A message from Gregoire GANTER

A message from Gregoire GANTER

Dear friends:

I am participating in Vida's market this weekend and would love to see you there.

Vida's market is the first market in New York dedicated to selling original items for children, babies and expecting moms and showcases a great group of young, up and coming designers.

I will be showing prints and cards from my Lea's Alphabets collection, as well as unveiling a new line of magnets based on my designs.

YES, fridge magnets!!! You read correctly.

In addition to keeping your kids busy for at least 15 minutes at a time while you (cook, read your paper, drink your coffee, you know the drill...) these magnets will help your children learn their alphabet and items they may find in their fridge. A is for apple, C is for corn, S is for strawberry etc... At $23 for a full set, they make great gifts as well.

Vida's market:
Saturday October 18
@ The Greenwich Village School (courtyard - rain location is inside the school)
116 W. 11th St
from 10am to 6pm.

For more information and a map, please visit the news and notes section at:
or www.vidasmarket.com

See you Saturday!!!!!!



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