Whitney Docent training program OPEN CALL for VOLUNTEERS


The Whitney Museum is now accepting 

applications for a new docent training 
program which will begin in spring 2014. 

Applicants should be articulate, intelligent,

and motivated people who are willing 

to make a long-term commitment 

to the Whitney community 

and share their enthusiasm 

for art in a serious and thoughtful way.

Whitney docents volunteer their time, and come from a range 
of backgrounds. Current docents include recent college graduates, 
working professionals, retirees, artists, collectors, stay-at-home
parents and college professors. You can be a docent even if you
work during the day as training sessions and tours will be planned
both days and evenings. 
People living near the Whitney’s new location in downtown
Manhattan are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • A minimum commitment to the docent program of two years 
  • after training.Fluency in one or more foreign languages is a plus
  • Expertise in museum education and in modern or American art
  •  history is a plus, but not a prerequisite

For further information or to apply,
email DocentProgram@whitney.org.
Application deadline: January 20, 2014


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