Art Auction and Benfit organized by the Muriel Guepin Gallery

"To Be Considered..."  
An Art Auction and Fund Raising Benefit 
October 25-28, 2012 

The Muriel Guépin Gallery and Heights Chateau cordially invite you to participate in 2 great events:

  • Thursday, October 25: VIP Preview and Wine Tasting featuring over 30 wines from around the world with cheese and charcuterie. Fee of $50 per person  
  • Friday, October 26: Silent Art Auction. Free event   

   We have asked over 80 local artists to donate works for our benefit and each piece will be starting at auction as low as a third of the normal retail price. This is a great way of helping out a good cause and collecting art at a great price. Please see the dates and times below for more information. In order to participate in the silent auction, we will be asking participants to register with the gallery to place their bids. Bidding will start at our VIP Preview- Wine Tasting event and will close the next day, Friday October 26 at 9 pm. Artwork with no bids at the auction will be offered for sale during the weekend at 50% of retail value.  

   The benefit will be donating the proceeds to our friends Jaclyn and Jason Brown Talley. A teacher and artist here at the gallery, Jaclyn is helping her husband Jason battle his recent diagnosis of a rare form of leukemia, AML (acute myeloid leukemia). 
Dates and Times of Benefit

Oct. 25th - "VIP Preview" - Wine tasting 6 - 9 pm 

Oct. 26th - Silent Auction 6:30 - 9 pm 

Oct. 27th - Art not sold will be for sale at 50% of retail value 

Oct. 28th - Last day of benefit
For tickets to our "VIP Preview" wine tasting event, please contact Heights Chateau or by calling
(718) 330-0963. Tickets will also be available at the door but space is limited so reserve early.


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