Sotheby's Institute of Art JANUARY 2012 

Old Master Paintings: The Legal Landscape
New York Day Course: Tuesday, January 24


 In recent years countless important Old Master Paintings that were seized during World War II have been restituted to the families that once owned them. This course will focus on the legal landscape and behind-the-scenes stories of some of the treasured paintings which are featured in the upcoming Old Master Paintings auction. Cultural property lawyer and art historian Frank Lord will provide first-hand knowledge of the restitution of some of these important works, with particular attention being paid to paintings from the Jacques Goudstikker Collection. The morning lecture will be followed by a special preview of the sale.

Old Master Paintings: The Legal Landscape 
Date: Tuesday, January 24
Times: 10:00-12:00pm Lecture; 1:00-2:00pm Auction Preview
Location: Sotheby’s Auction House, 1334 York Avenue
Course Fee: $295

Online Registration
Click here to register now and pay online. Payment by credit card only.

Phone/Fax Registration
Click here to download registration form and payment information.

Further Information
For further information or questions about Public Programs, please email Matthew Stewart, Program Assistant, at publicprogramsNY@sothebysinstitute.comTel: +1 212.517.3929


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