
Showing posts from September, 2009

KICKING OFF OHNY Weekend..........

Get your Guide in Metro The 2009 OHNY Weekend event guide will be available as an insert in Metro New York on Friday, October 2 and Monday, October 5. Full program listings will be available on at 10 pm on Thursday, October 1. Sites and programs that require advance reservations will start at 9 am on Friday, October 2.

to be LMNY or not...

This is a question often asked: Do I need to join LMNY to join the group from time to time? And the answer is:NO 1-, if you just arrived, you may come a first time, to see how it goes and if this suits you. 2-, the planning is published on this blog and on the website (but not updated) 3-, you can always call me and ask if you can join us. 4-, You pay each time an additional $10 If so, why join? (because I can see some of you wondering why pay the first year $150 and for the following 3 years a discounted membership. (After you become a special "emeritus Member" and you do not pay the annual fees!..Already 4 LMNY Members are Emeritus!) If you join, 1-you will be reminded of the program and by "saving" 1 or 2 dates per month, you will end up by going to New York more and more often. 2-You are informed first and giving a certain priority for booking. This year, I will program more Galleries Walks and the maximum size I would like to keep is no more than 10. 3-Non mem...

What's going on ..on the HIGH LINE ?

Wednesday Sept. 30, 6:30 pm in the 14th Street Passage Artist Spencer Finch will be giving a lecture on his High Line installation, The River That Flows Both Ways, and other works. Photo by David B. Smith Thursday Oct. 1, 4 to 8 pm in the 14th St. Passage Artists Lisa Sigal and Paul Ramirez Jonas will once again bring their collaborative art project Specials to the High Line. They have fashioned a mobile cart into a roving art gallery/food service station which they use to display artwork and serve homemade tacos. Each time Specials is performed, it is different. This week, they show a selection of artists who were in the 1993 Whitney Biennial, including Kiki Smith, Glenn Ligon and Fred Wilson, and serve a spicy pumpkin taco. Rumor has it there may be art world luminaries on hand as guest taco servers! Hope to see you there! Check the "official" website:

What about TONIGHT ?..A French Crooner is in Town

Antoine sent you a message. -------------------- Subject: French crooner "alive" at Opia Monday September 28: Antoine Bleck piano/ vocals David Siliman percussions Itaiguara Brandao bass Kevin Hunter guitar Opia 130 E 57 ( corner of Lexington) 7h30 and 9pm sets no cover, no minimum, space is limited. call opia to reserve a table 212 688 3939

Would you like to visit that place?


A message from Veronique Lauras...About Abraham House..

Private Fall Sale and help Abraham House Paniqceramic invites you and your friends to discover their new fall collection in ceramic, tableware, houseware stylist accessories Join them Marina Fadel fabulous handmade hair accessories for girls. Have a taste of France... with Didier Berlioz (Pastry Chef) wonderful goodies... chocolate, madelaine and much more... Monday , october 5th 8.00 am to 2.00 pm Tuesday, october 6th 8.00 am to 5.00 pm The private sale takes place 236 , Robert Drive in New-Rochelle ( Pinebrook) 15% of sale to benefit Abraham House To know more about Abraham House

des nouvelles des artistes membres de l'accueil de New York

paru dans la ENewsletter du 25 Septembre... Nos membres exposent: -Exposition jusqu'en novembre pour Pauline Galiana, membre d'ANY, et notre graphiste préferrée. TAI/ Group 150 West 30th st, 14th Floor Pauline organisera des visites pendant le w/e en Octobre et Novembre. Inscription à: ou 1 212 749 1522 -Marchés d'automne du vendredi 9 Octobre au dimanche 1er Novembre pour Katia Lambey, notre secrétaire générale: Lieu: coté ouest du Madison Square Park sur Fifth & Broadway Avenues, entre la 23eme et la 25eme rue. Stand OSE. Heures: tous les jours de 11h00 à 20h00. De plus c'est sympa de se ballader dans le petit parc et découvrir le Flatiron building pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas. Contact:

a vos agendas, les parisiennes..GALERIE VARINE-GINCOURT

Veronique Payan Bellin Invitation à mon vernissage qui se déroule à la Galerie Varine-Gincourt la galerie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 13h30 à 18h30. Le vernissage a lieu le Mardi 29 septembre de 17 à 21 heures metro Ternes ou Courcelles

Message from....?? Qui peut m'avoir envoye ces infos??

Message from....?? Qui peut m'avoir envoye ces infos?? J'offre une serie de mes 3 nouvelles cartes a celui ou celle qui devine le nom de ma mysterieuse source pour les infos suivantes: PS La signature est un indice de taille) Diner ,Griffone tous les soirs sur les nappes en papier par des serveuses tatouees, le memu de ce bistrot est dicte par les arrivages du marche ....., poisson peche au large de Long Island ...... # Diner, 85 Brodway, Williamsburg 718 486 3077 # Marlow and Daughters, 95 Brodway, Williamsburg 718 388 5700 Egg, un lieu qui reconcilie les plaisirs du ptit dej ricain. Les pancakes sont aeriens les oeufs brouilles bio ..... # 135 North 5th st, Williamsburg 718 302 5151 Prime meats, 465 court Street, Carroll Gardens 718 254 0327 Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket Les fermiers des environs de NY vendent sur ce marche de Park Slope ou chefs et simples mortels s'appovisionnent....... Tous les samedis entree nord ouest de Prospect Park Franny's pizza pate aux fan...

Some News from Vickie Fremont

Creation exclusive Bijou /pendentif (argent, coral et brass Yoruba) © Créatrice bijoux : Vickie Fremont – Styliste Henry N. Jackson Check the other photos :

NEXT LMNY OUTING : OCTOBER 8th and October 15th

PLANNING LMNY check the website 2 dates in October but only 1 date OCTOBER 15th to meet the artist: Bruce Thurmann.. check his website: or not and meet Bruce.."en vrai"

last weekend I sat on this chair..It could be yours!

Check the website and do not hesitate to go and meet Matko.......

message from a French Artist( I do not know him but so what?)

Hello, I has sent the following message as a reminder I am a french artist, currently living in New York, My Opening Shows this week in Manhattan at: ► Rogue Space Chelsea Video Champagne & Appertizers (Free) w hen : Friday, September 25, 2009 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM where : 526 W 26th St. #9E- Betw. 10th & 11th Av. New York. ► Chelsea Art 32 Gallery website Wine & Appertizers (Free) w hen : Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM where : 2 West 32nd Street, Betw. 5th & 6th Av. New York. "ROGUE SPACE offers a new way for artists to reach maximum exposure..." Columnist Joe Bendik, of Chelsea Clinton News, writes about the recent Group Shows at Rogue Space Chelsea. Buoyed by such encouraging reviews and an increasing buzz about these shows, we will be having our fourth International Group Show & Artists Workshop September 25th." Thank you for your time and for your consideration. If not available and you like my art try to support me, many thanks. P...

Great Opening

Of course! The buffet was catered by the CHef PHILIPPE RAYER ..Does his name sound French? YES....Catering L'Art Culinaire CHEF PHILIPPE RAYER Catered in your home 914-557-3914 Opening night will be held in support of the Northern Westchester Shelter , a save haven for victims of domestic violence. NOT ONLY IT WAS GOOD, BUT IT DID GOOD! The show is on, SATURDAY from 12pm to 8pm and Sunday from 12pm to 6 pm Hope to see you there


Demain, vendredi 18 Septembre de 9h à 17h Bocante d’Automne du Westchester Accueil 1 Highwood Avenue - Larchmont Les bonnes affaires de la rentrée pour une bonne cause ! Organisée au profit des associations ATD Quart Monde et Abraham House, la Brocante d'Automne du Westchester Accueil propose des vêtements pour enfants et adultes en très bon état (beaucoup de marques françaises), de l’électroménager, du petit mobilier, des articles de sport, des objets de décoration, du linge de maison, des jouets et mille autres trouvailles qui vous aideront à démarrer la rentrée dans la bonne humeur. Contact et Informations : Milena Leonard : (914) 834 0282 - Anne Deneuville :


RDV % Laurence Neron-Bancel Welcome Coffee from 8-10 am and then off to KATONAH MUSEUM to see DRESS CODES: clothing as Metaphor"

Lifetime Movie about Georgia O'KEEFFE airing on sept 19th ..........

The Lifetime movie about Georgia O'Keefe is airing on 9/19 on the Lifetime channel. Please see the link below for more information. PS Thank you Sharon for this great information

Gallery "The figure and its realities" Wall text @ the Whitney

"In art, “realism” in its broadest sense means a believable depiction of the world. It can also refer to the portrayal of the unidealized—real people and everyday life. American artists who worked in a realist, or more broadly, a representational mode often explored the nation and its inherent cultural, social, and economic realities. While those artists working in a figurative tradition might seem less avant-garde than those working with abstraction, their interest in “low” or ordinary subject matter and rejection of conventional beauty was progressive in its own right. Their engagement with the idea of “the real” did not always lead to a faithful transcription of reality. This is especially true in Edward Hopper’s work, which is often closer to surrealism than common experience. Like a number of American artists, Hopper created subtle shifts in observable reality for expressive ends even as he kept his eye grounded in what he saw everyday."

Theater? Did you say The Schoolhouse Theater?

"Westchester's sole claim to consistent professional theater." - The New York Times “The Schoolhouse Theater is as good as regional theater gets, and we’re lucky to have it such a short ride away.” - The Bedford Record Review SAVE THE DATE! COME "BE" WITH BEA! Sunday, October 18, 2009 at 3pm Join us to celebrate and honor our very own Bea Matz at our 2009 Schoolhouse Benefit Enjoy a special 3 pm performance of our first show of the season Rose followed by a luscious light champagne supper and vintage clothing fashion show Merriam-Webster says it best... BE (verb): to have life; to flourish, prosper, exist, thrive. That's Bea alright! Tickets are $100 for subscribers and $125 for non-subscribers FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO MAKE A RESERVATION CALL OUR BOX OFFICE AT 914-277-8477 The Schoolhouse is located at 3 Owens Road, Croton Falls, NY, just off exit 8 on I-684. For information and reservations, call 914-277-8477. Visit The Sc...

What's going on @ Muscoot FARM?: A LOT, even art!

Discover MUSCOOT FARM check the website: Hi Laurence, Here is the art show info. We are a group of about 11-15 women who are called The Westchester Artists Guild. We paint every Wednesday at St. Bartholomew's in White Plains. We decided to have an art show at Muscoot Farm in Katonah because one of the women had a show there last year and it was very successful. There is one more weekend to go. The hours are 12-4PM. , Sat. and Sun. All are welcome to join, men and women. The name of the show is Visions. Best regards, Norma

published in French Morning News

Exposition Les photos de Sophie Delaporte à NYC 10 septembre 2009 Auteur(e) : Morgane Guirriec envoyer par mail Pour la première fois, Sophie Delaporte expose ses photos à New York. Cette photographe française propose un travail empreint de surréalisme et de poésie La jeune photographe française diplomée de l’Ecole Louis Lumière de Paris présente "Early Fashion Work" au public New Yorkais. Sophie Delaporte qui a notamment travaillé pour le magazine Vogue est connue pour mettre en scène des situations qui n’existent pas dans la vraie vie, oscillant ainsi entre rêve et réalité, à l’image des contes de fées. Une réception sera organisée le 17 septembre à l’occasion de l’ouverture de l’exposition qui durera jusqu’au 30 octobre. "Early Fashion Work" de Sophie Delaporte du 17 september au 30 octobe à la galerie Sous les Etoiles. 560 Broadway between Prince & Spring streets Soho

UBS Announces Closure of New York-Based Art Gallery in November 2009

NEW YORK, NY.- UBS has decided to close The UBS Art Gallery located at 1285 Avenue of the Americas in New York. The Gallery will close after the current exhibition, Jack Tworkov: Against Extremes – Five Decades of Painting, finishes its run on October 27, 2009. This decision follows recently announced cost-cutting measures, including headcount reductions, organizational realignments, savings initiatives and change programs. The UBS Art Collection remains unaffected by the decision to close the Gallery they say. The UBS Art Gallery was started as a resource for regional non-profit institutions, providing them with a midtown Manhattan exhibition space. The Gallery has collaborated with museums throughout the Northeast on a wide variety of exhibitions, from painting, sculpture and photography to quilts, ceramics and furniture. “A large part of The UBS Art Gallery’s success is due to its director, Colin Thomson, who I’d like to thank for his curatorial expertise, dedication, and initiative...

Lectures, Panels, and Dialogues @ the NEUBERGER this coming MONDAY

Betsabee Romero Artist based in Mexico City ”the archeological Imprint of Speed: A contemporary Reading of Precolumbian Cylindrical Seals” Lectures, Panels, and Dialogues PRE-COLUMBIAN ART THROUGH THE EYES OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS | 4:00 pm ________________________________________ Renowned artists from Latin America and university scholars explore the legacies of Pre-Columbian aesthetics in the lecture series Pre-Columbian Art through the Eyes of Modern and Contemporary Artists. Learn about the multiple relationships that modern and contemporary artists have established with Pre-Columbian art. September 14 features artist Betsabée Romero on The Archaeological Imprint of Speed: A Contemporary Reading of Pre-Columbian Cylindrical Seals. Betsabée Romero lives and works in Mexico City. Known as the “mechanic artist”, she is famous for her transformation of automobiles and their components—carved tires, painted hoods etc.— into Pre-Columbian icons, colonial imagery, or contempo...

INCROYABLE........but sad if it is true........

Payard Patisserie and Bistro Closes The patisserie and bistro, Payard, sold its last meal on Sunday June 29, 2009 due to a doubling of rent by the landlord. Owner and chef François Payard, who has many other restaurants globally, is rumored to be looking for a new location. A verifier!!

About the upcoming show at the Whitney: Georgia O'KEEFFE

Philadelphia Museum of Art ‘Red & Orange Streak,’ 1919 by Georgia O'Keeffe, Oil on canvas, 27 x 23 in. Thank you Sharon, for letting us know about this article published in the Wall Street Journal A Georgia O'Keeffe Retrospective Painting a New Picture of Georgia O'Keeffe :An exhibit of little-known abstracts attempts to recast the artist's legacy By CANDACE JACKSON SEPTEMBER 3, 2009, 8:56 P.M. ET Georgia O'Keeffe's paintings of weathered ram skulls, calico roses and adobe buildings are some of the world's most recognizable works of art, but critics have often dismissed her work as commercial, crowd-pleasing fare. This fall, a new exhibit will attempt to redefine that legacy. The expansive retrospective, which opens at New York's Whitney Museum of American Art on Sept. 17, will focus on O'Keeffe's lesser-known abstract works. The show will eventually travel to the Phillips Collection in Washington and the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum in Sa...

@ the Cultural Services of the French Embassy: “In-Eyes" Opening ,,featuring Juliette Binoche

“In-Eyes,” is an exhibition of portraits and poetry by Juliette Binoche at the Cultural Services of the French Embassy. Including 58 ink washes on paper, In-Eyes is her first-ever art show on American soil and offers a unique opportunity to discover a new facet of this multi-talented French artist. It opened on September 9th, 2009 at the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in New York. Ever since receiving a commission from the Cahiers du Cinéma for a series of portraits in July 2007, Ms. Binoche has not stopped painting during her movie shoots. But she has been painting for far longer, and first showed her work publicly in the 1990s (in 1991 her art work was featured in the movie The Lovers on the Bridge, in which she starred as a painter, and in 1993 she exhibited a series of work done in collaboration with French designer/artist Christian Fenouillat). Favoring portraits, Ms. Binoche has not only depicted many of the famous directors with whom she has worked but also characters s...

Direct from LM Chicago

Thank you Vero for this great link...

save the date September 23 2009


Where is Art?

Art is everywhere ...and on a tennis court right now in New York..... Do not miss the US Open...... If you want to enjoy art at the same time you not miss the QUEENs Museum of Art..and the famous NY PANORAMA

About Alice Neel...

Alice Neel’: Portrait of the Artist as a Grandmother Andrew Neel, the 28-year-old grandson of the seminal painter Alice Neel, has created a compelling, prismatic portrait of the artist, who rose to fame during the seventies. Documenting facets of her life and work — from her bravura portrait painting to the sometimes painful consequences of her bohemian lifestyle — the director pieces together archival footage and intimate interviews with family members, including his father, Hartley, and his uncle Richard, along with comments from art historians and fellow painters. Alice Neel, which runs at Cinema Village through May 17, traces the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of this idiosyncratic and indomitable artist, avoiding sentimentality while touching on some poignant family history. We spoke with Andrew Neel. Was it a conscious choice for you to remain behind the camera? Yes, very much so. I felt it was more interesting if I were not embodied literally in the movie, because I have thi...

A Message from Olivier Perrachon and Cognac One

Save the date for a wine tasting: Saturday,September 12, 2009 Dear Friends, I hope this email finds you well. Soon after my graduation from Hamilton College in May, I joined Cognac One whom I'm representing in New York State. Our wines--which I truly enjoy--are stocked at the most prestigious restaurants and wine stores in the region including: Le Bilboquet, Bagatelle, Flute, Boathouse, Le Charlot, Le Bateau Ivre, Plaza Hotel, La Grenouille, Garnet Liquors, Columbus Circle Wines. Please join me for a wine tasting which I'm hosting at Post Wines and Spirits on Saturday, September 12 from 3:30PM to 6:30PM. I look forward to seeing you there. Please circulate to your friends and neighbors. Thanks very much for your support in my first business venture! Best wishes, Olivier Xavier Flouret Wines will be pouring: Our excellent Côtes de Provence (Rosé), which has received a 92 rating from Wine & Spirits Magazine and an 88 from The Wine Spectator We will also taste our a...

About Antony Gormley in relation with the next exhibition at the Neuberger

BRUSSELS.- The Scottish enlightenment scientist Lord Kelvin asked the question about how space could be most efficiently bounded by an enclosing geometry the answer being found in those most elusive and fugitive of things: bubbles and foams which forms nesting cell structure of polyhedra. Bubbles form an intriguing geometry with tetrahedral nodes with elements combining at angles slightly less than 120 degrees. The breakthrough work: Aperture gives it’s name to and is the key to this Antony Gormley exhibition. It has an extraordinary relationship with a room, seeming a gap in space filled with the behavioural geometry of the bubble matrix. The outer edges of this form dynamically grasp the air. In the last 3 years Gormley has been experimenting with cell aggregates of nesting polyhedra in both solid and space-frame forms turning the space of the body into an open framework of tetrahedral, cubic, dodecahedral and more complex polygons which, in his words, ‘achieved a breakthrough when r...

Y a t il des artistes lyonnais a New York?

L'association des "Lyonnais a New York" serait ravie d'accueillir tous les nouveaux venus meme ceux qui ne se considerent pas comme des artistes et meme ceux qui sont a New York depuis plus longtemps. Consulter le site internet Des activites sont regulierement organisees. La newsletter vous est adressee par email tous les 2 a 3 mois...Dans la prochaine vous devriez pouvoir lire: "Laurence Neron-Bancel est une Lyonnaise de New York qui expose régulièrement dans la région de New York, en Décembre 2009 à Chelsea (Cérès Gallery) et peut être même l’année prochaine à Lyon. Mais en attendant, vous pourrez voir ses œuvres lors des occasions suivantes : Du 18 au 20 Septembre à Ossining au Nord de New York lors d’un salon de 3 jours organisé par « Touched by Design ». Information sur le site le 24 Septembre à l’occasion d’un événement culturel et de fundraising organisé par la FASNY au Women’s Club de White ...

Alice NEEL was....

1970 Andy Warhol Oil on Canvas Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Gift of Timothy Collins Alice Neel was one of the great American painters of the twentieth century. She was also a pioneer among women artists. A painter of people, landscape and still life, Neel was never fashionable or in step with avant-garde movements. Sympathetic to the expressionist spirit of northern Europe and Scandinavia and to the darker arts of Spanish painting, she painted in a style and with an approach distinctively her own. Neel was born near Philadelphia in 1900 and trained at the Philadelphia School of Design for Women. She became a painter with a strong social conscience and equally strong left-wing beliefs. In the 1930s she lived in Greenwich Village, New York and enrolled as a member of the Works Progress Administration for which she painted urban scenes. Her portraits of the 1930s embraced left wing writers, artists an...

De la part d'une amie (Viviane Rombaldi Seppey) d'une amie (Mireille Vautier)

Pour feter mon installation au Islip Art Museum/ Carriage House mon atelier sera ouvert au public. Je profite pour vous inviter au vernissage (mardi) ou pour une visite. En attachement vous trouverez toutes les informations. Avec mes meilleures salutations, Viviane Viviane Rombaldi Seppey