MAPSpace is excited to launch its fifth residency.....

MAPSpace Residency
The residency application process for the upcoming residency is now open!
Deadline June 30, 2014
Notification July 15, 2014
Residency dates: August 16- September 13, 2014
(Dates may vary slightly if necessary)

Residency is free. No application or fees of any kind. 

This is a studio/workspace residency for collaborative artist teams (2+) lasting 3-4 weeks. Residency culminates in an exhibition, performance or event in same space. Artist teams take over the gallery space as a studio work space to create a unique work(s). 
The space may be open to the public at agreed to times during the residency at the discretion of the artists and the gallery. 

Work should be collaborative and created in the time and space of the residency. It can be traditional, conceptual. site-specific, community-based, interactive, performative, interdisciplinary, object-based or a combination- all forms will be considered. Quality of project is the primary criteria. Consideration of the surrounding community is given extra consideration. This is not a community project- residents do not have to directly engage the public unless this is a natural part of their project.

This is a NO LIVING- workspace only- residency. Artists are responsible for room and board, so artists from the local area are given extra consideration. Artists are expected to be present and working in the space 15-20 hours (flex & approx) per week during the residency.

Gallery supplies 24/7 access space; free wifi; access to some basic tools if arranged; basic support from staff; publicity; cards etc for the residency and event; and all party planning and refreshment–only. All materials, supplies, technology including computers, food etc used by artists is the responsibility of the artists with exceptions considered during the residency.

Artists supply all  travel costs and materials, including art supplies, computer, projector or monitor needs for exhibition if necessary. The budget is just a basic guide to show readiness and ability to execute project fully, and will not be considered set in stone. The gallery will offer as much support as we can, but does not supply any cash funds for materials of any kind.
Miranda Arts Project Space is a loft in a 100 yr. old factory building with wood floors, 12-14 ft ceiling with some piping above. 16' wide by 40' long with a walled–off office within the back of this space. Download floor plan by clicking on pdf symbol at top right of page.

The Gallery is one block from the metro-north train station, Port Chester stop on the Stamford local train. See info page for more about Port Chester. 

Application accepted until June 30.
Artists will be notified by July 15.
Send the following information in exactly the format stated below.
Previously awarded artists are not eligible at this time. Previous applicants are encouraged to submit again each cycle. We keep work on file and may review prior applications. 

Submissions must be emailed to ONLY. 
Submissions emailed to other addresses will not be considered. 

Files should be zipped and emailed directly, or through free service like if files are large.
Send all documents in one file as zipped attachment. Please do not send multiple emails- all info should be sent in one package.

From the team:
1. Proposal: 1 page max describing intended project, including conceptual idea, material processes and fabrication plans. Only fully explored ideas will be considered, however it is understood that project may evolve and change over the course of the residency. One proposal per group.

2. (optional) Projected fabrication plans and/or provisional budget if needed. 

From each artist in team:
1. 10 images of recent work (last 2 years) from each artists and/or proposed work. JPGs no larger than 1 MG each.
2. cv from each artist
3. Artist statement from each artist
4. Image list with title, year, medium, size
5. link to website if applicable

Make sure all files are labeled as stated below. Include name and email within body of each page of each document. Files or docs with no name or incorrect info will be discarded.

lastname_firstname_01, 02, 03 etc.

Email Submissions to ONLY. Submissions emailed to other addresses will not be considered. Digital submissions only.


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