Art in Yonkers

The OPENING RECEPTION will be NOV. 18 2:00 -4:30 at the Yonkers Library 4 th floor.

Ann Ladd Ferencz, Artist
63 Ralph Avenue White Plains, NY 10606 Tel: 914-948-8839

If you have information and you would like to see it on this blog please send me an email as Ann did, and I will post your information. Pictures are always nice, too.
SO If you would like to know YONKERS in another way than just,..nightmare for getting your driving license....Go to see:

Dreamscapes Exhibition - November 17 to December 30, 2007
October 08 2007, at 12:37 PM

The Blue Door Artist Association announces its next exhibition – Dreamscapes – artwork that focuses on the symbolism of the unconscious. As dreams often elicit unconscious symbolism in their unfolding, artwork in the exhibition will portray the ‘language’ of dreams and visions as it reveals itself.

The exhibtion will take place at the Yonkers Riverfront Library in Larkin Plaza, Yonkers.

More information on their website by clicking on the title


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