
Showing posts from October, 2012

on view @ PS1

Now Dig This! Art and Black Los Angeles 1960–1980 On view October 21, 2012—March 11, 2013 Now Dig This! Art and Black Los Angeles 1960–1980  chronicles the vital legacy of the African American arts community in Los Angeles, examining a pioneering group of black artists whose work and connections with other artists of varied ethnic backgrounds helped shape the creative output of Southern California. The exhibition presents approximately 140 works by thirty-two artists active during this historical period, exploring the rising strength of the black community in Los Angeles as well as the increasing political, social, and economic power of African Americans across the nation. Several prominent black artists began their careers in the Los Angeles area, including Melvin Edwards, David Hammons, Maren Hassinger, Senga Nengudi, John Outterbridge, Noah Purifoy, and Betye Saar. Their influence, like that of all of the artists in the exhibition, goes beyond their immediate creative c...

October is the month of...


what is Art Walk New York? AWNY

AWNY is organizing CUSTOMIZED private guided tours in english, french and spanish around Galleries in New York and taking you on Art Trips.

improve your french and learn about French District

Les autres articles Itinéraire d’une journée à 10 dollars dans le Financial District L’Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum, le porte-avions-musée à West Side The Jewish Museum Source: Under Creative Commons License:  Attribution Share Alike

Watch out: upcoming Program @ the Whitney Museum..

Eleanor Antin: Conversations with Stalin Friday, November 2, 2012  6:30 PM Lower Gallery Spanning a variety of mediums including photography, video, film, performance, installation, drawing, and writing, Eleanor Antin’s work has explored entrenched assumptions about gender and power. As one of the first artists to re-introduce autobiography, narrative, and performance back into the art world in the 1960s and ’70s, Antin created an imaginary theater of personae and mythological characters, dramatizing contemporary personal and political narratives through a kind of historical time travel. In this performance, she reads four chapters from her coming-of-age memoir  Conversations with Stalin , a no-holds-barred black comedy of growing up in New York City. This event is the culmination of a four-part series of readings across the city. Free with Museum admission, which is pay-what-you-wish on Fridays, 6–9 pm; no special tickets or reservations are required.

Upper East SIde wild with Halloween NY TIMES A nightmare on Park Avenue At no point is the East Side’s submission to child-centeredness more aggressively in evidence than in the days leading up to Oct. 31; we are now in the era of what one Park Avenue exile calls “a hedge-fund Halloween.” By this she means the relatively new tradition among town-house owners, mostly between Fifth Avenue and Lexington Avenue, to appoint the stoops and facades of their buildings as if someone had asked them to enact a particular 0.01 percent nightmare: “Imagine that you’d failed to acquire some of the most expensive real estate on earth. Pretend you lived in Brooklyn instead, and not in Cobble Hill but in  Dyker Heights , that distant precinct famous for its polyvinyl snowmen and street-clogging paeans to Christmas.” Some people might wonder what extremely wealthy people would do with potential further cuts to the capital ...

CHECK THAT: A Living Room Suspended Over Columbus Circle

CURRENTS | Q&A A Living Room Suspended Over Columbus Circle

Vente aux enchères Jeudi 25 octobre 2012 - Une Collection à la Villa Noailles

Vente aux enchères Jeudi 25 octobre 2012 - Une Collection à la Villa Noailles catalogue complet des œuvres contemporaines architecture, mode, design, photographie — - — -  — - — -  — - — -  — - — - — catalogue complet des pièces art déco, art nouveau, design — - — -  — - — - — - — - — - — - — — - — -  — - — - — - — - — - — - —

Artist we like: Njideka Akunyili seen at the Studio Museum In Harlem

Image Witch Doctor Revisited 2011 Acrylic, charcoal, pastel, colored pencil, collage and xerox transfers on paper 4.25 ft. × 6.3 ft .

Hudson-Inspired Art, Popping Up All Over as published in the NYTIMES

PEEKSKILL, N.Y. Related Times Topics:  Westchester Arts  | Westchester Arts Listings Connect with NYTMetro Follow us on  Twitter and like us on  Facebook for news and conversation. Enlarge This Image Courtesy of Leon Reid IV “Pedestrian Shuffle,” 10-foot-tall metal stick figures by Leon Reid IV. Enlarge This Image Howard Goodman “Swarm,” an installation by Diana Cooper. Enlarge This Image Courtesy of the Daniel Phillips and DODGE Gallery One of three simultaneous projections from “Warehouse Reflections,” by Daniel Phillips. THE space is dark and damp; its unfinished floor rutted. But the far wall of this approximately 6,000-square-foot vacant warehouse is illuminated by three floor-to-ceiling projections — an overgrown cemetery, abandoned architectural ruins and the ever-changing Hudson River — all mirrored in a man-made pool below. This is “Warehouse Reflections,” an installation by  Daniel Phillips...

Chelsea Market as read on French DISTRICT..

Le boyau mercantile et gourmand du quartier de Chelsea On regarde, on compare, on hume les bonnes odeurs, on goûte  et puis on achète… tout cela dans une ambiance vive et fourmillante,  on est bien au Chelsea Market, ce long couloir de 250 mètres installé  dans une ancienne biscuiterie Oreo, et qui abrite de nombreux  petits commerces d’alimentation de très bonne qualité. Que ce soit  pour se nourrir, ou juste pour se faire plaisir, le Chelsea Market est  devenu incontournable en matière de shopping alimentaire  dans le coin de Chelsea. La première bonne nouvelle, c’est que l’on peut  déguster à peu près  tout avant d’acheter au Chelsea Market. Un cookie,  une rasade de lait chocolaté,  une gorgée de soupe de poisson, des mises  en bouches italiennes, une cuillerée de glace… On passe du sucré au salé et du chaud au froid, sans états d’âmes  et avec gourmandise tant l’amb...