new bilingual statement pour ma brochure,..LMCOLLAGE

Laurence Neron-Bancel is interested in how memory works as a (re)constructive process that reproduces, filters, changes, and interprets the past and the present. As such, her collages are built through a process of exploring the notions of collection, recollection, juxtaposition and adaptation.She derives her inspiration from a deep desire to retain a sense of fantasy, youth and freedom within her life. She also loves to use materials which might otherwise easily be ignored or discarded.
Born in France, Laurence has lived in the New York Area since 1996.Voluntary work as a docent at the Whitney Museum of American Art since 2008,  as well as at the Neuberger Museum of Art since 1999 has given her an extensive knowledge of art history that reinforces her own artistic choices.
In addition to this academic training, Laurence’s professional experience organizing trips to museums, galleries, international art fairs and artists’ studios, keeps her in tune with the latest trends in New York’s vibrant art scene.

Laurence Neron-Bancel a trouvé sa voie en recyclant les nombreux journaux, magazines et toutes sortes d’objets que tout autre jetterait mais qui finissent par trouver leur place dans ses collages.. En les juxtaposant et en jouant sur la nouvelle signification que désormais ces images ou mots acquièrent, l artiste livre un commentaire sur la société, notre manière de vivre dans un monde contemporain de plus en plus global et le rôle de la mémoire.
Née et éduquée en France et vivant aux Usa depuis 1996, Laurence Neron-Bancel n’est plus vraiment typiquement française mais pas pour autant  vraiment américaine. Son travail de guide  au Whitney Museum of American Art et dans les foires internationales d art contemporain, sert de toile de fond lui permettant d’exprimer sa vision avec originalité et humour.


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