Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts Studio Center

Thursday, October 18, 2007 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday, October 20, 2007 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sunday, October 21, 2007 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

EFA Studio Center
323 West 39th Street, NYC 10018
between 8th and 9th Avenues

Save the dates!

ELIZABETH FOUNDATION FOR THE ARTS STUDIO CENTER is pleased to announce OPEN STUDIOS 2007. On October 18, 20 & 21, 2007 over 80 artist-members in the EFA STUDIO CENTER will open their workspaces to the public. Come see exciting and diverse work including painting, sculpture, printmaking, works on paper, photography, installation, video and new media. The EFA Studio Center is located in midtown Manhattan in New York City's historic garment district. Open Studios 2007 will mark the EFA Studio Center's ninth annual open studios event. EFA Studio Center continues its collaboration with the Fashion Center BID to organize the annual Fashion District Arts Festival. The festival will feature Off-Broadway theaters in the Fashion District and culminate in a neighborhood-wide open studios weekend. Last year, over 3500 members of the public visited EFA Studio Center during Open Studios 2006.

Participants in the EFA Studio Center Open Studios include:

Samira Abbassy, Clytie Alexander, David Ambrose, Chris Anderson, Paolo Arao, Augusto Arbizo, Jeff Bechtel, Sarah Beddington, Nicole Been, Jaq Belcher, Ragna Berlin, Jimbo Blachly, Tom Bogaert, Patty Cateura, Sang ah Choi, Theresa Chong, David Collins, Vicky Colombet, Judith Croce, Cui Fei, caraballo-farman, Annabel Daou, Lisa Corinne Davis, Jane Dickson, Madeline Djerejian, Megan Dyer, Michael Eade, Sally Egbert, Cara Enteles, Suzan Frecon , Beth Ganz, Del Geist, Lauren Gohara, Ana Golici, Nicolae Golici, Mahmoud Hamadani, Pablo Helguera, Arturo Herrera, Marietta Hoferer, Jeff Hoppa, Catherine Howe, Eunjung Hwang, Valerie Jaudon, Kate Javens, Susan Jennings, Richard Kalina, Airan Kang, Tamiko Kawata, Jane Kent, Jung Hyang Kim, Noah Klersfeld, Greg Kwiatek, Sarah Leahy, Joyce Lee, Patricia Leighton, Reiner Leist, Dan Levenson, Holly Lynton, Paul Moran, Sarah Oppenheimer, Gary Petersen, Thomas Pihl, Tomas Ramberg, Evan Read, Louis Renzoni, Dorothy Robinson, Rafael Saldarriaga, Jonathan Santlofer, Hilda Shen, Karina Skvirsky, Howard Smith, Andrew Spence, Devorah Sperber , David Storey, Taro Suzuki, Sali Taylor, Dannielle Tegeder, Scott Teplin, Mark Tribe, Carlos Vega, Tom Warren, Marjorie Welish, Bryan Whitney, and others.

The EFA Studio Center is a pioneering visual arts program founded in 1998. The Center provides artists the rare opportunity to work within a professional arts community in Manhattan and in close proximity to the city's primary gallery districts. Members of the studio program include emerging, mid-career and established professionals who have exhibited widely in New York, the United States and abroad.

EFA Studio Center is a program of The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts. EFASC is supported in part with public funds from the New York Department of Cultural Affairs and the New York State Council on the Arts, The Carnegie Corporation Inc., Materials for the Arts, and many generous individuals. Refreshments provided by Starbucks and Izze Soda.

For further information: Randal Lynch, Program Officer T. 212-563-5855 x119, F. 212-563-1875
Don't Forget No Wave Film Night this Wednesday October 17th at 7pm, part of "The Price of Nothing" currently showing at the EFA Gallery.

To reserve a space email Randal Lynch at • The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts


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