if you live in Westchester or close from Katonah,...

source https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6852251752637587456/ This week ARRIVALS, an exhibition curated by Heather Ewing , opened at the #KatonahMuseumofArt. It's on view through January 23, 2022. Come visit! The show is organized around a series of "arrival moments" -- Columbus, the Middle Passage, the Mayflower, Ellis Island / Angel Island, WW2, 1965, and Today -- in order to explore some of the myths and origin stories that have shaped American identity. ARRIVALS asks how artists over several centuries have helped to construct these stories, disrupt or challenge them, how they have navigated their own arrival stories, and how they are imagining new kinds of stories to tell in future. Some of the 50+ artists represented include Hannelore Baron, Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, Enrique Chagoya, Willie Cole, vanessa german, Mohamad Hafez, Dorothea Lange, Titus Kaphar, Cannupa Hanska Luger, Faith Ringgold, Ben Shahn, Roger Shimomura, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Saul Steinberg, Stephanie Syjuco, Hank Willis Thomas, Kara Walker, and N.C. Wyeth. Book your visit at katonahmuseum.org.


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