On view in NYC ,,,do not miss it before January 18

TO BE A LADY forty-five women in the arts
Sept 19, 2012-Jan 18, 2013
Curated by Jason Andrew
“It is not the intention of this exhibition to be a comprehensive survey of women in the arts, it’s a selection of artists I know, have come to respect and whose aesthetic I admire. These women have problematized and played with gender identifications and characterizations, from lady towoman to other in some form, consciously or unconsciously. But here, specifically, it is the physicality of the art making that I am drawn too. Whether it be Louise Bourgeois’ corporeal sculpture, Lenore Tawney’s transformative weave, Grace Hartigan’s expressive stroke, these ladies exude a tactile process and manipulated rigor which lays the groundwork for those that followed.”
-Jason Andrew, exhibition curator 

Organized by Norte Maar

Sponsored by the ownership at 1285 Avenue of the Americas

Grace Hartigan (1922-2008), "Marilyn," 1962, oil on canvas, 70 x 50 inches, Collection of Hart Perry, New York, Photo: Jason Mandella

Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010), “Life Flower I,” 1960, Bronze, painted white 22 ½ x 34 x 23 inches, Bronze base: 27 ½ x 15 ¼ x 15 ¼ inches, Courtesy Cheim & Read / Photo: Christopher Burke, © Louise Bourgeois Trust

Brooke Moyse (b.1978) “Mount,” 2011, oil on canvas, 72 x 80 inches, Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Jason Mandella



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