to be LMNY or not...

This is a question often asked: Do I need to join LMNY to join the group from time to time?
And the answer is:NO
1-, if you just arrived, you may come a first time, to see how it goes and if this suits you.

2-, the planning is published on this blog and on the website (but not updated)
3-, you can always call me and ask if you can join us.
4-, You pay each time an additional $10

If so, why join? (because I can see some of you wondering why pay the first year $150 and for the following 3 years a discounted membership. (After you become a special "emeritus Member" and you do not pay the annual fees!..Already 4 LMNY Members are Emeritus!)

If you join,
1-you will be reminded of the program and by "saving" 1 or 2 dates per month, you will end up by going to New York more and more often.
2-You are informed first and giving a certain priority for booking.
This year, I will program more Galleries Walks and the maximum size I would like to keep is no more than 10.
3-Non members are not garanteed a space.
4-You are part of a group of motivated persons

Any questions?


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