viva Midi FESTIVAL @ villa Noailles read more Dimanche 29 juillet 2012 / Villa NOAILLES / French Riviera L’itinéraire de François Marry est de ceux qui (re)donnent la foi. S’il découvre au milieu des années 2000 les joies émancipatrices de l’activisme DIY au sein de la communauté musicale de Bristol (Crescent, Movietone), le jeune homme s’épuise à force de trafiquer avec ferveur mais sans le sou ses comptines lo-fi dans l’ombre d’un micro-label branlant. Il retourne donc se réfugier dans sa région charentaise à la recherche d’un second souffle. Qu’il va trouver. Et qui le porte encore aujourd’hui. Plongé dans l’effervescence d’une scène locale florissante, le musicien y puise l’inspiration ailée et y dégote les acolytes idoines qui vont donner un éclat nouveau aux compositions de Fránçois & The Atlas Mountains. Les deux derniers albums en date du groupe – le recueilli Plaine Inondable (2009) suivi de l’épanoui E Volo Love...
Showing posts from July, 2012
" A Cut Above: 12 Paper Masters"
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I'm leaving for France soon but i would have gone If i would have known,,.. Hina Aoyama, Papillon II, 2012. Courtesy of the artist and Christopher Henry Gallery. Hina Aoyama, Papillon II, 2012. Courtesy of the artist and Christopher Henry Gallery.
thanks Papermag
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Macy's 4th of July Fireworks at Hudson River, 7/4, 9 p.m. For all of us who still get that thrill out of seeing a beautiful display of fireworks -- and don't we all? -- there's still no beating the Macy's 4th of July Fireworks. Folks on rooftops and high-up apartments will want to face the Hudson River and let the beautiful pyrotechnic show take over the sky. Katy Perry and Kenny Chesney will be the night's (human) entertainment. The best part? It's completely and totally free for everyone. [via Macy's ] source
About Annette Messager's exhibit @ MArion Goodman's Gallery NYC
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CHOICE TABLES The Dubai Melting Pot Is in the Kitchen, Too
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Take the time to read it
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read the entire article finishing with: I’ll lie on my deathbed regretting that I didn’t work harder and say everything I had to say, but I think what I’ll really wish is that I could have one more beer with Chris, another long talk with Megan, one last good hard laugh with Boyd. Life is too short to be busy. http://opinionator.blogs. busy-trap/?utm_source= PolicyMic+Newsletter&utm_ campaign=e78e109bdc-New_ Newsletter2_29_2012&utm_ medium=email Illustration by Brecht Vandenbroucke
ABOUT Jean Frances Follett (1917 - 1991)
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Jean Follett was one of the earliest artists to use "junk sculpture" in the fifties. A student of Hans Hofmann, she began to apply paint so thickly that her pictures looked like reliefs. She embedded "found" objects pieces of wood, metal, string, and heavier objects into black-and-white reliefs. With these she created surrealistic figure fetishes and machine-people such as "Lady With the Open-Door Stomach" (1956), and "Many Headed Creature" (1958). She was closely associated with Richard Stankiewicz......... Born: Saint Paul (Ramsey county, Minnesota, United States) took part in Hans Hofmann and his students: MoMA exhibition 1963-1965 source: