
Showing posts from April, 2009

and even France publishing an article on the Promenade des Artistes!!

La Promenade des Artistes - Art and Community work for a good cause! This year the 9th annual "Promenade des Artistes" organized by the French organizations “Westchester Accueil” and Accueil” New York will take place on May 1st and 2nd, in Orienta, Mamaroneck. The Promenade is a wonderful opportunity for the French community to share its culture and work with the American public. This year’s Promenade will feature the work of artists from the New York area. This self-guided tour within the lovely district of Orienta showcases the original work of more than 40 talented amateurs and professional artists and craftsmen. Their work range from paintings, photographs, sculptures to jewelry, quilt, accessories and more. The exhibitions take place in private homes all within easy walking distance of each other. A map of the route is available at your first stop, the “Reception house” located on 1027 S. Constable Drive, in Mamaroneck. Visitors join the Promenade just to browse or to be...

Do NOT MISS "the Promenade des Artists"

MEET ME AT Laurence' house located Seven Oaks Lane in Mamaroneck SEE you TOMORROW

Another invitation for Affordable Art Fair Opening Night from the Gallery Anelle Gandelman Fine Art]

Please visit us [ The Affordable Art Fair May 7 - 10, 2009 7 West 34th Street, NYC Booth E-204 Private Preview: Wednesday, May 6, 6 - 9pm Opening Night Reception: Thursday, May 7, 6 - 9pm For complimentary admission please follow this link:

Message from Leah

Allo! I'm sending info on a show that opens May 5th which should be very strong as the curator and artists aregreat. I send my best.Leah DESIRES curated by Curcio Projects @ chashama, 112 west 44 Street Open from May 6 to 23 Reception on Tuesday, May 5 from 6 to 8pm This exhibit features artists: Ricky Allman, Sandra Bermudez, Carla Gannis, Deana Lawson, Yeni Mao, Cara Phillips, Pierre St.Jacques and Ginna Triplett. For additional information, please contact this email address or 646.220.2557.

Opening Reception MAY 21 6-9pm

Opening Reception Thursday, May 21 6 to 9 pm The gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday. 10 am to 6 pm To contact Living with Art : 917 783 5737 Or email: Living with Art gallery 153 Lafayette Street @ Grand Street 7th floor New York NY 10013 Serge Bloch is a contributing illustrator to several US publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, GQ, The Los Angeles Times, Bloomberg, Scholastic, National Geographic Serge enjoys doing humorous work, and refers to it as a work of modest art. see some of Serge drawings for press and advertising or visit his web site. For his second exhibition, Serge Bloch will present his new series of painted drawings.

Je veux voir Mioussov !

Français du Monde-ADFE vous informe: Je veux voir Mioussov ! de Valentin Kataev Samedi 2 et dimanche 3 mai a 20h00 àSaint Steven Hungarian 414 East 82nd Street (entre First et York) Que feriez-vous le dimanche si vous habitiez à Moscou dans les années 1960 ? Le camarade Mioussov, lui, haut fonctionnaire de l'Etat va se détendre à la célèbre maison de repos Les Tournesols. Enfin, il essaye... Une troupe de théâtre francophone newyorkaise entièrement bénévole se produira les 2 et 3 mai prochains dans une comédie vaudevillesque de Valentin Kataev crée à Paris dans les années 60, "Je veux voir Mioussov", qui a fait rire et qui continue de faire rire des générations de spectateurs. L'intégralité des bénéfices sera reversée à deux associations qui viennent en aide à nos compatriotes et aux francophones dans le besoin, Entraide Française et Carrefour pastoral de la francophonie. Réservez vos places dès maintenant: Prévente:15 dollars ...

This WEEK END............T.O.A.S.T.

HI EVERYBODY IT’S APRIL AND SPRING IS FINALLY ON ITS WAY ALONG WITH THE ANNUAL TRIBECA OPEN ARTIST STUDIO TOUR a/k/a T.O.A.S.T THIS WEEKEND…..SO IF YOU IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OR JUST LOOKING FOR A FUN AND INTERESTING WAY TO SPEND A COUPLE OF HOURS COME VISIT US AT 368 BROADWAY RM 306 AND HAVE A LOOK!!! - CHECK OUT ATTACHED MAP FOR HRS & STUDIOS DONNA ROSENTHAL New York-based artist Donna Rosenthal explores "the effects of traditional and societal influences on the lives of women." Rosenthal adds, "I use text, repetition, and the cultural symbolism of clothing to expose the struggles between the internal and external self." The artist employs traditional craft materials: vintage papers, books, magazines, linens, buttons, and dress patterns. These materials are deconstructed, then transformed and embellished with embroidery, beading, and gluing. As the final addition, text ties together content and materials, resulting in sculptures that are humorous yet p...

and also Marie France HICKMAN is inviting you @

Come to see her and you should be seeing me as we are in the same house! MESSAGE de Marie France HICKMAN Hi to all I will be at the artist's walk the PROMENADE DES ARTISTES at this address 1040 Seven Oaks Lane Mamaroneck, NY 10543 I will be SELLING JEWELRY (15% goes to charity) These are the dates and time: Friday May 1 10am-3pm Saturday May 2 11am-6pm My cell is: 914-833-1642 in case you need my number. From there you will be able to get a map to ALL the other houses that are open with all the other artists. I will not be selling any of my photography at this can always go online at if you wish to purchase any of my photography. Hope to see you there...It is always a fun event; you have all been a great support in the past! Thanks so much! Marie Hickman

enjoy Art to the Avenue Greenwich, Connecticut

for more info go to but also: Message de Beatrice J.Drouhin Chers tous, J'exposerai mes toiles cette annee encore une fois avec grand plaisir au Wine Shop de Greenwich ainsi qu'a la People's United Bank a l'occasion de la manifestation ART TO THE AVENUE. A cette occasion de nombreux artistes, selectionnes au prealable, par le Greenwich Arts Council, ont le privilege d'exposer dans une ou plusieurs boutiques, restaurants ou autre emplacement. Je vous accueillerai donc au Wine Shop, le 7 Mai, un verre (de Drouhin...) a la main accompagne de quelques succulentes mignardises du Restaurant Jean Louis. Peinture,Vin, Gastronomie, une Open Night sous le signe de l'Art. "Le Wine Shop" : 39 East Elm Street "People's United Bank" : 3 Pickwick Plaza Béatrice J.Drouhin website :

promenade des Artistes 2009

Promenade des artistez......... ....I will be % Laurence Hajjaji's house 1040 Seven Oaks Lane Mamaroneck, NY 10543 and Valerie de Gaulmyn is inviting you :.................. @Dear all I will be very happy to welcome you at the 2009 edition of Art Walk in Mamaroneck, May 1-2. My new work will be on show at the house of Marie-Claude Seguin 901 Skibo lane (Orienta). I am looking forward to see you there Valerie --

suggestion of a book: The fate of a gesture

Drawing from twenty years of experience as an art critic in New York, Carter Ratcliff maps the Manhattan art world from Fifty-seventh Street to SoHo, revisiting the world of studios, galleries, and artists’ bars where those personalities met and clashed. In addition to providing an intimate biography of Pollock and the history and development of his ideas, Ratcliff explores the lives and consciousness of the other major American artists of the day. He follows the story of postwar American art from the late 1940s through the triumph of Abstract Expressionism and the sudden explosion of Pop Art, all the way to the boom of the 1980s, which brought stardom to an array of young artists. Over it all looms the monumental and tragic figure of Jackson Pollock, the measure of all who have felt compelled to challenge him. More details The fate of a gesture: Jackson Pollock and postwar American art By Carter Ratcliff Edition: illustrated Published by Westview Press, 1998 ISBN 0813335442, 97808133...

tomorrow @ Wave Hill @11 am

Isabel Bigelow, American Elm—November, 2009 , detail Arbor Week Tree Tour Tue, Apr 21, 2009 Meet at Perkins Visitor Center, 11AM View All EventsArbor WeekNatureYear of the Trees Explore Wave Hill’s collection of unique and inspiring trees with one of our knowledgeable Garden Guides as we celebrate 2009 Year of the Trees. Topics include native trees, spring-flowering trees and notable trees of Wave Hill; topics vary by week. Tour concludes at Glyndor Gallery with an introduction to the spring exhibition. Free with admission to the grounds. Arbor Week event.

No Need to go to Chelsea to see emerging Scott Goodman in Kenise Barnes -Larchmont NY


Yeshiva University Museum / 15 West 16th Street (between 5th & 6th Aves), NYC

Yeshiva University Museum features "I of the Storm: Michael Hafftka, Recent Work" New York City - After more than 30 years of portraying the human figure with a neo-expressionist style, Michael Hafftka turns to his Jewish heritage for subject matter and inspiration in his new exhibition, “I of the Storm: Michael Hafftka, Recent Work,” at the Yeshiva University Museum. Frequently compared to the painters Soutine, Goya and Rouault, Hafftka here makes use of mystical images, biblical themes and the Hebrew alphabet in watercolors and oils. The exhibition runs through August 30, 2009. Gallery Talk: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 1:00 pm Alef-Bet – A group of 22 watercolors based on the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The series is an exploration of contemporary Jewish themes and a tribute to the artist’s parents who were survivors of the Holocaust. Zohar – A group of watercolors based on The Zohar, or Book of Splendor. Hafftka’s expressionism serves as a visual exegesis of this ...

what's in Chelsea...? addition to Picasso...

NAM JUNE PAIK Beuys Voice, 1990 Two channel color video on laser discs, antique television cabinets, felt, mixed media sculpture 104 3/8 X 74 X 37 3/8 inches NEW YORK, NY - James Cohan Gallery presents an exhibition of important works by the late pioneer of video art, Nam June Paik running through May 30. The exhibition consists of a number of works dating from 1972 to 1994, among them are Paik’s robot sculptures, live feed installations and other video sculptures. Commonly hailed as the father of video art, Nam June Paik asserted in 1965 that the television cathode-ray tube would someday replace the canvas. Known as one of the major proponents of the Fluxus movement of the 1960s and 1970s, Paik worked closely with artists John Cage, Joseph Beuys and Charlotte Moorman among others. He balanced a Utopian philosophy with a technical pragmatism and was known for creating works that drew on chance encounters between ideas, the object and the public. Paik’s interest in the phenomenon of el...

After Manzoni ,here is Castellani......Opening May 8th @ Haunch of Venison NY

New York: Enrico Castellani Curated by Adachiara Zevi Renowned curator and art historian Adachiara Zevi, in collaboration with the Enrico Castellani Archive in Milan, is curating Enrico Castellani's exhibition at Haunch of Venison New York. Featured works will include numerous recently completed paintings in white or metallic silver, in the artist's signature style, dating from 2008 and 2009, as well as several early paintings and sculptures from the 1960s, some of which will be on loan from prominent collections including the Fondazione Prada in Milan. As one of Italy's most celebrated living artists, Castellani is known for his poetic, constant and rigorous style, defining what art critics have called a "different repetition." Castellani, along with Yves Klein, was identified by Donald Judd as one of the most important European precursors of minimalism and conceptualism. A fully illustrated catalogue will be available. 8 May - 27 June 2009

Soon opening at the Whitney

THE WHITNEY TO PRESENT SELECTION OF EARLY SCULPTURES AND DRAWINGS BY OLDENBURG, FILMS OF HIS EARLY HAPPENINGS, AND A SERIES OF WORKS BY OLDENBURG AND VAN BRUGGEN Claes Oldenburg: Early Sculpture, Drawings, and Happenings Films Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen: The Music Room Opens May 7, 2009 Press Preview: Wednesday, May 6, 10am-noon NEW YORK, April 6, 2009 – This spring, the Whitney Museum of American Art presents a selection of early sculpture and drawings by Claes Oldenburg (b. 1929), as well as films of the artist’s influential Happenings, together with The Music Room, a series of works that Oldenburg made with his wife and artistic collaborator Coosje van Bruggen (1942-2009). The presentation opens on May 7, 2009, and runs through August in the second-floor Whitney Museum of American Art 945 Madison Avenue at 75th Street New York, NY 10021 Tel. (212) 570-3633 Fax (212) 570-4169 Press Release Contact: Whitney Museum of American Art S...

Closing Party

ivy brown gallery invites you to the closing party for julian hibbard the noir a-z thursday, april 16th 6-9pm s is for "solitude"

sunday April 19th open Studios @Studio MUSEUM HARLEM


From Brigitte

Message from Brigitte In the last few months, I’ve had so much time on my hands being an art dealer and the mother of twins, I decided to take on another challenge—a part in a play called "Je Veux Voir Mioussov". The play was very well received by European critics when it debuted in 1970. Now a group of non-actors, all dedicated volunteers, are putting it on in New York City for the first time. It is extremely funny, and I promise you, you will not be bored. The entire team has worked very hard to be as close as possible to the intentions of the writer, Valentin Kataev. The only disadvantage—or maybe advantage—is that the two-act play is in French. But don’t worry. An English synopsis of each segment will be given to you. The last point, and the most important, is that all of the proceeds from the ticket sales will be donated to Associations Carrefour and Entraide Francaise New York ( The price is $15 in advance and $20 at the doo...

Not Far, in New JERSEY

The Montclair Art Museum (MAM) hosts The Wyeths: Three Generations Montclair, NJ - For three generations, the Wyeths have created art that captures the imagination and admiration of a wide audience. This exhibition presents more than sixty paintings, drawings, and illustrations by N. C. (Newell Converse) Wyeth, his son Andrew Wyeth, and his grandson Jamie Wyeth. The works— from the early 1900s to the present—reveal the breadth of the Wyeth family’s creative output and illuminate both common themes within the works and the artists’ individual styles. On view through 19 July, 2009. N. C. Wyeth (1882–1945) has long been considered one of the nation’s leading illustrators. In the early 1900s, he studied with illustrator Howard Pyle in Delaware. In 1911, he built a house and studio in nearby Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. Later, he bought a sea captain’s house in Maine and in 1931 built a small studio, which he shared with his son Andrew and his daughters. The exhibition includes illustrations...

save the date SOTHEBY's May 5th and before

Sotheby's NY Sales of Impressionist & Modern Art on May 5th & 6th NEW YORK, NY - Two great icons of Modern Art will be featured in Sotheby’s May 5, 2009 Evening Sale of Impressionist and Modern Art in New York – Pablo Picasso’s La Fille de l’artiste à deux ans et demi avec un bateau from 1938 and Alberto Giacometti’s legendary sculpture, Le Chat from 1951. A rare group of paintings by Tamara de Lempicka from the collection of German fashion designer Wolfgang Joop is among other highlights. Prior to the exhibition and sale in New York, selected works will be on view at Sotheby’s London from April 22-25, 2009. The Evening Sale will also include Alberto Giacometti’s exceptional Le Chat from 1951 (est. $16/24 million). This iconic bronze has not appeared at auction since 1975 and the cast on offer has been in a private European collection since 1967. According to Simon Shaw, Head of Impressionist & Modern Art at Sotheby’s New York, “Giacometti sought to capture the very es...

Back to Artistic News.....about FUTURISM

LONDON - This exhibition will be the first large-scale showing of Futurism in Britain in thirty years. The movement set out to modernise Italian art and social attitudes and its influence spread across Europe and beyond, revolutionising the response to the dynamism of modern life. Its master of ceremonies was the poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and this exhibition celebrates the centenary of his publication of The Founding and First Manifesto of Futurism in 1909. On view at the Tate Modern 12 June through 20 September, 2009. A core group of artists – Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, Luigi Russolo, Giacomo Balla and Gino Severini – pledged its enthusiastic adherence to Futurism and abandoned the art and culture from the past. The Futurists embraced a celebration of modern technology, speed, and city life and they often painted urban and industrial scenes. The fascination and experience of cars, trams and airplanes is frequently represented in their subject matter together with the use of b...

Signez la petition pour sauver le ROSE

A vous tous qui, avec le retour des beaux jours et des longues soirées, aimez boire un rosé bien frais le soir (ou à midi), je fais suivre cette pétition pour le défendre. Dans le cas contraire vous pourrez acheter deux bouteilles, une de blanc et l'autre de rosé et les mélanger pour obtenir 2 bouteilles de rosé : c'est la recette proposée par la commission Européenne. > Bonjour, > Pour sauver notre rosé merci de signer ( si ce n'est pas déja fait !) > la pétition en utilisant le lien suivant > site : > Nous avons obtenu un report du vote jusqu'au 9 juin mais nous ne > devons pas relacher notre mobilisation.
What are Guggenheim Fellowships? Guggenheim Fellowships are grants to selected individuals made for a minimum of six months and a maximum of twelve months. The average amount of Fellowship grants in the 2008 United States and Canada competition was approximately $43,200. Since the purpose of the Guggenheim Fellowship program is to help provide Fellows with blocks of time in which they can work with as much creative freedom as possible, grants are made freely. No special conditions attach to them, and Fellows may spend their grant funds in any manner they deem necessary to their work Among 2009.... Michael Ashkin, Artist, Ithaca, New York; Assistant Professor of Art and Director of Graduate Studies, Cornell University: Sculpture. Dike Blair, Visual Artist, New York City; Adjunct Professor, Rhode Island School of Design: Painting and sculpture. Paul Bloodgood, Artist, Jackson Heights, New York: Painting Tom Burckhardt, Artist, New York City: Painting. Nancy Chunn, Visual artist, New York...

save the date: this coming week end....

Où ? Dans un superbe penthouse avec terrasse, à Harlem (très bien desservi par métros et bus) Un parcours de découverte du quartier vous sera proposé. Qui ? 15 artistes français de l’ANY qui exposent leurs créations. Comment ? Il y aura un vernissage le vendredi de 5 à 9 pm, avec des cocktails sur la terrasse ! Le samedi, ateliers variés proposés gratuitement par les exposants ET mini-canelés & café offerts tout au long de la journée de 11 am à 6 pm ! L’entrée est gratuite et 10% des ventes réalisées sera reversé à l’Entraide Française. Tous les renseignements (plan, exposants, déroulé de l’évènement) sont sur le BLOG :



Remember Pierre Bonnard @ the MET: closing son

Article paru dans French Morning News 29 janvier 2009 Auteur(e) : Pauline Lebrec Exposition Un souffle de Côte d’Azur au Metropolitan Museum envoyer par mail Longtemps délaissé au profit de plus fameux et plus provocant que lui, le peintre Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947) est aujourd’hui célébré par le Met. Une lumière nouvelle sur un des plus brillants artistes français de la première moitié du 20ème siècle. La nostalgie d’une douceur de vivre simple et chaleureuse envahit le visiteur le long des couloirs de l’exposition Pierre Bonnard : The Late Interiors, au Met Museum jusqu’au 19 avril. Voilà ce qu’on imagine être un dimanche matin ensoleillé, dans une maison sur les hauteurs de Cannes, le petit-déjeuner est servi dans la salle à manger au premier étage, les rayons du soleil traversent les persiennes, on aperçoit de dos une femme négligemment assise. Même endroit, même villa, c’est désormais l’heure du soleil couchant, le pièce se remplie d’ombres chatoyantes, les pommes sur la table ...

Sophie Calle:"prenez soin de vous" on view

et toujours sur French Morning News 8 avril 2009 Auteur(e) : Pauline Lebrec Exposition Sophie Calle, "Prenez soin de vous" envoyer par mail En 2007, Sophie Calle crée l’installation "Prenez soin de vous" pour le pavillon français de la biennale de Venise, une installation multi-forme qui utilise la photographie, la vidéo et du texte. Fidèle à sa tradition de faire de sa vie son œuvre et de sans cesse remettre en cause les limites entre sphère privée et vie publique, l’artiste prend pour point de départ de "Prenez soin de vous" un email de rupture qu’elle vient de recevoir. Elle demande alors à 107 femmes, plus ou moins connues du grand public, mais ayant chacune une compétence précise, de la criminologie à la danse, en passant par la psychiatrie, le soap opéra ou le théâtre, de donner leur avis "professionnel" sur cet email. L’installation devient ainsi une symphonie d’interprétations féminines, orchestrée avec maestria par Sophie Calle, chacu...

save the date April 13th : Frederic Miterrand @ the maison francaise

Article/ French Morning News :6 avril 2009Auteur(e) : Pauline Lebrec French Literature in the making avec Frédéric Mitterrand Frédéric Mitterand est un homme touche à tout : livres, cinéma, télévision, fiction, ce passionné de culture est également directeur de l’Académie de France à Rome depuis juin 2008. Le 13 avril, c’est l’écrivain qui est l’invité d’Olivier Barrot pour un nouveau rendez-vous de la série "French Literature in the making". Frédéric Mitterrand a publié depuis 1990 douze livres, dont "La Mauvaise Vie", récompensé en 2005 par le prix Vaudeville et qui aborde le sujet de son homosexualité. Dans la catégorie roman, il a aussi publié récemment "Lettres d’amour en Somalie" en 2006. Au cours d’une conversation sans fausse pudeur, Olivier Barrot abordera avec lui l’ensemble de son parcours littéraire, pour essayer de comprendre les racines créatives derrière chacune de ses œuvres. French Literature in the making avec Frédéric...

Exposition New Museum sur French Morning News

Exposition New Museum, New Artists check the article :

Coming Up at Wave Hill

Rebeccan Allan In Study with Artists: Drawing Sunday, April 19, 12:30PM–4PM How often do you have the opportunity to study with an exhibiting artist? Sign up to learn from several artists showing in the Glyndor Gallery exhibition Arbores Venerabiles. Artists guide participants in seeing, selecting and visually interpreting our remarkable landscape. This Sunday, techniques with pencil are introduced for capturing the natural world and strategies are presented for heightening focus and memory, led by exhibiting artist Emily Brown. Sessions begin with a discussion of the artists' work in Glyndor Gallery and follow outdoors (weather permitting). Meet at Glyndor Gallery. Single session fee: $30 Member; $40 Non-member, includes materials. Bring a friend to any workshop, or to the entire series, for half the full price. Children aged 12 and older who are accompanied by an adult, are invited to join each workshop. Registration required; call 718.549.3200 x305. In Study with Artists worksho...

About a book: The Art of the Heist

From New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, to the Smithsonian Institution in D.C., to Boston's Museum of Fine Art, to dozens of regional museums throughout the United States, no museum was off-limits to leg­endary art thief Myles Connor. He has used every technique in the book, from breaking and entering, to cat burglary, to false identities and elaborate con jobs. He once even grabbed a Rembrandt off a wall in broad daylight and simply ran like hell. His IQ is at genius level, and his charm is legendary. The fact that he was in jail at the time of the famous robbery of the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum—which remains the largest art theft in American history—has not stopped the FBI from considering him a top suspect in that still unsolved robbery. ...READ THE BOOK............... How did the son of a decorated policeman grow up to become one of Boston's most notorious criminals? How did he survive a decades-long feud with the Boston police and the FBI? How did he manage ...

Kandinsky a Paris avant New York a l'automne,......

Einige Kreise, 1926. Guggenheim Museum, New York © Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Collection, by gift © ADAGP, Paris 2009 Cette grande rétrospective de l'oeuvre d'une des figures majeures du XXème siècle, Vassili Kandinsky, est proposée conjointement par le Centre Pompidou, la Städtische Galerie in Lenbachhaus de Munich et le Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum de New York, qui détiennent les plus importants fonds d'oeuvres de l'artiste.

New Dates for the Affordable Art Fair

The Affordable Art Fair New York announces New Dates: May 7 to May 10, 2009 New Location: 7W New York, 7 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10001

About Easter in NY: a parade?

NYC Easter Parade - Fashion Meets Fantasy "In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it, You'll be the grandest lady in the Easter parade!" Irvine Berlin memorialized the event in the 1948 musical with Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, Peter Lawford and Ann Miller, but the New York Easter Parade tradition goes back to a much earlier more by ckicking on the title........

Spring @ NY Botanical Garden


Maybe an inspiration for new works @ the Promenade des artistes

Don't be surprised if all of a sudden, you notice a radical shift in the kind of infos posted: I will be staying in Buenos Aires for a few days...dancing tango and eating empanedas y dulce de lecche y hablando espanol! hasta la vista..........

Et meme pas besoin d'etre membre du Westchester Accueil!!!

Urgent - Brocante d’Automne du Westchester Accueil : Appel aux bonnes volontés ! “I have a dream” m’a confié Milena : que la Brocante d’Automne soit plus belle que jamais cette année car, plus que jamais, les deux associations du Bronx auxquelles nous apportons notre soutien, ont besoin de notre contribution. Abraham House aide à la réinsertion de prisonniers et assiste leurs proches ; ATD Quart Monde accueille les enfants de familles en difficultés et forme des « volontaires des rues » pour aller au devant d’eux. D’autre part, en cette année particulièrement difficile, la clientèle habituée de la Brocante, dont la réputation est maintenant bien établie dans la region (« the French Tag Sale »), sera heureuse de trouver une occasion d’épargner un peu le budget familial au moment de la rentrée scolaire. Cependant, ce beau rêve n’aboutira pas sans une équipe de bénévoles enthousiastes pour lui donner forme. La Tag Sale ou Brocante du Westchester Accueil existe maintenant depuis plus de 12...

Thanks Brigitte for your Newsletter

Please find below infos collected by Brigitte Saint Ouen sent via her newsletter.... check her website: OTHER EXCITING NEWS SPRING IN NEW YORK April – October: Conservatory Garden in Central Park 5th Ave and 105th St.; tours start at the front gate Saturdays at 11 a.m. You’ll feel like you stepped from New York right into Paris when you enter this six-acre formal garden, one of Central Park’s best secluded oases, through the elegant Vanderbilt Gate at 105th St. Three distinct gardens in the French, Italian, and English styles feature fountains, blooming tree-lined walkways, a reflecting pool, but most notably flowers of every type from heirloom roses to common indigenous plants like violets and magnolias. The twenty thousand tulips in the North Garden should be the first to bloom and put an end to winter, and should be your first stop this spring. April 7-17 : Macy’s Spring Wi...