
Showing posts from March, 2014

Follow up by Climatology Installation...Seen @ ...Design Days Dubai 2014

Dear Laurence, Many thanks for visiting Climatology Installation during Design Days Dubai 2014.  It was our pleasure to have you to participate at our installation. Hope you have also enjoyed  your experience at our Climatology Dream Garden in the middle of the desert  and enjoy the reflective magic from the Respired Wooden Skin. It was great meeting you and thanks for your great sharing regarding to the New York art scene with me. Please feel free to share my contact with your art and design network, it would be great for us to share our responsive design with a wider audience.  Just in case you have missed out the videos during the show,  I would like to invite you to watch the following videos which show case how the power of nature - humidity, moisture and change of temperature can create responsive design with our new material range Smart Veneer. The following video record the movement of Climatology installation according to the fl...

Save the date Saturday April 12 2014 "Young Talent Concert Series": Noemi GASPARINI violonist.....

Entraide française : Sur un air de violon Vous pouvez reserver vos places sur le site internet :

save the date Paper Jam 2014 @ the NEUBERGER MUSEUM of ART ...AND Check out the website for the ART AUCTION

2014 marks an auspicious year for the Neuberger Museum of Art of Purchase College, SUNY – it’s our 40th Anniversary! On Saturday, April 5, 2014 we will celebrate with our most unique and popular fundraiser, PAPER JAM 2014. PAPER JAM 2014 will feature live music, cocktails and dinner by the bite, but the main focus of the evening is the live and silent auction of art on paper. For our 40th, we will focus on a select group of 40 works on paper by 40 outstanding artists. Art to be auctioned will be posted on our website beginning March 5. Funds raised from the event support the Neuberger Museum of Art’s 40th Anniversary Season exhibitions and educational programs. Individual tickets are $150 along with ticket packages including the Papyrus level at $6,000, Parchment level at $4,000 and Vellum @ $1,500. These three ticket packages include designated VIP lounge area, the opportunity to host an artist/s in your VIP area, dedicated wait staff & bottle of champagne, as well as recognition...

Trip to Jordan? visit the JORDAN NATIONAL GALLERY of FIne ARTS

Check out their website:  The Permanent Collection The Jordan National Gallery of  Fine Arts is one of the major art museums in the Middle East. Its unique and vast permanent collection of modern art from the Developing World is internationally recognized. From its inception, the Royal Society of Fine arts has pursued the highest professional standards of excellence in acquiring art works and running the gallery. The collection comprises over 2000 works including paintings, prints, sculptures, prints, sculptures, photographs, installations, weavings, and ceramics by more than 800 artists from 59 countries mainly in Asia and Africa. - Countries Represented in the Permanent Collection Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Bahrain, Denmark Egypt, France, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kabardino Balkaria, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine...

Rome2rio ?

Rome2rio, based in Melbourne, Australia, is organising the world's transport information. We offer a multi-modal, door-to-door travel search engine that returns itineraries for air, train, coach, ferry, mass transit and driving options to and from any location I've tried:ères/Barcelona AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! 

Aboout William EGGLESTON

OFFICIAL website but also anthony luke's not-just-another-photoblog Blog “ Eggleston’s  spare and  richly hued  pictures   have  cast a spell  on everyone from  Sofia Coppola , David  Lynch, and Larry  Clark  to Nan  Goldin , Wolfgang  Tillmans , and  Juergen Teller .” William J. Eggleston was born in Memphis, Tennesse, but grew up in the small Mississippi town of Sumner. He became known as "the father of color photography" for his striking photos of people, events and landscapes in the South. read about source:

call for artists posted on Arts westchester WEBSITE /artists opportunities

This one is published on my blog too late to take part in it but is used as an exemple of what you can find on this website,... Artist Submissions: Worlds of Wonder: Hudson Valley Artists 2014 Posted on  March 19, 2014  by  alisonk Hudson Valley Artists 2014 Artist Submissions Due March 24 Monday, March 24, midnight Deadline for artist submissions to  Worlds of Wonder: Hudson Valley Artists 2014 , curated by Ian Berry, Dayton director of The Tang Museum at Skidmore College. For more information, including artist eligibility and submission process, go online to  Hudson Valley Artists 2014 .  or read below.... Worlds of Wonder: Hudson Valley Artists 2014 - Hide Guidelines Ends in 7 hours, 13 minutes The Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art invites artists working in all media to submit proposals...

International Expos? Universal Expos? a bit more of information about it...

BIE ? WHO ARE WE The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) is the intergovernmental organization in charge of overseeing the calendar, the bidding, the selection, and the organisation of World and International Expos. The BIE was created by an international convention signed in Paris, France in 1928, which established the rights and responsibilities of the Expo organizers and participants. The role of the BIE is to supervise and ensure the application of this Convention. As the international governing body of Expos, the BIE provides the regulatory framework for these prestigious global events, in which countries, international organisations, civil society groups, corporations, and citizens participate. The BIE’s mission is to maintain the integrity and quality of Expos so that they may continue to educate the public and promote innovation in the service of human progress. Expos must be able to not only provide a benchmark for the human progress made in a given domain but also...

save the date Art to the Avenue @ GREENWICH CT


2 Message from good in Connecticut...Forget the winter..Let's go out!... March 13 STAMFORD and March 15 NORWALK

Hello everyone, As part of the Alliance Francaise Board, I have put together a great evening at the Avon Theatre, Stamford, Ct. As March is the month of the "francophonie", I have selected a film "TEY" (to-day) happening in senegal. This film has obtained a lot of awards. 2 Actors how live in Harlem,NYC will be present . Saul Williams and Anisia Uzeyman. Saul is very know and is giving a concert this wednesday February 26 at the Merkin Concert Hall (see attached info.) We will have a small reception before and a Q.&A. after moderated by Ronnie Scharfman. I hope you will be able to attend. As you read the program, you will see that Robert Henrey will be giving a lecture on  March 18  at 1;30 pm. Best Lucie Chabrol Board Alliance Francaise Greenwich, Ct. Relation francophone Subject: Le Roi David: Honegger,  March 15 2014  (Saturday) Subject: Le Roi David: Honegger,  March 15 2014  (Saturday) ...

Forrest BESS Seeing Things Invisible on view @ the Neuberger February 16 - May 18, 2014

Bess, "Before Man," 1952–53, Oil on canvas, 8-3/4 x 22-3/4 inches, Collection Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, State University of New York, Gift of Roy R. Neuberger, 1986.10.08, Photo: Jim Frank Forrest Bess: Seeing Things Invisible Self-described “visionary” artist Forrest Bess (1911–1977) is a unique figure in the history of American art. He eked a meager living fishing and selling bait by day in Bay City Texas, while, in his free time, he read, wrote, and painted prolifically. He created an extraordinary body of mostly small-scale canvases rich with enigmatic symbolism based on symbols he saw in his dreams. Bess drew meaning for these symbols from various disciplines such as medicine, psychology, anthropology, and philosophy, eventually formulating a theory, which he referred to as his “thesis,” that the unification of male and female within one’s body could produce immortality. Despite his remote location, Bess gained reco...

REMEMBER ? Les Shadoks

THURSDAY MARCH 6 Rest In Peace  for Rene Borg.. RENE BORG ?  WHO?? Les Shadoks  (SĂ©rie 1 / Episodes 1 et 2) Uploaded on  Sep 28, 2010 1ère diffusion le 29/04/1968, une sĂ©rie de Jacques Rouxel, rĂ©alisation RenĂ© Borg, commentaire dit par Claude PiĂ©plu, musique Robert Cohen Solal, voix des Shadoks Jean Cohen Solal. Retrouvez l'intĂ©grale de la sĂ©rie en DVD, renseignements et commande:  ou sur (c) aaaproduction

seen in the BVI Britisch Virgin Island and also in Germany...thanks to Internet..

Picture of an art of work seen at the Independent Art Fairs happening this week end in New York....and then working my way on internet ... because I thought the name of the artist was Kaufman repertoire,....  I end up  with an artist living in Germany... very similar to the work of art we've bought on Jost van Dyke Island BVI ...made of crushed cans by a women called joanne Court SMALL WORLD

Speciales Infos pour les membres de Accueil New York....Photographes...and amateurs de livres

 paru dans la newsletter de l accueil New York Nous vous invitons Ă  nous envoyer vos clichĂ©s les plus originaux et les plus insolites de New York sous la neige. Un jury sĂ©lectionnera un laurĂ©at dans chacune des catĂ©gories suivantes : • Humour • Insolite • CrĂ©ativitĂ© • Pour participer, envoyez nous votre clichĂ© jusqu’au 15 mars Ă  l’adresse suivante : Nous attendons vos images ! La remise des prix se fera Ă  l’occasion d’une soirĂ©e festive dont nous vous communiquerons la date et le lieu prochainement. Conditions de participation : ĂŠtre membre de l’ANY et ne pas ĂŞtre photographe professionnel. check out and ALSO PAGE DE FRANCE LIBRAIRIE FRANCAISE AUX ETATS UNIS Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement du nouveau site ce mois-ci. Ce site vous propose 80 000 titres en français, Jeunesse, BD, LittĂ©rature, Pratique, Parascolaire Ă  pet...

MEANWHILE...What's going on in BARCELONA?

AT THE PICASSO MUSEUM, BARCELONA Curated by Michael FitzGerald Museu Picasso, Barcelona, Spain 5 March - 29 June 2014 This is the first exhibition dedicated to tracing the impact of Picasso on international contemporary art. Curated by the expert Michael FitzGerald, the show will explore the dialogue inspired by the work of Picasso in today's artists. Dr. FitzGerald, Professor of Fine Arts, Trinity College (USA), has developed Post-Picasso during the years since he curated Picasso and American Art for the Whitney Museum of American Art (2006-07).Post-Picasso will build on the substantial research of that exhibition to treat the chronological period from the decade before Picasso’s death in 1973 to the present. One of the most surprising upshots of the exhibition will be the evidence of Picasso's importance for the art of the twenty-first century. The show will reveal how Picasso's art and reputation continue to generate a fruitful dialogue with contemporary artists arou...


XU ZHEN ARTIST COMMISSION: XU ZHEN (MADEIN) Xu Zhen  (b. 1977, Shanghai) has been chosen as the  commissioned artist for The Armory Show 2014 . A “chameleon of concept," he has built an extensive body of work that includes video, installation, performance, and photography. From theatrical merry pranks to quieter works playing on human sensitivity, Xu Zhen has developed a repertoire confronting social-political taboos within the context of contemporary China and beyond. For this edition of The Armory Show, Xu Zhen has put his mark on key aspects of the fair’s look and feel. Paintings from his  Under Heaven  series, in which a pastry chef’s icing applicator is used to apply pigment to support in temptingly delicious impasto, has graced Armory Show collateral in the months leading up to the fair and on-site. These paintings, their title both a literal translation of a Chinese word meaning “the whole world" and a joking reference to Jeff K...