A Four Person Exhibition
Opening Reception Thursday April 4, 6-8 pm

Untitled, 11x14" (detail), oil/wax on panel
Stefany Benson
Artists are visual philosophers who know that written and spoken language cannot alone fully communicate the totality of human experience. Benson's relationship to the art world evokes ambivalence and conflict within her, yet her paintings are neither a search for explanations nor a release from the anxiety of confusion. Instead, they explore this perplexed state of being. In this way, she gives visual form to an unavoidable component of the human condition - the realization that decisions both introduce and negate options; that every move is, simultaneously, an entrance and an exit; that each day both contributes and subtracts from our total life's experience.
All of Benson's work derives from photographic images of contemporary artists working in their studios. This is her fascination and her idée fixe. In effect, the artist has become her model, as well as the object of her visual scrutiny. She transports them to a barely discernible nether world where they are indistinguishable from one another and amorphous. Their actions seem to be accomplishing nothing. She has placed herself in prolonged contemplation of the art world, a world which rewards the few and ignores the rest.
For more information about Stefany Benson or The Four Seasons Exhibition, Please visit Coohaus or click here. For inquiries