About Barbara Nessim

The Durst Organization and DFN Gallery Recently Presented

Already Made
in the lobby of
733 Third Avenue @ 46th St.
New York
In Already Made, the six works on view are drawn from three distinct bodies of work made in the last decade. Reflecting the unspoken language whispered between lovers, 2003's "Love Letter" series evokes the abstract gestures and glances privately shared in public. "The Model Project," from 2008, investigates style, where every thing old is new again, constantly reinventing what is modern. "Chronicles of Beauty," commissioned in 2010 and installed in the Eventi Hotel, on 6th Avenue at West 30th St., compresses time, questioning the meaning and canon of beauty by looking back 3000 years to Greco-Roman sculpture and layering photographs with modern day elements.
"These works, by celebrated artist Barbara Nessim, exemplify a contemporary approach to image making in the computer age. The digital era has opened the world's visual memory bank to artists everywhere, permitting the creation of complex composite icons of our contemporary world. The technique of collage has acquired new relevance with this technology and allows the use of elements extracted from their original context to become "brushstrokes" in a new and original concept. These pictures have many of the characteristics of cubist art, with fractured jumps in space as photographic non sequiturs abut one another to become another reality... one given cogency by the intent of the artist. Perhaps that is why these images are so captivating and haunting... they make new archetypes for our time by remixing the already recognized ones of the past, much as our brains formulate new ideas using pre-existing language. The future has arrived bringing with it the richness of history."

L.L. Powers, Curator
Source: http://www.dfngallery.com/exhibitions/current_show.htm


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