Artist #11 Elaine also back

Elaine Mokhtefi is a painter. She’s a New Yorker who lived for so many years in Paris and Algiers that she admits to being totally confused as to where her emotional identity hails from. She paints what she sees: portraits, landscapes, still life.
At this year’s Promenade, she will be showing a series of paintings of the New Mexican mesa in the region around Taos. She will also show portraits of New Yorkers of varied backgrounds and ethnicities, as well as some still life. She has a website:

In addition to painting, she has written travel guides to Paris and to France for a New York publishing house and books for young adults for French publishers, one about the black neighborhoods of New York and one about the Civil War. Her most recent publication is Paris: an illustrated history (Hippocrene Books, New York ) a brief history of that marvelous city.


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