Help Save the arts

November 22, 2011 

Last week, the County Executive released his proposed
 2012 budget for Westchester County.  He has slated
 the art
for a 50% cut - this makes our advocacy efforts extremely

The cut will affect next year's Basic Program Support grants
by ArtsWestchester, upon which the Neuberger Museum of Art and many 

other arts organizations rely.  

The Board of Legislators can add - and delete - items before they approve

 the budget.

We have a small window of time to convince them to restore funding 
for the arts, but we need your help.  

Legislators need to see that their constituents want them to support the arts. 
Here's what you can do:
1)  Attend public budget hearings and show your support. 
Your presence matters!
Hearings are at 7 pm.

November 30: Somers High School, 
120 Primrose Street, Lincolndale

December 6: Legislative Chambers, 
148 Martine Ave, White Plains

2)  Send a message to your legislator automatically simply 
by entering 
your zip code. 

3) Share this message with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, etc. 
Hundreds of emails will make a difference, so please spread the word!


       Purchase College Logo 
                Neuberger Museum of Art   
                735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY 10577

       |  914.251.6100


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