Showing posts from November, 2012
Free Arts day Sunday, Deceember 2
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Free Arts Day is a Westchester holiday season tradition. Each year in early December, arts lovers of all ages are welcomed at cultural sites throughout the county as arts organizations offer free admissions to their museums, arts centers and historical sites while hosting music and dance performances, storytelling performances, and workshops for every taste. 21 Locations | 50 Events | One Day | All Free
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REVEROL & CO. CONTEMPORARY ART OPENS IN DOWNTOWN NEW ROCHELLE NEW ROCHELLE, NY (December 7, 2012) – Reverol & Co., the first commercial, contemporary art gallery located in Downtown New Rochelle, will host its grand opening on Friday, December 7th at 6 pm. The opening exhibit will highlight the works of six contemporary artists: Stephanie McMahon, whose paintings reflect the immediacy of the moment and expose the pensive act of creating an image that is simultaneously raw, refined and fresh. Giovanni Forlino, with a sense of spiritual interconnectedness, describes himself as “a minimalist when working with beautiful, organic materials such as feathers, or taxidermy fish” and is best known for his Japanese-influenced line drawings and color works on paper. Emily Cappa, who uses the movement of every day living as her subject matter, translates this dialogue with exceptional, clea...
a message from Pascale Py about CRAFTSPRING
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Dear Friends, Please join us for our ann ual Nomad Collection sale at my home, on Wednesday November 28th from 9:00 to 6:00 , and discover Craftspring's beautiful new winter 2012 collection. The new collection is made in small workshops founded and run by exceptional women artisans in Krygyzstan, using local merino blended wools, and employing rural men and women. You can have a sneak peak here . Craftspring will also have a small selection of beautiful handmade silk Ikat scarves from Uzbekistan. Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you think will be interested. I look forward to seeing you - and thanks again for supporting my daughter's work . Best, Pascale
Whiskybaba ?
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Imagine : demain, tu vas au bureau, en classe ou je ne sais où, et là, Paf !!! Tu as deux millions soixante-trois mille personnes qui t’attendent. Et celles-ci vont te regarder pendant ton travail. Tu ne serais pas très à l’aise hein ? Et bien voilà, Whiskybaba n’a pas honte de le dire : « L’autre mardi sur le plateau de France 2 pour le direct de la Grande Battle, on avait les chocottes ! » D’autant plus qu’on a passé toute la journée dans les studios, pour que la pression monte bien sûr, et qu’on a eu droit à des rebondissements dignes des plus grands films Hollywoodiens. Heure H-30min : Adib ne retrouve plus son pass donnant accès au plateau. Heure H-15min : E.d casse la branche de ses lunettes. Il faut trouver du scotch pour les réparer en urgence. Heure H-7min : Adib (encore lui !) s’enfuit en courant de la salle d’attente prétextant un 17ème passage aux toilettes. Heure H-3min : Momo, en raccord maquillage, se rend compte qu’il n’a pas récupéré son micro au st...
Venez voir le marché de Noël organise par le Westchester Accueil
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Sortez vos agendas ! Le marché de Noël est de retour le dimanche 9 décembre 2012 Plus d'infos à venir... Le Marché de Noël est un marché artisanal local qui tombe juste à propos peu de temps avant la période des fêtes de fin d'année. Le Marché de Noël est une vente de produits confectionnés: par des artisans et artistes locaux affiliés au Westchester Accueil et qui proposent leur fabrication à cette occasion : bijoux, confiseries et pâtisseries, objets de déco, petits meubles, accessoires de mode, tableaux etc... par un Atelier du Westchester Accueil : l'Atelier des Mains au Service du Coeur , constitué d'une équipe d'artisan(e)s bénévoles, qui travaillent toute l'année ensemble à la réalisation d'articles de déco pour la maison : calendriers, nappes, coussins, vide-poches, abats jour, bougeoirs, tabliers etc... Chaque année plus d'une vingtaine d'exposants y participent. Les bénéfices de la vente de l'Ateli...
A Guide to When Chelsea Galleries Are Reopening After Sandy [Updated]
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After being hit by flooding from Sandy, galleries are getting back on their feet. Below, a list of when affected galleries are planning to reopen, and the shows they will be presenting. We’ll continually update the list until everyone has reopened. If you have news to share of galleries reopening, please e-mail us or drop a note in the little “tip box” at right; we will continually update this post. (Please note: we’re trying to focus on galleries that were closed as a result of the storm and have not yet reopened.) read more
Meet Kenise Barnes @ Designing Greenwich this coming week end
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K E N I S E B A R N E S F I N E A R T AT DESIGNING GREENWICH for a weekend of ART - STYLE - DESIGN and EDUCATION lecture series information available hours and info hour In spite of the snow, the installation of our booth is almost completed. In this view featured works are by Sanchez, Wright, Urso, Sears, Neill, Mattera and Lanzetta. Please join us Friday, Nov. 9 - Monday Nov. 12 at The Loading Dock, Stamford, CT here