
Showing posts from January, 2015


SAVE THE DATE MAY 1, 2015 Inaugural Exhibition May 1, 2015– When the Whitney Museum’s new Renzo Piano-designed home on Gansevoort Street opens its doors on May 1, 2015, the inaugural installation will be the largest and most comprehensive display to date of the Whitney’s unparalleled permanent collection of 20th and 21st century American art. This ambitious display will offer new perspectives on art in the United States since 1900, following the Whitney’s in-depth analysis of its collection of more than 21,000 works, an initiative that has been underway since 2012. The opening presentation will fill over 60,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor exhibition space, utilizing all galleries in the building, and it will celebrate the Whitney’s extraordinary new home and the richness of American art. The sweep of the collection is echoed in the building’s magnificent multiple perspectives: the new Whitney looks south toward the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, east...


@ the RYE ARTS CENTER until this coming Saturday, the show has already been extended bit now this is your last chance... You are here: Home / Gallery / Gallery Exhibit Gallery Exhibit This solo retrospective debuts the private works of design genius Irving Harper at The Rye Arts Center. Known professionally for his iconic contributions to the George Nelson Office, including the 1949 Ball Clock, Herman Miller logo and the 1956 Marshmallow sofa, Harper’s personal creations have never before been shared publicly. Curated by Katharine Dufault and Jeff Taylor, the exhibit runs through November 8, 2014.  Don’t miss this tour de force exhibition of whimsical paper sculpture. Made possible through the generous support of Herman Miller and Maharam. Q & A with Irving Harper and Katharine Default Irving Harper Au...

Je suis Charlie, from Annecy

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save the date ..before March 21 2015....New York CIty

Those in need of a little inspiration for their holiday correspondence this year would do well to head to Poets House, the nearly 30-year-old poetry hub in Battery Park City, where the poet Kevin Young and the doctoral candidate Lisa Chinn have curated a new exhibition, “Winter Wedding: Holiday Cards by Poets.” The show, which draws mainly from the Raymond Danowski Poetry Library at Emory University, features holiday cards, valentines, rare editions and more from poets including Langston Hughes, Robert Creeley, Seamus Heaney and Sylvia Plath (and Miss Flannery O’Connor’s calling card, to boot, printed in an appropriately Gothic font). Glimpse a few highlights from the show above — we’re especially fond of Alice Notley’s peculiar collage postcard, which combines a bashful flamingo, a cactus postage stamp and a reminder: “It is never too late to start a new way of thinking.” “Winter Wedding: Holiday Cards by Poets” is on view at Poets Ho...



en direct from Annecy

received from Anne-Laureor AnLor..


Image   Conseille fortement non seulement car le redacteur en chef,Xavier, est mon neveu mais surtout pour cette raison.. certes le domaine de l'art est bcp trop neglige mais nobody is perfect.... RUE 89..Qui sommes-nous ? Bienvenue dans Rue89, un endroit où l'on discute, où l'on se rencontre, où l'on prend l'air. Une nouvelle aventure au cœur de la révolution en cours de l'information. Notre ambition : inventer un média qui marie journalisme professionnel et culture de l'Internet. Créé par des journalistes, dont plusieurs sont issus de Libération , ce site se concentre sur les sujets qui font parler, jaser, débattre, dans tous les domaines, de la politique au sport, en passant par les nouvelles technologies, la culture ou l'environnement. Nous rêvons que Rue89 devienne peu à peu le point de référence obligé pour tous ceux qui ne veulent pas se contenter de « consommer » l'informatio...

NOUS SOMMES TOUS CHARLIE..temoignage en direct,...Check ou Bonne Mine toute l annee

  lundi 12 janvier 2015 CHARLIE !!!! Hier nous étions tous CHARLIE  ! Comment ne pas être avec Michel Renaud, créateur de la Biennale du carnet de voyage en 2000 (devenue récemment: le rendez-vous du carnet de voyage ) suite et photo sur leur blog......  A LIRE sur:



NOT TO BE MISSED.....@ the Rye Arts Center...

You are here: Home / Gallery / Gallery Exhibit Gallery Exhibit This solo retrospective debuts the private works of design genius Irving Harper at The Rye Arts Center. Known professionally for his iconic contributions to the George Nelson Office, including the 1949 Ball Clock, Herman Miller logo and the 1956 Marshmallow sofa, Harper’s personal creations have never before been shared publicly. Curated by Katharine Dufault and Jeff Taylor, the exhibit runs through November 8, 2014.  Don’t miss this tour de force exhibition of whimsical paper sculpture. Made possible through the generous support of Herman Miller and Maharam. Q & A with Irving Harper and Katharine Default Irving Harper Auction & Celebration About the Exhibition

LAST DAYS @ The Bard Graduate Center at 18 West 86th Street

Barbara Nessim: An Artful Life September 19, 2014–January 11, 2015 Curated by Douglas Dodds, Senior Curator, Word and Image Department, Victoria and Albert Museum, London A constant innovator for more than four decades, Barbara Nessim was one of the first professional illustrators to master the computer as an artistic tool. This exhibition examines her sketchbooks, hand-drawn and computer-generated illustrations, paintings, collages, textiles, and fashion. Hours Tuesday–Sunday: 11 am–5 pm Thursday: 11 am–8pm

Je suis Charlie dans le Var MATIN du Jeudi 8 Janvier 2015

suite Je suis Charlie

Communiqué commun de l’ensemble des groupes du Conseil municipal de la  Ville d'Hyères les Palmiers  (Jacques POLITI, Jean-Pierre GIRAN, Patrick COLLET et William SEEMULLER) : Au moment où un crime odieux vient d’être perpétré à Paris dans les locaux de Charlie Hebdo, nous tenons à exprimer aux familles des victimes notre immense peine et notre totale solidarité. Des personnes sont mortes atteintes par les balles de fous extrémistes. Mais au-delà de ces victimes, c’est la liber té d’expression qui était visée. Toutes les croyances et toutes les idées doivent être respectées : c’est le principe de tolérance. Mais si nous vivons en France sous le règne de la laïcité, c’est aussi parce que nous acceptons que ...


 GO TO World 23 Heartbreaking Cartoons From Artists Responding To The Charlie Hebdo Shooting Cartoonists from all over the world mourn in the wake of a Paris shooting that killed as many as 12 people, many of whom are members of Charlie Hebdo . Source ANDY  the Englishman

Niki de Saint Phalle

 The Tarot Garden in Tuscany is considered Niki de Saint Phalle's life work. check out