ABOUT Jean Frances Follett (1917 - 1991)

Jean Follett was one of the earliest artists to use "junk sculpture" in the fifties. A student of Hans Hofmann, she began to apply paint so thickly that her pictures looked like reliefs. She embedded "found" objects pieces of wood, metal, string, and heavier objects into black-and-white reliefs. With these she created surrealistic figure fetishes and machine-people such as "Lady With the Open-Door Stomach" (1956), and "Many Headed Creature" (1958). She was closely associated with Richard Stankiewicz.........


Born:  Saint Paul (Ramsey county, Minnesota, United States)

took part in Hans Hofmann and his students: MoMA exhibition 1963-1965
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Hofmann


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