Speaking of trip...Back fron China and more specifically SHANGHAI

A week in Shanghai?

an interesting place ...not only to see arts ..but traveling in Shanghai and outside is certainly an experience you want to have ...sooner than later as everyday new buildings are appearing ...
The new census: 23 millions....compare it to Population: 16.74 million (the 2000 population census)....

What or Who ..did I see in Shanghai?

Sunday after a late brunch,..I went to Mo Gan Shan Road or M50
"A collection of once-deserted warehouses near Suzhou Creek, Moganshan now houses Shanghai's best contemporary art galleries. Best of all, several top artists, like Zhou Tiehai and Ding Yi, keep their studios here, so if you're lucky you can wander in and see the creative process unfold in real time. One of the city's oldest and most respected galleries is at 50 Moganshan,ShanghART, which represents the cream of the art world and is run by Swiss native Lorenz Helbling.

Monday I met Miro @ the Gallery CONTRAST
181 Middle Jiangxi Road, G/F
200002 Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 2163231989
Fax: +86 2163231988

and then went to see the exhibit @ threeinthebund
and then I went to see the exhibit on view @ Shanghai Gallery of Art

3rd Floor, No.3, the Bund, Shanghai 200002, China Tel: 86 21 63215757, 86 21 63233355 ext.8758 Fax: 86 21 53500059 Email: SGA@on-the-bund.com

Website: www.shanghaigalleryofart.com

Tuesday and Wednesday were dedicated to an outing organized by Jocelyne sous l'auspice du Cercle Francophone de Shanghai pour 2 jours de marche a pied a la decouverte de PUTUOSHAN en compagnie d'un groupe divers et sympa de Shanghaineses Francophones. Quel plaisir!

want to know about it:
Thursday, I've met Thomas Chabrieres founder of Shanghai Sideways (http://www.shanghaisideways.com/)
Get a new view on Shanghai's historic architecture as you tool through town in a vintage motorcycle sidecar. This travel group organizes daily tours of everything from the former French Concession to the best local markets. Tours are led by personable expats who are passionate and knowledgeable about Shanghai.

and then cycled around the French Concession behind Marie-Christine who shared her view on Shanghai. Thanks to her, I could admire a few images from the french artist JR still on view around the REDTOWN or SculpturePark...Quite an experience

Friday I discovered Taikang street and did not have enough time to discover all of it

Sunday I met Elizabeth de Brabant who happened to be in her gallery http://www.elisabethdebrabant.com/home.html

Monday, I've met Katja HELLKOTTER founder of SHANGHAI FLANEUR ( http://www.shanghai-flaneur.com/)
This tour service offers walks that are well off the beaten path -- literary tours, chats with historians, treks around the old city and more. There's always coffee, tea and stimulating conversation involved.


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