
Showing posts from March, 2012

Additionnal sculpture @ Pepsico ?

Great time to visit    "The  Donald M. Kendall Sculpture Gardens" infos: Merci Wikipedia....

for a change...


Asia Week in New York...and in Hong Kong...Sotheby’s Hong Kong Spring Sales

Hong Kong.- Sotheby’s Hong Kong Spring Sales will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from March 31st through April 4th. The sale series will include Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Fine Chinese Paintings, Contemporary Asian Art, 20th Century Chinese Art, Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian Paintings, Jewellery, Watches and Wines. A total of over 2,900 lots on offer are expected to fetch in excess of HK$1.8 billion / US$233 million.We are also very privileged to offer the third instalment of the Meiyintang Collection of Imperial Chinese Porcelains, the grandest collection of its kind in Europe. Among the exceptional paintings that we have collected, there is an abstract work by Zao Wou-Ki entitled "25.06.86" as well as an early "Bloodline — Big Family: Family No.2" by contemporary artist Zhang Xiaogang.  Selected highlights will be showcased in travelling exhibitions in Jakarta (2 - 3 March), Shanghai (7 - 8 March), Beijing (10 - ...

a few day left to admire Sarah Sze's works @ Asia Society

Visitor information Sarah Sze: Infinite Line Dates:  December 13, 2011-March 25, 2012 Hours:  Tuesday–Sunday, 11:00 am–6:00 pm, with extended evening hours Fridays until 9:00 pm (except July 4 through Labor Day). Closed on Mondays and major holidays. Location:  Asia Society Museum, 725 Park Avenue (at 70th Street), New York, NY Cost:  $10; $7 for seniors and $5 for students with ID; free for members and persons under 16. Admission is free to all Friday 6:00 pm–9:00 pm (free Fridays suspended July 4 through Labor Day).

American Sale % Sotheby's

American Art New York | 17 May, 2012 Sale Announcement Sale Announcement We are delighted to announce that the American Art sale will occur on 17 May in New York. We look forward to welcoming you to our exhibition opening on 12 May. > view more


This new Ed Kienholz overview casts the Los Angeles assemblage pioneer as a powerful moral force in postwar art. Kienholz (1927–1994) was a polarizing presence in American art from the start of his career, when his first large-scale installation  Roxy’s --a recreation of a brothel--was shown at the Ferus gallery in 1962 (it later caused a huge stir at Documenta 4 in 1968). War, racism, sexism and media exploitation were among his recurrent themes, and he tackled them with an ethical clarity that, at the time, was frequently mistaken for shock tactics. This substantial monograph--the first since his major touring retrospective of 1996--includes more than 200 color plates of Kienholz’s assemblages, reasserting his art as a morally driven enterprise, and pointing towards his ongoing influence among contemporary artists such as Jonathan Meese, Thomas Hirschhorn and John Bock. Edward Kienholz  (1927–1994) was born in Fairfield, Washington, and grew up on a farm, where he acquire...

another Book...Meet the Artist Elisa Pellacani in ITALIA

Il prossimo martedì - 20 marzo, ore 17,30 - Elisa Pellacani presenterà alla Libreria All'Arco di Reggio Emilia (Via Emilia Santo Stefano, 5/d) il suo volume "Use a book. Il libro, utilità del fare artistico" che sta riscuotendo ampi consensi a livello internazionale. Interverrà il prof. Massimo Mussini dell'Università di Parma e verranno esposti prototipi di libri d'artista provenienti dal Festival di Barcellona e realizzati da autori americani, spagnoli, tedeschi e italiani. Il volume (pp. 432, illustrato a colori, 30.00 euro, edizioni Consulta) é in distribuzione nelle principali librerie. La partecipazione é libera. El martes 20 de marzo a las 17,30 horas Elisa Pellacani presenta el libro "Use a book: el libro en la producciòn artìstica" en la librerìa All'Arco de Reggio Emilia (via Emilia Santo Stefano, 5/d). Con la partecipaciòn del profesor Massimo Mussini de la Universidad de Parma y la exposiciòn de originales desde el Festival del Libro de...

TONIGHT about "The Impostor: BHL in Wonderland"

March 19, 2012 CUNY Lehman, Room B75 Jade Lindgaard on the Curious Case of Bernard-Henri Lévy The co-author of  The Impostor: BHL in Wonderland compares the French “thinker's” words with his deeds How do we explain what Perry Anderson calls “the bizarre prominence of Bernard-Henri Lévy,” easily the best-known “thinker” under sixty in France? “It would,” he continues, “be difficult to imagine a more extraordinary reversal of national standards of taste and intelligence than the attention accorded this crass booby in France’s public sphere, despite innumerable demonstrations of his inability to get a fact or an idea straight. Could such a grotesque flourish in any other major Western culture today?” On March 19, MediaPart journalist Jade Lindgaard, co-author of  The Impostor: BHL in Wonderland , will speak about the curious ascent of BHL. In a thorough investigation that  Telerama  calls “cruel enough to be funny; serious enough to be credible,” Lindgaard and Xavier d...

l'art au fil des sommets Durant toute la saison d’hiver 2011 – 2012 (du 3 décembre 2011 au 27 avril 2012), Courchevel a le plaisir d’accueillir une exposition en mouvement, suspendue entre ciel et neige ! Une vingtaine d’artistes parmi les plus représentatifs des courants de l’art contemporain, dont Roméo Britto, Mel Ramos, Robert Mars ou Luciano Di Concetto, habille les « œufs » de la télécabine des Verdons (qui part du centre de Courchevel 1850). 20 œuvres originales créées par les artistes contemporains Bruno Catalano, Etienne, Julien Marinetti, Richard Orlinski, Mauro Perruchetti et David Trives seront, quand à elles, exposées dans la station et sur le domaine skiable, pour le plus grand plaisir des vacanciers.


Why Bilinguals Are Smarter by Yudhijit Bhattacharjee for the NY Times Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter. It can have a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even shielding against dementia in old age. This view of bilingualism is remarkably different from the understanding of bilingualism through much of the 20th century. Researchers, educators and policy makers long considered a second language to be an interference, cognitively speaking, that hindered a child’s academic and intellectual development. They were not wrong about the interference: there is ample evidence that in a bilingual’s brain both language systems are active even when he is using only one language, thus creating situations in which one system obstructs the other. But this interference, researchers are finding out, isn’t so much a handicap as a blessing in disguise. It forces the brain to resolve internal conflict, giving the mind a workout that strengt...

After the Armory week end..let's go to LEFT FORUM

Written by Pace student Helen Arase The Left Forum –one of the largest gatherings of progressive intellectuals, activists, academicians, and organizations from around the world–arrives on Pace’s NYC Campus on March 16–March 18 for the fourth year in a row. The Forum highlights and encourages pushing forward progressive agendas for social change and includes panels of all kinds to discuss variances, commonalities, and alternatives to current difficulties in the world, and to share ideas for understanding and transforming it. “We’re very pleased that the Left Forum has been a constant at Pace because it draws a diverse and substantial audience—from academics and activists worldwide, to students and faculty from the area,” says Associate Director for The Center for Community Action and Research and Adjunct Professor Sangeeta Rao. Why does this matter to you? There will be awesome speakers like filmmaker Michael Moore, journalist Chris Hedges, and sociologist John Holloway to stimulate co...

And if I was in France this Thursday March 15, ..I would go to....

La troisième Nocturne organisée par Art Miromesnil aura lieu le jeudi 15 mars 2012. Les galeries et antiquaires accueilleront les amateurs et collectionneurs de 18h à 22h, au fil des rues de Miromesnil, Penthièvre et de l’avenue de Messine. Les expositions reflèteront la pluralité et le dynamisme du quartier Miromesnil : Primitifs modernes, Art contemporain du Nigeria, Proche - artistes du Moyen Orient, Pop Art et Street Art... Bernard Buffet, André Bauchant, Camille Bombois, René Rimbert, Louis Vivin, Peter Klasen, Gérard Schlosser, Robert Combas, Kaloon Chour, Jakè, Jérôme Mesnager et Miss.Tic feront partie des artistes présentés lors de cette Nocturne. Art Miromesnil se réjouit de vous proposer ce parcours, vous invitant à la découverte, à la curiosité et au développement de la sensibilité de chacun.

Frieze New York takes place ......

Frieze New York takes place  4–7 May 2012 on Randall's Island, Manhattan check out


in Celebration of Women’s history MonthGail Levin: Lee Krasner and Women Artists and Biography Author discussion and book signing levin will conduct an open dialog about her new biography of lee Krasner and the issues relating to the documentation of women artists in history. Gail levin is a noted author and Distinguished Professor of Art History, American Studies, and Women’s Studies at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of CUNY.Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 6:30pmFree but reservations required as seating is limited. Thursday, March 22, 6:30-8:00pm Please call Ceres 212-947-6100 to register more

art Openig in WESTCHESTER..@ ZITOUNE this coming wednesday


Art FAIR week end When you go to SCOPE do not miss:

SCOPE:   Muriel Guepin Gallery Muriel Guepin Gallery Brooklyn 47 Bergen Street Tel 1.718.858.4535 Tel 1.347.244.1052 Fax 1.718.858.4535 POWERED BY

read in NYTIMES about "Next Stop, Bushwick "

save the date Promenade es Artsites is scheduled for..MAY 4-5


Artlog Press Review on Salon Zurcher Salon Zürcher March 5 – 12 Zürcher Studio, New York In it second year,  Salon Zürcher  takes the booths of an art fair to the intimate setting of art gallery Zürcher Studio. This year, Salon Zürcher will be the only Armory Week fair devoted exclusively to women artists, with seven women and seven galleries from Amsterdam, Paris, and NYC. Watch  our interview  with Salon Zürcher founder Gwénolée Zürcher

Press Review about Armory Show 2012

Taking inspiration from the solo booths at sister fair Volta NY, the   Armory Show   has added a Solo Projects section dedicated to single-artist presentations. The geographically-specific Armory Focus section, curated by Malmö Konsthall director Jacob Fabricius, is devoted to galleries from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. The Nordic theme continues at the Open Forum series of talks and panels with a conversation between Icelandic musician Bjork and artist Ragnar Kjartansson, who represented Iceland in the 53rd Venice Biennale in 2009. At David Zwirner, look for Michael Riedel’s site-specific installation made especially for the Armory Show. read more:

this week in New York Artfairs everywhere Spring Break Art Show SPRING/BREAK Art Show  New York City's first curator-driven art fair. Press Preview Tuesday, March 6, 2012 | 5pm  RSVP essential | Preview Tuesday, March 6, 2012 | 6pm - 9pm RSVP essential | Daily Hours March 8 - 10, 2012 | Noon - 9pm Sunday, March 11 | Noon -6pm $5 at door or Suggested Donation with VIP Pass. Proceeds go to support future programming at Old School. Old School, 233 Mott Street, NYC       (corner of Prince/Mott Sts

Vernissage @ the Armory Show

THIS wednesday 5-9 PM Let me know if you would like to attend. I have a few free passes I can let you have.

New York agenda Saturday March 10

New York, New York The 2012 Armory Collectors Brunch Saturday, March 10, 2012 10:00 am–1:00 pm FREE Aperture Foundation 547 West 27th Street, 4th Floor New York, New York (212) 505-5555 In honor of the annual Armory Show, Aperture is pleased to present an all-day Armory Brunch. The event will include appearances by Aperture artists, who will be available to sign their books, special offers on Aperture books and limited-editions, and more. Join us to mingle with friends and colleagues in the heart of Chelsea's art district. Don't miss your opportunity to see the current exhibition  Shared Vision: The Sondra Gilman and Celso Gonzalez-Falla Collection of Photography  and meet artists Richard Mosse ,  Brian Ulrich , and  Penelope Umbrico , collector  Bill Hunt , and many more. Refreshments will be served. More details forthcoming. SOURCE :