
Showing posts from June, 2010

Good Bye Thom Collins..See you in Miami in December

© Herzog & de Meuron, visualization by Artefactorylab, Courtesy Miami Art Museum The new Miami Art Museum at Museum Park, Herzog & de Meuron, Bay view MIAMI— As the world’s wheelers and dealers revel in the market madness of Basel, Switzerland, the Miami Art Museum, located not far from the grounds of Art Basel Miami Beach, has oh-so-quietly announced that it will tap Thomas “Thom” Collins as its new director. Collins, the current director of the Neuberger Museum of Art in Purchase, New York, fills the vacancy left when MAM director Terry Riley announced late last year that he would resign amid speculation that the museum was having difficulty raising money for its planned $220-million new building. For Collins, who is in his 40s, the move represents the latest step in a rapid ascent in the museum world. After serving as a curatorial fellow at the Museum of Modern Art — where Riley had worked as architecture curator prior to MAM — he was appointed chief curator at Cincinnati...

Sideshow Gallery, Williamsburg Show extended until July 18th

Not to be missed great show ;;How to be green ...and greener........ Sideshow Gallery, Williamsburg

Read about "Vija Celmins with Phong Bui - The Brooklyn Rail"

Vija Celmins with Phong Bui - The Brooklyn Rail

Artist's residence @ Dora Maar House in Menerbes ....

Historic Dora Maar House in Ménerbes, France Is Now Home toThe Brown Foundation Fellows Program Administered by the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Houston, March 2008—The historic home of Dora Maar, muse to Pablo Picasso,who gave her an 18th-century stone house in southern France, is now home to The Brown Foundation Fellows Program at Dora Maar House. This international program, for artists, critics, and professionals in the arts and humanities, is offered by the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston under the guidance of Peter C. Marzio, director. The fellowships offer outstanding mid-career professionals the opportunity to further their artistic and scholarly work in the tranquil environment of the village of Ménerbes, located in the Luberon region of Provence about 40 kilometers southeast of Avignon. Applications for one- to three-month fellowships beginning on July 1 and ending no later than December 15, 2008, are now being accepted. A second cycle of fellowships, with applications due on N...

on view @ The Boiler...WIlliamsburg

JAMES HYDE Stuart Davis Group at The Boiler 28 May–27 June, 2010 Click here for installation viewsIn 1928, after listening to a Louis Armstrong recording, Stuart Davis later recalled that “Earl Hines' piano playing has served me as proof that art can exist.” A like-minded improviser and compositionalist, Davis himself could have been considered a maker of jazz, which was in his own words, “an abstract art of real order.” check out the website to read more.............

Galleria in Buenos Aires

As  read in  Architectural Digest April 2010 page 36 "Braga Menendez Arte Contemporaneo is one of the most cutting-edge galleries" Check it  Braga Menendez Arte Contemporaneo

New Work on view on the Highline..

Stephen Vitiello A Bell for Every Minute Stephen Vitiello’'s new multi-channel sound installation A Bell For Every Minute is a site-specific work commissioned for the High Line. The piece will fill the 14th Street Passage, a semi-enclosed tunnel between West 13th and West 14th Streets, with sound recordings of bells taken from all over New York City and beyond. Sounds range from the iconic rings of the New York Stock Exchange bell, the historic Dreamland bell days after it was discovered in the water off Coney Island, the United Nation’s Peace Bell, and more everyday and personal sounds of bike bells, diner bells, and neighborhood church bells. Bells are used in our culture to mark the passing of time, act as warnings and alerts, mark celebrations, and memorialize those lost. While there are numerous conditions under which bells are heard in our city, they are universal sounds that all of us can appreciate as part of the auditory landscape of our lives. During park hours an ind...

information sent via LES LYONNAIS DE NEW YORK

If you want to order some organic and fair trade teas or organize a tea tasting for your friends or company, please contact : Our new website is coming soon, please register to receive invitations, news and special offers from THE TEA SET. Sign up for updates Thank you for signing up with us. Soon you will receive our news.

too late for June's Opening but watch out for NALL in Vence France

Saturday, June 19th, 18h30 until 20h :We will be pleased to welcome you to:LGC Gallery at the Domaine du Grand Cros, D13 Rte de Besse-Sur-Issole, 83660, Carnoules, France Nall- Paintings and Sculptures, Nall - 2009'Decomposition of a Marriage'Mixed Media 167x 235x 11 cm David Willmarth- Photography Invitations to follow shortly for the August opening & show at the N.A.L.L. Art Association Atelier-Museum, Vence, France

Good tips.....Westchester Walls and Murals...

In case you want to redecorate your home......please do no hesitate to contact ANN FERENCZ..

Book Signing in London..

Bravo Beni and lots of success Hi Everyone! I would like to invite you to a book signing! Please come and join me to relax and meet up with friends! Date: Wednesday, 23 of June Time: 4 to 6 pm Place: Librairie La Page, Harrington Road (close to S Kensington tube stop and across the street from my school, Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle) Thanks for coming, Beni

"Tanguy Calder" @ L&M Arts exhibition has been extended until JULY

LAST DAYS FOR KENNETH NOLAND ++++ If interested in photographs,....Check out HAUNTED @ the Guggenheim

May 21–June 20, 2010 A key figure of postwar abstract painting, Kenneth Noland explored the essential qualities of color and surface throughout a career that spanned six decades. Noland was born on April 10, 1924, in Asheville, North Carolina. He attended the nearby Black Mountain College on the GI Bill from 1946 to 1948 before leaving for Paris, where he studied with the sculptor Ossip Zadkine and was introduced to the work of Henri Matisse. During his studies at Black Mountain in the late 1940s, and again in the summer of 1950, Noland was affected by the teachings of former Bauhaus master Josef Albers, who was the driving force at the school and who had brought with him from Germany an encyclopedic knowledge of twentieth-century European art. However, Noland’s commitment to pure abstraction derived primarily from his studies with painter Ilya Bolotowsky. Around this time, Noland also met critic Clement Greenberg, sculptor David Smith, and painters Helen Frankenthaler and Morris...

Louis Vuitton Launches Young Artists InitiativeBy ARTINFO

Louis Vuitton Launches Young Artists InitiativeBy ARTINFO Published: May 12, 2010 © Patrick McMullan Photography Tracey Emin LONDON— After collaborating over the years with established artists like the late Stephen Sprouse and Takahashi Murakami — with whom they created a pop-up handbag store at the Brooklyn Museum — French fashion house Louis Vuitton has apparently decided to create a farm team of up-and-coming talent. The fashion house has launched a Young Arts Project, an initiative that will give promising emerging artists access to an immersive three-year program of workshops and tours at Tate Britain, the Royal Academy of Arts, South London Gallery, Whitechapel Gallery, and the Hayward Gallery. The South London Gallery will oversee the project, working in concert with the four other institutions and artists Chris Ofili and Charlie Dark, who helped conceive the program. British art-world heavyweights like Tracey Emin, Gary Hume, Michael Landy, and Keith Tyson will also provid...

California Dreamin’ published in the "NewYork Observer"

California Dreamin’...By Phyllis Tuchman June 9, 2010 12:33 a.m. The embryonic counterculture of the late 1950s and early 1960s gets short shrift in art history textbooks, which usually leap from Abstract Expressionism to Pop and Minimalism with barely a nod to the radical, imaginative innovators in between. Two solo shows at major Chelsea galleries right now fill in the blanks. At first glance, Mark di Suvero's soaring, 24-foot-high sculpture Nova Albion and Edward Kienholz's intricate, trailer-size Roxy's couldn't seem more dissimilar. But both Mr. di Suvero and Kienholz were Californians in their early 30s when they created the masterworks in these solo shows, both used scavenged and recycled materials-and both here mostly display the ingenuity and inventiveness that are hallmarks of the finest American sculptors. Kienholz made art about sex in the backseat of jalopies, about state mental hospitals, about bordellos. In 1965, Mr. di Suvero worked on the beach ...

"Art all around us" published in Mc Gill News

Stroll through McGill downtown campus and you’ll have the opportunity to drink in works of art by some of Quebec’s top talents and some of the world’s most influential masters......... Text by Daniel McCabe, BA’89  Photos by Claudio Calligaris Read   more on for example.."...Enter the atrium of the Francesco Bellini Life Sciences Building, and there is no way you can miss Stéphanie Béliveau’s stark Des soleils et des cellules, a work that manages to evoke both stars being born and cells coming under assault. A visual artist and illustrator, Béliveau received the City of Montreal’s Prix Pierre-Ayot for outstanding young artists in 1997....

June 19 and 20 : Art fair in Scarsdale

Check the website You will be able to meet Stuart Yankell check his website:

PARIS SYNDROME as reviewed in "Backstage" ...

Image Paris Syndrome /Ex.Pgirl at Here Arts Center /Reviewed by Lisa Jo Sagolla /June 07, 2010 ,...."Paris Syndrome" can be an enjoyable affair. An 80-minute multimedia dance-theater exploration of French culture as viewed through the eyes of young Japanese women, the show suffers from a ludicrous theme, which some might find offensive. While "Paris Syndrome" allows for ravishing visual effects, comic parodies of historical characters, and savvy pop-culture references, the show's driving concept is derived from the idea that when some female Japanese 30-somethings visit Paris, the culture shock is so great that they become delusional, afflicted with a psychiatric condition called "Paris syndrome." The "devastating" experiences that shatter these women's romantic notions of France ............. .............directed by Emma Griffin, the perform...

"Duane Hanson" Exhibit @ Parc de la Villette until August 15

Duane Hanson, Man on Mower, 1995 - Collection Hanson, Davie, Floride - photo IKA © ADAGP, Paris 2010 - Courtesy of the Institut für Kulturaustausch, Tübingen PARC DE LA VILLETTE Pavillon Paul Delouvrier  211 avenue Jean Jaurès Paris 19e (M° Porte de Pantin) INFORMATIONS : Tél. 01 40 03 75 75 Site : e-mail : HORAIRES : Mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, dimanche 14h-19h Samedi 14h-21h PRIX D'ENTRÉE: Entrée libre Le Parc de la Villette présente les dernières œuvres du sculpteur Duane Hanson, aujourd'hui considéré comme la figure majeure de l'hyperréalisme américain. L'artiste trouve sa place dans le paysage artistique américain dès les années 60, se démarquant du courant dominant d'alors, l'expressionnisme abstrait. Décédé en 1996 et peu exposé en France, Duane Hanson s'avère encore d'une grande actualité, tant son regard critique sur la société américaine des années 70-90 peut faire écho aux désarrois que beaucoup c...


Press Release  GALERIE DANIEL TEMPLON SAINT CLAIR CEMIN "Splendeur et misère" Du 5 juin au 24 juillet 2010/Vernissage le samedi 5 juin de 12 h à 20 h June 5 through July 24, 2010/Opening reception Saturday June 5, noon-8pm Saint Clair Cemin, Splendeur et misère, 2010, dimensions variables / variable dimensions L’artiste brésilien Saint Clair Cemin revient à la Galerie Daniel Templon avec une étonnante installation de plus de cent sculptures explorant les thèmes balzaciens des illusions perdues et des vicissitudes de l’être. Pour cette nouvelle exposition, l’artiste développe un univers unique élaboré à partir de sculptures de tous formats et dans des matériaux aussi variés que le plâtre, le marbre, le bois ou encore le bronze doré. Empreint des références littéraires sur les thèmes de l’amour et de la mort, cet ensemble souligne l’exacerbation des sentiments humains et leurs déviances, la quête perpétuelle et futile de l’être pour accéder à un « mieux » qui n’est qu’i...

Louise Bourgeois, 1911 – 2010..Source: Hauser & Wirth

Louise Bourgeois, 1911 – 2010 (Dimitri Yeros 2007) With deep sadness, we join the Bourgeois family, Jerry Gorovoy and Wendy Williams in mourning the passing of Louise Bourgeois on 31 May. Louise Bourgeois’s subject was always her life and experiences. ‘Art’, she once said, ‘is the experiencing – or rather the re-experiencing – of a trauma’. Through her innovative approach to media and her feminist stance she created a body of work whose distinctive and sensual treatment of forms has proved a major influence to younger generations of artists. She is remembered with great admiration and fondness and will be deeply missed by all who knew her and her art. A solo exhibition of Bourgeois's work is currently on view at the Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens until 12 September, as well as 'Louise Bourgeois/Hans Bellmer – Double Sexus' at Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg, Berlin until 15 August. A major exhibition of Bourgeois's fabric drawings and large-scale sculptures will be on v...

Until June 11th HYERES (France) impressions à la une

Catherine Brutinel et toute l'équipe de Lire à Hyères ont le plaisir de vous convier au "Dé-collage de New-York à Hyères" par Laurence Neron-Bancel Mardi 25 mai à 18h30 au Moulin des Contes 3bis, rue du puits Exposition du 25 mai au 11 juin du mardi au Samedi de 9h30 à 12h et de 15h30 à 19h 04 94 35 79 28

exposition d'atelier

Exposition d'atelier le Vendredi 18 Juin 2010 a partir de 18h00 chez Corinne Thomas autour d'un buffet aperitif 803 Weaver Street Larchmont, NY 10538 Les eleves-artistes suivantes exposeront leur travail : Pascale Bernard Rachel Braham Beverley Delay Silvia Duchene Florence Dumont Emmanuelle Rabinowitz