2 Message from good friends..living in Connecticut...Forget the winter..Let's go out!... March 13 STAMFORD and March 15 NORWALK

Hello everyone,

As part of the Alliance Francaise Board, I have put together a great evening

at the Avon Theatre, Stamford, Ct.
As March is the month of the "francophonie", I have selected a film "TEY" (to-day) happening in senegal.
This film has obtained a lot of awards.
2 Actors how live in Harlem,NYC will be present.
Saul Williams and Anisia Uzeyman.
Saul is very know and is giving a concert this wednesday February 26 at the Merkin Concert Hall (see attached info.)
We will have a small reception before and a Q.&A. after moderated by Ronnie Scharfman.
I hope you will be able to attend.
As you read the program, you will see that Robert Henrey will be giving a lecture on March 18 at 1;30 pm.

Lucie Chabrol
Board Alliance Francaise Greenwich, Ct.
Relation francophone

Subject: Le Roi David: Honegger, March 15 2014 (Saturday)

Subject: Le Roi David: Honegger, March 15 2014 (Saturday)

Thank you for offering to circulate the attached flyer announcing the Fairfield County Chorale performance of Honegger's choral work: Le Roi David. In this work, the composer explores war and peace, sin and forgiveness  through the life of the biblical hero, King David. The work will be sung in French with narration by James Naughton in English.
The performance is on Saturday March 15 at the Norwalk Concert Hall.
Tickets may be purchased on line as indicated on the poster or people can contact me (Lisette Henrey: lisetteh@juno.com or 203-661-8378) and I will reserve tickets for them at the reduced price ($30) which they can pick up on the day of the concert.
I should mention that I will be singing in this concert and would love to have people come and enjoy the music!


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