TONIGHT about "The Impostor: BHL in Wonderland"

March 19, 2012
CUNY Lehman, Room B75

Jade Lindgaard on the Curious Case of Bernard-Henri Lévy

The co-author of The Impostor: BHL in Wonderlandcompares the French “thinker's” words with his deeds
How do we explain what Perry Anderson calls “the bizarre prominence of Bernard-Henri Lévy,” easily the best-known “thinker” under sixty in France? “It would,” he continues, “be difficult to imagine a more extraordinary reversal of national standards of taste and intelligence than the attention accorded this crass booby in France’s public sphere, despite innumerable demonstrations of his inability to get a fact or an idea straight. Could such a grotesque flourish in any other major Western culture today?”
On March 19, MediaPart journalist Jade Lindgaard, co-author of The Impostor: BHL in Wonderland, will speak about the curious ascent of BHL. In a thorough investigation that Telerama calls “cruel enough to be funny; serious enough to be credible,” Lindgaard and Xavier de la Porte do BHL the honor of taking him at face value: reading his books and interviews, watching his films, and listening to his public talks in order to explore the remarkable persistence of this celebrity pseudo-philosopher.
At CUNY Lehman 
Multimedia Center 
Room B75


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