PARIS SYNDROME as reviewed in "Backstage" ...
Paris Syndrome /Ex.Pgirl at Here Arts Center /Reviewed by Lisa Jo Sagolla /June 07, 2010

,...."Paris Syndrome" can be an enjoyable affair. An 80-minute multimedia dance-theater exploration of French culture as viewed through the eyes of young Japanese women, the show suffers from a ludicrous theme, which some might find offensive.

While "Paris Syndrome" allows for ravishing visual effects, comic parodies of historical characters, and savvy pop-culture references, the show's driving concept is derived from the idea that when some female Japanese 30-somethings visit Paris, the culture shock is so great that they become delusional, afflicted with a psychiatric condition called "Paris syndrome." The "devastating" experiences that shatter these women's romantic notions of France .............
.............directed by Emma Griffin, the performance is conceived and created by Bertie Ferdman and Suzi Takahashi, with Kiyoko Kashiwagi, in collaboration with Valerie Issembert, Soomi Kim, and Mathilde Dratwa. Those six women also make up the show's vivacious cast, adroitly dancing, singing, miming, and acting their way through this fluidly constructed movement-theater pastiche.
With dazzling video by Shaun Irons and Lauren Petty, and elaborate costumes by Takahashi, "Paris Syndrome" handsomely depicts familiar French artworks, historical events, and symbols of Paris. Stunning shots of famous Parisian landmarks form the backdrop for brilliantly arranged pyramids, in which the performers configure their bodies cheerleading style to suggest the architectural outlines of the buildings. Kashiwagi offers a well-observed choreographic interpretation of Gene Kelly in the film "An American in Paris," while Takahashi does a mean Edith Piaf, and the whole company invokes great fun with an audience-participation, trivia-question game that pits Francophiles against the Japanese.
Presented by Here and Ex.Pgirl at Here Arts Center, 145 Sixth Ave., NYC. June 5–19. Wed.–Sat., 8:30 p.m. (Additional performance Tue., June 15, 8:30 p.m.) (212) 352-3101, (866) 811-4111,, or


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