save the date the Neuberger installation of a work by EL ANATSUI

april 28th Wednesday
Special Events; Lectures, Panels, and DialoguesUP CLOSE: ANGLES & PERSPECTIVES | 4 pm

Nukae (What is it?)
Immerse yourself in an art experience at this unprecedented event. Observe as art handlers install this stunning and complex work of contemporary art by El Anatsui while panelists discuss the piece and engage viewers in conversation about what's happening before them.

Elements of dance and spoken word add interdisciplinary layers to the experience.

Panelists include:
•Lisa Binder
Assistant Curator, Museum for African Art, New York
•Marie-Therese Brincard
Curatorial Advisor, African Collection, Neuberger Museum of Art
•Bright Ugochukwu Eke
•Lowery Stokes Sims
Curator, Museum of Arts & Design, New York
•Robert Storr
Professor of Painting/Printmaking and Dean of the School of Art at Yale University
•Nelly Van Bommel
Conservatory of Dance, Purchase College, SUNY

Free / This program is made possible through the generous support of the Buck Family Foundation.


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