Showing posts from November, 2011
This coming Thursday
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An Evening of French Cabaret and Jazz Music French buffet and wines Thursday December 1st starting at 6:30 pm Hurry: Reservation $35 by November 21st ($45 at the door) The French Language program at Unis is very happy to invite you to an evening of music and food. Come enjoy our relaxed buffet style dinner with our noteworthy Pissaladière, Tarte aux crabes, Quiches, standards such as plateaux de charcuterie, crudités et fromages, pairing it with beer and wines as you work your way to many more gustative surprises like Bûches, Mousses au Chocolat... There will be three sets of music with Rosalinda Hassal (french cabaret,) Ouadji Cherif Trio (piano jazz,) and Dominique Jeremie (jazz singer.) You can preview the evening music here: rosalindacabaret wajdicherif Please join us with your friends for a moment of relaxed civility before reentering the holiday season. To attend this event, please RSVP ...
QUESTIONS in French or English..soon in Spanish...
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The statue of Liberty turned 125 on October 2011 Pursuing my interest in her since 2007 with a collage and by showing "crowns" since the last 2 years, I'm now asking for your help and participation. What comes to your mind when speaking about her? Are you willing to express it so I could integrate it, somehow, in the work to be shown in "Exposure 2011" Thanks A propos de l expo je sollicite ta participation a partir de la reflexion sur le theme de l anniversaire de la Statue de la Liberte qui fete ses 125 ans Qu est ce que cela t inspire? Peux tu me faire passer quelque chose que je pourrai integer a l expo et je m engage a te faire parvenir le resultat.
save the date Private Sale for CraftSpring November 29, 2011
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Help Save the arts
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HELP SAVE THE ARTS! November 22, 2011 Last week, the County Executive released his proposed 2012 budget for Westchester County. He has slated the art for a 50% cut - this makes our advocacy efforts extremely urgent. The cut will affect next year's Basic Program Support grants provided by ArtsWestchester, upon which the Neuberger Museum of Art and many other arts organizations rely. The Board of Legislators can add - and delete - items before they approve the budget. We have a small window of time to convince them to restore funding for the arts, but we need your help. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Legislators need to see that their constituents want them to support the arts. Here's what you can do: 1) Attend public budget hearings and show your support. Your presence matters! Hearings are at 7 pm. November 30: Somers High Sch...
ArtExpo New york Calls For Artists....
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Dear, Artexpo New York announces new dates and location! We have 2 very exciting announcements for Artexpo New York 2012. 1. Artexpo will run March 22-25, 2012 at Pier 92 concurrently with the Architectural Digest Home Design Show. The Architectural Digest Home Design Show, produced by MMPI and co-sponsored by The New York Times, is a four-day event that features hundreds of manufacturers, retailers and designers showcasing products and services for the high-end residential design market. The 2011 Show’s attendance and spending patterns defied current trends as more than 40,000 designers, architects, retail stores, set decorators, visual merchandisers, members of the media, celebrities and affluent consumers shopped the 10th-annual event. 2. Artexpo will return to a 4 day event with Trade days scheduled for Thursday and Friday! This allows more time to spend with the ever important publishers, gallery owners, artists, designers, architects, co...
CLOSING Soon @ Grey Art Gallery
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FLUXUS AND THE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS OF LIFE September 9–December 3, 2011 Fluxus—which began in the 1960s as an international network of artists, composers, and designers―resists categorization as an art movement, collective, or group. It also defies traditional geographical, chronological, and medium-based approaches. Instead, Fluxus participants employ a “do-it-yourself” approach, relating their activities to everyday life and to viewers’ experiences. Offering a fresh assessment of Fluxus, the show and its installation are designed to encourage multiple interpretations, exploring what they can teach us about our own position in the world and the works’ relationships to key themes of human existence. Fluxus and the Essential Questions of Life features over 100 works, including documents, objects, event scores (short scripts outlining actions to be performed), and Fluxkits (collections of scores, games, and ephemera). Curated by Jaquelynn Baas and organized by the Hood Museum of Art at...
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WALK around Williamsburg from Memory... Pierogi 177 North 9 th Street Peach Shop CAUSEY Contemporary 92 WYTHE avenue The Journal 168north 1st Street PARKERS' BOX 193 Grand Street and we've found a great restaurant with Japonese Soups..very close of Parker's box...just in front of another restaurant called Cadaques,..closed for lunch at that time. ...
call for artists...??
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CALL FOR PROJECTS We are looking for projects where collaboration between two people, or more, is essential to set off the experience. We are interested in work that pushes the boundaries of social and/or visual interactivity. If you think you are working on a project that fits this short description, please send us an email with info about your work, include images and/or video documentation if possible, to more info: www.
Not New but worth the visit: % Gagosian Upper East Side
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Sotheby's results..
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Contemporary Art Evening Sale: $315.8 Million New York | 9 November, 2011 Auction Results Historic Contemporary Art Sale Achieves $315.8 Million Watch the evening's highlights, including a remarkable group of Clyfford Still masterpieces that achieved $114M and a rare group of works by Gerhard Richter that doubled pre-sale estimates to sell for $74M. Visit to view results from this sale
Book Signature @ Rizzoli Bookstore, NYC
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message from Charlelie We invite you to Rizzoli Bookstore, November 30 - 5:30 - 7:30 PM CharlElie is a multidisciplinary artist, with a studio/gallery on 36th street, Manhattan. His images capture the essence of light. They pulsate with electrifying colors that reproduce the thrusting syncopated rhythm of New York - a city of extremes, open to art and creativity of every kind.
another destination suggestion.....Upper East Side...
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El Museo's Bienal: The (S) Files 2011 begins Tuesday, June 14, 2011 ends Sunday, January 8, 2012 Las Galerias Admission: Fees Vary Send me a reminder Curated by Elvis Fuentes, Rocío Aranda-Alvarado, and Trinidad Fombella, El Museo del Barrio; and guest curator Juanita Bermúdez, Biennial of the Central American Isthmus more infos: