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Pig idioms

Ranked #484 in Culture & Society, #12,979 overall

What is an idiom?

"Buy a pig in a poke."
Welcome to my lense on Pig Idioms

An idiom is a natural way or manner of speaking to someone who is a native speaker of the language.

There are a number of idioms that are related to pigs.

Some are negative and derogatory, but some can be positive and complimentary.

An idiom is a phrase or an expression that cannot be taken literally.

When you use an idiom in everyday language, then it has a different meaning than the basic meaning or definition of the words as found in a dictionary. An example of this might be "break a leg." If taken literally, then you are being told to break your leg. However, this phrase, or idiom is often used by actors to say "Do well" before they go out on stage.

Presented by Bejeezers
Updated 30th June 2014 p.m

To buy something without checking it out first. You have bought something that is not what it was meant to be.

Buy a Pig in a Poke

Did you know that this particular idiom is believed to have its origins back in the Middle Ages. It is thought by some that it refers to a time when meat was hard to come by, but when rats and cats were not. It doesn’t take much imagination to see what may have happened.

Sweating Pig“Sweat Like a Pig.”

To sweat (perspire) a lot.

The origin of this idiom are a little difficult to track down and it is strange to refer to a pig as sweating as pigs don’t actually have any sweat glands and therefore cannot perspire in this way. It is thought by some that this idiom stems from the smelter of pig iron, which at a critical stage of it’s manufacture where it is cool enough to transport, “sweats”. Other thoughts on this are that the phrase should be taken more literally, pigs don’t sweat – and therefore someone who is referred to in such a way, is actually being lazy.
Amazing Pig“If that don’t beat a Pig a-pecking.”

A way of saying that something is amazing.


Big Pig“Squeal like a stuck pig

A way of saying that someone made a fuss, usually over nothing. For example, someone suffered only slightly, but made a huge fuss over it.

"In a pigs eye!"

A way of saying that something has no chance of happening.
The origins of the idiom “in a pigs eye” are a little vague. It is believed that there is some reference to the fact that pigs have small eyes. Although quite where the connection with the idioms meaning of something being highly unlikely stems from remains a subject of debate.
“You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.”

A way of saying that you can dress up a situation or issue, but without changing it any way.

"It ain't Fitting to Roll With a Pig."

A way of saying that a person in uncouth.
“Go Hog Wild

A way of saying that someone is behaving wildly.

Wild Hog, Sus Scrofa, Southern USA
Wild Hog, Sus Scrofa, Southern USA
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"Pig it"

A way of saying that someone is living in a messy way. To live like a pig.
“When Pigs Fly”

A way of saying that something is very unlikely to happen

Adorable Pigs

Two Domestic Piglets, Mixed-Breed

"Everything but the squeal."

A way of saying that everything from the pig is used. Usually used by butchers, sausage makers to describe that everything from the animal was used.
“To go the whole hog”

To be extravagent, to leave nothing out.
Herd of Wild Boar Wander Through the Woods

"Like Pigs to the Slaughter."

A way of saying that something is being done obediently and in large numbers.

"Piggy in the middle"
Someone who is caught in the middle of an argument between two people or groups.

Pig Idioms - a lesson from BBC Learning English - youtube

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"If That Don't Beat a Pig-a-Pecking."

A way of saying that something is amazing.
“Like Stealing Acorns From a Blind Pig.”

A way of saying that something is very easy.Domestic Pig Looking out of Stable, Europe

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"Pigs ear."

A way of saying that something or an object is useless.

“As happy as a pig in mud.”

A way of saying that someone is very happy.
Happy Pig Wallowing in Mud in Devon, England, United Kingdom, Europe

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"Casting Pearls Before Swines.."

A way of saying that something you are offering something of value to a person or persons who either cannot, or does not appreciate it.
November: Feeding Acorns to the Pigs by Jean Colombe

Percy Pig



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