and even France publishing an article on the Promenade des Artistes!!

La Promenade des Artistes - Art and Community work for a good cause!

This year the 9th annual "Promenade des Artistes" organized by the French organizations “Westchester Accueil” and Accueil” New York will take place on May 1st and 2nd, in Orienta, Mamaroneck.

The Promenade is a wonderful opportunity for the French community to share its culture and work with the American public. This year’s Promenade will feature the work of artists from the New York area.

This self-guided tour within the lovely district of Orienta showcases the original work of more than 40 talented amateurs and professional artists and craftsmen. Their work range from paintings, photographs, sculptures to jewelry, quilt, accessories and more.

The exhibitions take place in private homes all within easy walking distance of each other.
A map of the route is available at your first stop, the “Reception house” located on 1027 S. Constable Drive, in Mamaroneck.

Visitors join the Promenade just to browse or to be surprised, stimulated or inspired to purchase a unique piece of work for themselves or for their loved ones.

A portion of the sale will benefit three charitable organizations: the after school children's program of Abraham House in the Bronx, Brooklyn's Fourth World Movement with street libraries that reach out to the neighborhood's children, and Entraide Française whose mission is to assist French residents in New York going through unexpected difficulties.

May 1 - May 2, 2009
Hours: between 10.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. on Friday and between 11.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. on Saturday.
Location: “Reception house” 1027 S. Constable Drive, in Mamaroneck, NY
Phone Number: (212) 572 47 34


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