Promenade des Artistes

You think you might know someone until you discover another "facette", or "cordes a son arc".
This is one of the reason among many for which "La Promenade des Artistes" was initially organized.
First brain storming around a kitchen table (no kidding!). With Nadine Jalem and Marie Wyatt, we agreed that many talented (mainly) women ought to be encouraged to show what sometimes they discovered they were able to produce , being forced to quit their job as they followed or accompanied their husband and children.
Marie Wyatt didn't stop after this discussion and she put all her energy (a lot) to realize it.
When was it??? 2001 was the first event and of course Marie had her house on the tour and it was in......RYE ..far far away... Far from the other houses , absolutly not walking distances......
And for the last 2 editions, Accueil New York added another dimension to the event.
Check the website by clicking on the title.