Until August 14

We Will Live, We Will See7 July—14 August 2011
The inaugural Zabludowicz Collection Curatorial Open exhibition
Curated by Pavel S. Pyś
Free Saturday Talks, 3pm
 13 August
Why Curate? 
A discussion with Lisa Le Feuvre, Martin Herbert, Pavel S. Pyś and Zabludowicz Collection Curator Ellen Mara De Wachter on the role of the curator and what they feel is urgent in contemporary art exhibitions today.

Special Events 
Life Drawing Every Thursday, 7-9pm 
Join us every week to explore the current exhibition through the human figure. Classes are led by artist John Close.
Suitable for all levels
Places are limited; booking recommended.
Starts Thursday 14 July

Thursday 11 August, 7pm 
the doors effects describe your reply 
A reading and demonstration by Michael Dean
Places are limited; booking recommended.

Zabludowicz Collection
Art Gallery and Café
Opening Hours:
Thursday—Sunday, 12—6pm
and by appointment
Free entry
 176 Prince of Wales Road London NW5 3PT
020 7428 8940 


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