If you go to Chelsea until october 22

Not to be missed..

Do Ho Suh Home Within Home
8 September – 22 October, 2011
540 West 26th Street

Lehmann Maupin Gallery presents Home Within Home on view 8 September – 22 October, 2011 at 540 W. 26th Street.

Do Ho Suh (b. 1962, Seoul, Korea) received a BFA in painting from the Rhode Island School of Design and a MFA in sculpture from Yale University. Interested in the malleability of space in both its physical and metaphorical manifestations, Do Ho Suh constructs site-specific installations that question the boundaries of identity.  His work explores the relation between individuality, collectivity, and anonymity.

In 2001, Suh represented Korea at the Venice Biennale and in 2010 participated in the Venice Biennale Architecture Exhibition and the Liverpool Biennial. Recent exhibitions include “A Perfect Home: The Bridge Project” at the Storefront for Art & Architecture, New York, NY, and “Do Ho Suh” at the Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore. Forthcoming exhibitions include ”Wielandstr. 18, 12159 Berlin” at DAAD Galerie, Berlin, Germany, “Luminous: The Art of Asia” at the Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, WA, “The Portal Project” at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Houston, TX, and solo exhibitions at Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul; the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa; and the Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, among others.


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