After the Armory week end..let's go to LEFT FORUM

Written by Pace student Helen Arase
The Left Forum–one of the largest gatherings of progressive intellectuals, activists, academicians, and organizations from around the world–arrives on Pace’s NYC Campus on March 16–March 18 for the fourth year in a row. The Forum highlights and encourages pushing forward progressive agendas for social change and includes panels of all kinds to discuss variances, commonalities, and alternatives to current difficulties in the world, and to share ideas for understanding and transforming it.
“We’re very pleased that the Left Forum has been a constant at Pace because it draws a diverse and substantial audience—from academics and activists worldwide, to students and faculty from the area,” says Associate Director for The Center for Community Action and Research and Adjunct Professor Sangeeta Rao.
Why does this matter to you? There will be awesome speakers like filmmaker Michael Moore, journalist Chris Hedges, and sociologist John Holloway to stimulate conversation about how change can help you, your family, and the world. Plus you can come support fellow Pace students including Victoria Tran-Trinh, Jessica Borona, Nick Zukowski, and Victoria Measles, as they participate in the panels! Some of the Pace panels include Citizenship, Civic Engagement, and Community Action in times of Political Apathy and Political Activism, A Front Row Seat to Occupy Wall Street: Pace University and the OWS Movement, and Thinking Debt Forgiveness. For a full listing of panels featuring Pace students, faculty, and staff, click here.
What can you do to help? You can volunteer to aid in the registration and admission process, directions to panels and exhibits, and guide people through the events. There is also a need for media, video recording and coordinating, as well as closing
operations. Volunteer to get a free 3-day conference pass!
Come break the silence for only $20 for Pace faculty and staff and $15 for students, and get access to a large amount of the brightest progressive minds in the world!


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