save the date Larchmont THIS Thursday, October 18

L A U R A  M O R I A R T Y 
T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S 
Please Join us Thursday, October 18, 5:30 - 7:30 PM

for a book signing and refreshments
Table of Contents
by Laura Moriarty

Table of Contents
is an archive of Moriarty's recent artwork in the
 fanciful guise of a geology textbook.  
Table of Contents
considers the geologic in myriad ways,
 including philosophically,
 culturally, physically and
The book features essays
 by Dieter Roelstraete,
Kate McCoy,
Jamie Kruse & Elizabeth Ellswort,

will be avaialble, 
as well as a collection
 of small faux-geological wonders
 made by the artist
K E N I S E  B A R N E S  F I N E  A R T 
1955 Palmer Avenue
Larchmont, New York 10538


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