About Furniture Sharehouse

Hello all ,
I am taking the liberty of sending you this flyer to advertise for a used furniture collection on the 25 th of April. You will be able to get rid of your unwanted furniture by dropping it off at one of the 3 locations mentioned below.
This will benefit a good cause as the furniture will be redistributed to families in need.
If you could please read the flyers and spread the word it would be very helpful.
In any case thank you very much,

Si vous voulez plus d'information, n'hesitez pas a me contacter a cette adresse email ou sur mon portable 914 834 1354 ,
D'avance merci,
To: bialok@aol.com
Subject: Furniture Sharehouse County-Wide Furniture Drive on April 25 with Three Drop-Off Locations
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:54:36 -0400
From: bialok@aol.com

Dear Friends:

Believe it or not, Furniture Sharehouse is about to celebrate its SECOND ANNIVERSARY. Many of you were there in May 2007 at Harbor Island when we held our initial furniture drive to help the many families devastated by the April 2007 flooding. Since then, I am proud to say that with your help, we have served over 475 families – over 1,200 individuals, including over 500 children.

But the need for furniture is greater than ever today. As a result of the economic downturn, we have experienced a significant increase in client requests, and an alarming decrease in furniture donations. We are serving 20-25 client families per month, and the warehouse is looking very empty.

So to celebrate our Second Anniversary, we are holding a County-Wide Furniture Drive on Saturday, April 25 from 9:00 to 2:00 with three drop-off locations: Playland, Rye; Westchester County Airport, White Plains; and North Castle Town Hall, Armonk. Go to our website for more details. www.furnituresharehouse.org.

We very much need your help to spread the word about this Furniture Drive, and about our need for more furniture to meet increased client demand.

Attached is a flyer about the Furniture Drive, a flyer seeking volunteers to assist with the Drive, and a newsletter blurb. Please help us by: 1) forwarding these flyers on to your circle of friends and neighbors to let them know how much we need furniture; 2) downloading the flyers and post a few of them in your community; 3) submitting the attached blurb to your school, house of worship or other organization’s newsletter.

And remember, you don’t have to wait until the day of the Drive – if you have furniture to donate now, go to our website – www.furniturehsharehouse.org and click on How To Donate Furniture to see if you qualify for a pick-up now.
Thank you for your help!
Best regards,

Kate Bialo


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