Just opened at MOMA

Tim Burton. Untitled (The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories). 1982–84. Pen and ink, marker, and colored pencil on paper, 10 x 9" (25.4 x 22.9 cm). Private collection. © 2009 Tim Burton

Tim Burton
November 22, 2009-April 26, 2010

"One of the great creative geniuses of the big screen gets his due"
—Time Out New York
MoMA explores the extraordinarily inventive world of Tim Burton with an exhibition of some 700 works—from drawings, paintings, and photographs to costumes, puppets, and cinematic ephemera—that reveal his talent as an artist, illustrator, and writer working in the spirit of Pop Surrealism. In the theaters, a complete film retrospective presents classics, cult favorites, and recent blockbuster hits, including Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Sweeney Todd.

Pour lire en francais a propos de cette expo: check French Morning News ::::


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