A message from my friend Claudia about ....

Don't hesitate to let me know when you see something you like and would like to share.Send me an email with the details like Claudia did and I will post it on the blog..

I highly recommend you to see a fantastic exhibit at the library at Concordia College in Bronxville on Route 22. Ellen Frank is an artist with an atelier in East Hampton and she specializes in illumination art. She paints on Belgian linen using gold, silver and copper as well as egg tempura. Her project is called Cities of Peace and each work is dedicated to a city of the world that has undergone turmoil -- Beijing, Sarajevo, Kabul, Jerusalem, NYC, etc.

You can visit her web site: Ellen Frank Illumination Arts Foundation, Inc. (Click on the title)
The exhibit lasts until December 14th.



Unknown said…
There was a great street art inspired exhibit this summer at the 3rdRail Gallery in New Rochelle, NY. Some of those artists are currently in Wrap It Up!, an exhibit and sale through the Westchester Arts Council in White Plains. More information can be found at www.CharleneWeisler.com

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