté est née . Nous vous livrerons des détails sur le propos de l’exposition, vous dévoilerons ses secrets de préparation et nous ferons une incursion, en images, au cœur des œuvres les plus attendues de cette Biennale. Accès

What;s New this summer @ Art Walk New York?

In French English or Spanish,this summer..let's follow Valerie around her prefered neighborhood: Brooklyn Check the website

Crest Hardware Art Show

Incredible///FUN Food Drinks Art and design Market......Pictures soon... Meanwhile check out: More Info


ORIGiNAL SHOP :"CB I HATE perfum" Neighborhood WilliamsburgCB I Hate Perfume Gallery 93 Wythe Avenue Brooklyn NY 1121 ARTICLE PRESS REVIEW in New York may 2nd 2011 The Invisible Scent He’s built a career concocting high-concept fragrances like “Wet Mitten” and “Clean Baby Butt.” Now Christopher Brosius is attempting his next olfactory experiment: creating a perfume you can’t even smell......
Lyon 2011 Accueil » Lyon 2011 2011 sera l’année de la maturité, le jardin végétal qui tranquillement poursuit sa vie naturelle sur les bords de la Seine prépare sa métamorphose et s’apprête à prendre le chemin de sa prochaine destination. Les arbres ont grandi, les semis reprennent, les choix des essences, couleurs, odeurs, textures épousent une nouvelle histoire, celle d’une ville, d’un territoire, celle que Gad Weil et Laurence Medioni , sa scénographe, ont décidé d’inventer pour la ville des lumières pour la poser trois jours durant dans son cœur de vie. LYON 17, 18 et 19 juin 2011 Nature Capitale Lyon rendra un hommage particulier aux arbres pour fêter l’Année Internationale des Forêts . Retrouvez l’édition Lyon 2011 à l’adresse :

save the date October 6th 2011

diner at the French Consulate pour ENTRAIDE FRANCAISE

in WIlliamsburg,...

CB I Hate Perfume Gallery 93 Wythe Avenue Brooklyn NY 1121

Press Review / Cory Archangel@the Whitney

The Joys of Obsolescence When high-tech products become old and awkward, that’s when artist Cory Arcangel gets excited. By Miranda Siegel Published May 15, 2011

4heads - Governors Island Art Fair


just in case, you're looking for a good is a good exemple... RUNNING FOR MARGO On Facebook : When I registered for the Ironman triathlon in Lake Placid, I decided to run not only against time but make it truly worthwhile to swim 2.4 miles (3.86 km), bike 112 miles (180.25 km) and run a marathon (26.2 miles or 42.195 km) as well as the thousands miles of training this requires. I will be “Running for Margo” in memory of my friends' daughter Margaux Blanc who passed away on Monday June 7th 2010. She was 14. Margo fought her cancer with remarkable courage. She never gave up. Until the end, she kept her cute smile and, unbelievably, remained more concerned about others than herself. Following the lead of of her parents Patricia and Olivier, Running for Margo is a group of people spread all over the world that dedicate their racing and training efforts to never forget such a wonderful young girl and to share their accompli...

save the date ..Art Platform in Los Angeles Sept 30-Oct3,2011

Save the Date Los Angeles, California has been the home to some of the world’s most celebrated artists, museums and private collections. Art Platform—Los Angeles, a modern and contemporary art fair for Los Angeles , will underscore why the city has long been a destination for collectors, curators, dealers, and museum directors. Art Platform—Los Angeles will not only provide the greatest access to the Los Angeles art world but will offer an experience unlike that of any other art fair by presenting a focused survey of artists from Los Angeles and other international art capitals. We welcome you to discover the rich landscape of Los Angeles’ vibrant art scene. A contemporary and modern art fair for Los Angeles Sept 30 – Oct 3, 2011 L.A. Mart ® 1933 S. Broadway, Los Angeles Art Platform—Los Angeles is launching the same weekend as Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945-1980 . This unprecedented collaboration of more than sixty cultural institutions across Southern California c...

Romain Schaller @ Noho Gallery ....

Bonjour Laurence et Carmen, Pouvez-vous faire passer l'information ? OUI C'est un peintre français avec qui je suis en contact qui vient sur New York. Merci d'encourager les artistes !! A bientôt, Anne-Laure Opening reception: Saturday June 11 4-6 PM 4th FLOOR infos by mail or tel: 212.367.7063 NOHO GALLERY 530 west 25th street, New York 10001 N.Y 4th Floor Dawn of a new Age June 7-July 2, 2011 Schaller Romain Dawn of a new age The 21 st century begins with man questioning his environment . From natural disasters , the evolution of the climate , and sprawlingurban development , ourrelationshipwithourplanet is rapidly changing . Through this series of abstract paintings I wanted to relay this universal thought , which springs from deep within all of us . New York City perfectly illustrates this idea , thanks to actions of “planet NYC . ” I want to believe that if the “capital of the world” would become the capital of the green world , we would beatthedawnofanewage . Abs...

UPDATE for next event at the NEUBERGER

JUNE 14th Tuesday Lectures, Panels, and Dialogues COFFEE TALK & TOUR | 12:30 pm THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED

About Chautauqua

The Chautauqua Institution is a not-for-profit, 750-acre community on Chautauqua Lake in southwestern New York State, where approximately 7,500 persons are in residence on any day during a nine-week season, and a total of over 170,000 attend scheduled public events. Chautauqua is dedicated to the exploration of the best in human values and the enrichment of life through a program that explores the important religious, social and political issues of our times; stimulates provocative, thoughtful involvement of individuals and families in creative response to such issues; and promotes excellence and creativity in the appreciation, performance and teaching of the arts. The Chautauqua experience is based around one’s engagement in four program areas: The Arts Chautauqua as a community celebrates, encourages and studies the arts and treats them as integral to all of learning. With symphony, opera, theater, dance, visual arts and a renowned music school, Chautauqua produces an "ecstatic...


Tuesday, June 14th, 2011 6pm - 9pm »» Rain or Shine «« Free infos



save the date Wednesday June 15 @ the Neuberger

Art Sandwiched-In; Lectures, Panels, and Dialogues ART SANDWICHED-IN: LAGRIMAS NEGRAS | 12 pm Bring a lunch or buy one in the café and enjoy an informal gallery talk and tour led by a docent. The featured exhibition for June is Betsabeé Romero: Black Tears (Lágrimas Negras) . Free with museum admission Admission is free to Members and the Purchase College community Betsabeé Romero, Para Senderos Sagrados II, (For Sacred Pathways II) , 2008, tire rim, framework with canvas and feathers, collection of the artist

TODAY!!!!!!!!!! @ the FIAF

Get to know acclaimed photographer Didier Massard in an evening conversation with Julie Saul, founder of the Julie Saul Gallery, and David McFadden, Chief Curator of New York's Museum of Arts and Design (MAD). Following a 6-minute, behind-the-scenes film of Massard at work in his studio, the artist will give fascinating personal insight into the imaginary worlds he creates. The talk takes place in conjunction with the openings of Artifices (June 9–July 5), an exhibition of Massard's work in FIAF's Gallery, and Otherworldly: Optical Delusions and Small Realities (June 7–Sept 18) at the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD). Artist Website: INFORMATION


do not forget....MUSEUM MILE is on today....6-9pm check the website:

Participez a la biennale de lyon...

PARTICIPEZ À LA BIENNALE - C’EST VOUS QUI EXPOSEZ ! Dans le «Musée du 21e siècle» de Yona Friedman le 9 juillet, de 14h à 00h, au Grand Parc Miribel Jonage / Plage du Fontanil Apportez un objet que vous souhaitez exposer ! Pour participer > Choisissez un objet un objet que vous aimez, qui vous ressemble, que vous avez envie de partager… > Apportez-le du 2 au 8 juillet, de 11h à 20h, à l’accueil du Grand Parc Miribel Jonage ou le 9 juillet à partir de 10h, plage du Fontanil. > Celui-ci sera exposé dans le Musée du 21e siècle, plage du Fontanil, le 9 juillet à partir de 14h - Vernissage de l’exposition à 18h Vous pourrez récupérer votre objet le 9 juillet à partir de 20h sur place, ou à l’accueil du Grand Parc Miribel Jonage les 10 et 11 juillet de 11h à 20h. Toute la journée, programmation musicale avec les élèves de l’académie de musique et de danse de la Communauté de Communes de Miribel et du Plateau (Noise Around, Ferigas, …), « Little Big Band », soirée DJ A 22h, cinéma e...

Pencil vs Camera / Ben Heine

"Pencil vs Camera" ("Crayon contre Appareil photo"), défini par son auteur comme une tentative pour "créer un 'champ de bataille' entre deux disciplines : le dessin et la photographie". Après avoir photographié, et dessiné, à travers l’Europe , Crayon contre appareil photo / Il y a maintenant un an, l’artiste belge Ben Heine s’est lancé dans le projetBen Heine vient de mettre en ligne une nouvelle série, tirée d’une récente exposition qui s’est tenue au Cap Vert. source

What's happening soon?


Back from Argentina,..some news from ArteBa and more....