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Spotlight: Write About Now at the NY French Institute

Don’t miss the next Write About Now on April 21st!

Write About Now is a lively series of talks hosted by the French Institute of New York. American and French writers of all genres – from journalism to fiction to history – gather to share their work and talk about its relationship and relevance to the contemporary world.

The next discussion will focus on the question of originality in literature. Texts build upon other texts, at times borrowing, quoting, or even merely echoing each other…Where is the original copy? Is there one? Should there even be one?

These questions will be discussed by a panel of four writers :

Professor of Media Studies Siva Vaidhyanathan and novelist Victoria Patterson for the American perspective. Essayists and novelists Yannick Haenel and Laurent Nunez for the French perspective. Moderated by Chris Lehmann, an editor at Bookforum.

This talk is part of the Villa Gillet’s Walls and Bridges series and Moustache Books will have a table there: come meet us!

Thursday, April 21, 2011
– $15
Le Skyroom, French Institute Alliance Française


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