Sotheby’s November Latin American Art

Latin American ArtSale N08595
18 & 19 Nov 09, New York

Exhibition: VIEWING
New YorkSat, 14 Nov 09, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PMSun, 15 Nov 09, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PMMon, 16 Nov 09, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PMTue, 17 Nov 09, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PMWed, 18 Nov 09, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

AuctionLocation: New YorkSession 1: Wed, 18 Nov 09, 7:00 PMSession 2: Thu, 19 Nov 09, 10:00 AM

Sotheby’s November Latin American Art sale celebrates the 30th anniversary of auctions in this field. The first Latin American Art Sale was pioneered by Sotheby’s in 1979 in conjunction with the Center for Inter-American Relations (now the Americas Society). Sotheby’s is proud to continue this innovative tradition with a sale that highlights one of the most lyrical surrealist paintings by Roberto Matta – Endless Nudes, accompanied by other great surrealist works by Leonora Carrington and Rufino Tamayo. The pioneering non-figurative tradition in Latin American Art is epitomized by Diego Rivera’s stunning cubist Naturaleza Muerta en Óvalo and Joaquín Torres- Garcia’s Construcción Infinita. Art from Brazil is another highlight, with works by Camargo, Varejão, Meireles and Krajcberg.


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